Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Although it may be the last thing you feel like doing when you have a hangover, experts say that light exercise can act as a good hangover remedy. While exercise won’t cure a hangover, they may be able to alleviate some of your worst symptoms. Exercise can also release endorphins, which are the body’s “feel good” chemicals, and can make you feel better after a long night of drinking. Finally, exercise promotes restful sleep, something that is very important when recovering from a hangover.

While exercising, it’s important that you hydrate your body properly. Alcohol can have a dehydrating effect on your body, which means you could suffer from exercise-induced dehydration more quickly than normal. Keep a water bottle nearby and drink at least 7 to 10 oz. of water every 10 to 20 minutes that you exercise. You’ll also want to continue drinking water throughout the day to help reduce your hangover symptoms

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Stretching/Yoga

For some people, the worst part of a hangover are the aching, stiff muscles. There are two main reasons why legs pain after too much of alcohol consumption. One, alcohol intake increases the content of lactic acid in your body. Excessive buildup of lactic acid in your body can lead to cramps or pain in your muscles. Two, alcohol leads to dehydration. Your body ends up falling short on electrolytes, and you tend to experience muscle pain or cramps. Stretching and/or yoga can make you feel better. Experts recommend light yoga poses or stretching. “Hot” yoga can dehydrate your body, making hangover symptoms worse.  The use of props like eye pillows, bolsters and blocks can be particularly helpful to anyone with a hangover, along with drinking plenty of water before and after the session. Twisting stretches or poses can increase blood flow and improve digestion, which can shorten the length of a hangover.

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Walking/Light Jogging

Going for a brisk walk or light jog can help ease hangover symptoms by getting your blood pumping and speeding your metabolism. Alcohol is broken down in the liver first to acetaldehyde, then to harmless acetic acid. Your body requires another chemical, glutathione, to break down acetaldehyde into acetic acid and clear it from your body.  The problem is that when you drink a LOT of alcohol, you run out of glutathione and are stuck with the toxic acetaldehyde in your system while your liver makes more glutathione Acetaldehyde is the main chemical that is responsible for the symptoms of a hangover. It is more toxic to the body than the alcohol itself. The increase in metabolism will help your body get rid of the toxins that have caused the hangover and recover more quickly.

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Swimming

Swimming has the same metabolic benefits as walking or jogging, but in a swimming pool, you are less likely to become overheated. In addition, the sudden splash of cool water can give you a rush of adrenaline, which raises your tolerance for the hangover’s effect. Immersing yourself in a body of water can make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Sometimes, just getting out in the sun can take your mind off the hangover for a while.




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Best Hangover Foods

Best Hangover Foods

Best Hangover Foods

Hangovers are the worst! Waking up with a dry mouth, pounding headache, and aching muscles can ruin anyone’s day. And while the only “cure” for a hangover is prevention, there are some things you can do to feel better. Here is a list of the best hangover foods:

Best Hangover Foods: Soup or broth

Let’s face it, when you have a hangover, sometimes you don’t feel like eating ANYTHING. Just the mention of food will make your stomach turn. So you don’t eat, and you end up feeling worse! This is because a drop in blood sugar will exacerbate the symptoms of a hangover. You end up feeling more tired and even more nauseous. It helps to get something on your stomach, even if you can’t handle a whole meal. This is why soup is one of the best hangover foods. It’s easy on the stomach and it contains a lot of water which will help rehydrate you after a night of drinking. Plus, chicken and some vegetables contain cysteine, which give the liver a much-needed boost.

Best Hangover Foods: Bacon Sandwich

If your stomach is feeling a little better, you may be able to handle the classic hangover remedy: the bacon sandwich. Bacon contains a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. One particular type of amino acid, amine, has been shown to be effective in clearing your head after a night of partying.  Binging on alcohol depletes your store of amino acids, so the bacon in the bacon sandwich is a big part of what makes it one of the best hangover remedies.

Bread is great because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It not only can absorb some of the acid in your stomach when you wake up with a hangover, it also gives you a boost of energy.

Best Hangover Foods: Smoothies

Smoothies, like soup, are one of the best hangover foods if you have an upset stomach. They are sweet and filling and go down very easily. The fruit in the smoothie will provide a bunch of vitamins and a much needed surge in blood sugar. Vitamins are important because often alcohol has a diuretic effect on the body and we lose many essential vitamins during a night of hard drinking. A smoothie will also help coat the stomach and hopefully reduce any nausea or acid reflux you may be feeling.

Best Hangover Foods: Oatmeal

Oats are also easy to digest. Plus, a hot bowl of oatmeal has plenty of essential nutrients like B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Oats can help neutralize acids in the body and raise blood sugar levels, giving you an instant energy boost.

Whatever you end up eating to treat a hangover, be sure that you are also drinking plenty of fluids. Some of the worst hangover symptoms come as a result of dehydration. If you remember, drink a full glass before you even fall asleep the night before, and you’ll find out that your hangovers are much more manageable.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Cures : Drinks

Hangover Cures: Drinks

Hangover Cures: Drinks

Hangovers are awful! Between the headache, parched mouth, nausea, and muscle aches, you may well be asking yourself why you had those extra 4 tequila shots the night before. While there are no actual cures for a hangover, besides time, there are things you can do to relieve some of the symptoms. Keep in mind that not all hangover “cures” work as well as others.

Hangover Cures: Drinks – Alcohol

“The hair of the dog that bit you”- This is probably the most well known cure for a hangover. It’s also the worst one unless you don’t have anything productive to do for the rest of the day. Drinking more alcohol won’t cure your hangover in the long run-it just gets you drunk again. Your hangover will most likely be worse when you finally feel it because you’re just adding fuel to the fire.

Hangover Cures: Drinks – Gatorade

This is one that actually does help. Gatorade and other sports drinks replenish the body’s electrolytes. Electrolytes are ions in the blood stream that regulate fluid flow across cell membranes. Dehydration is caused by an electrolyte imbalance in the body. The side effects of binge drinking alcohol like vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination can cause the body to rapidly lose electrolytes and become dehydrated. In extreme cases, this dehydration can lead to seizures and even death, which is why it is so important to keep hydrated while drinking.

Hangover Cures: Drinks: Ginger Ale

Ginger ale is a great hangover remedy because ginger treats nausea. The carbonation in ginger ale will also help settle your stomach. Keep in mind, however, that not all brands of ginger ale actually contain ginger, so check before you pick one or it won’t be nearly as effective.

Hangover Cures: Drinks – Peppermint or chamomile tea

These teas are natural antacids so they make good hangover home remedies. For extra relief, use honey instead of sugar to sweeten the tea. Honey contains fructose, which competes with the metabolism of alcohol. This helps a hangover, because the quick metabolism of alcohol is what causes many hangover symptoms.

Hangover Cures: Drinks – Mercy Soda

This product gained popularity when it was Gwyneth Paltrow told news reporters that she swears by it. Mercy soda is marketed as a hangover prevention product, not a hangover remedy. The best time to drink this hangover cure is while or shortly after drinking.  Makers of Mercy Soda even suggest that you mix it with your alcohol to make a cocktail. Mercy Soda is said to flush your system of acetaldehyde, the chemical that causes a hangover. It contains amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins.

Hangover Cures: Drinks: Coffee

Contrary to popular opinion, coffee won’t sober you up after you’ve been drinking. It can, however, help with the hangover. Especially if the hangover includes a pounding headache. Caffeine has been clinically shown to react against the chemical compounds of ethanol. Alcohol consumption causes a buildup of acetate, which is what produces a headache the next morning. Caffeine has been shown to reduce the amount of acetate in the system. For best results, take an anti-inflammatory like aspirin with your morning after cup of java.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Pounding headache, sour stomach, dry mouth: we all know what it feels like when you wake up after a night of hard drinking. You think to yourself “Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last shot” or “I think it was the long island ice teas” or even “I am never, ever drinking again.” No matter what you figure out or your constant internal promises to take it easy next time, you are still stuck with the hangover. And it’s miserable.

Everyone has their own hangover remedies. They won’t “cure” a hangover, but hangover remedies generally make the hangover more bearable. There are foods you can eat, exercises you can do, OTC meds to try, and even pills, powders, and drinks that are specially formulated to treat a hangover.  Scientists have mostly debunked hangover remedies, saying they don’t really do anything to “cure” the hangover once you have one.

However, there is one hangover remedy that has been shown to work better than all the others: sandwiches; specifically bacon sandwiches.

Hangover Remedies: Why bacon sandwiches work

Food is a big part of most hangover remedies because it can calm the stomach and speed the metabolism so your body can get rid of the booze more quickly. Bacon sandwiches have the added bonus of containing both bacon and bread.

Bacon contains a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. One particular type of amino acid, amine has been shown to be effective in clearing your head after a night of partying.  Binging on alcohol depletes your store of amino acids, so the bacon in the bacon sandwich is a big part of what makes it one of the best hangover remedies.

Bread is great because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It not only can absorb some of the acid in your stomach when you wake up with a hangover, it also gives you a boost of energy.

The coolest thing about bacon sandwiches? Researchers found that just being in the same room with the cooking bacon helped people with a hangover feel better. The specific, particular amino acids and sugars released into the air when bacon is heated above 150 degrees centigrade have been shown to have a physiological effect on the human body. How cool is that??

Hangover Remedies: Avoiding a hangover

As good as hangover remedies are, it’s always best to try to avoid the hangover all together. The only way to really do that is to limit your drinking. Before you drink, however, have a big protein and carb rich meal. And avoid mixing different types of alcohol. Another good tip: Have a glass of water with each drink. This will keep you hydrated and also probably prevent you from drinking too much. Even if you neglect to do this while you are out, make sure you stay up long enough to drink a full glass before you go to sleep. The other big culprit behind a hangover is lack of sleep, so be sure to get a full nights rest after drinking.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Using food to recover from a hangover is nothing new. Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy generates neatly 9 million results on Google and is total fallacy. Here are some of the best hangover cures that are healthy, and some of the foods you should stay far away from better known as the junk food remedy.

Good: Eggs

Eggs are naturally full of something called cysteine, a substance that can break down a toxin called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is what causes all the awful hangover symptoms, so the quicker you break it down, the quicker you’ll feel better.

Bad: Coffee

While coffee has a great reputation as a hangover cure, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it will exacerbate the alcohol’s dehydrating effect and leave you feeling even more sickly. It can be hard to resist the instant wake-up coffee brings, but it will be worth it in the end.

Good: Water

On the flip-side, keeping well hydrated with water will help your body to recover from the dehydration the alcohol has put it through. Adding a little salt to the water can help to replace the sodium your body lost the night before and speed up your recovery process even more.

Bad: Spicy Food

Spicy foods can’t do much to help your body get back to normal, but they can irritate an upset stomach. Unless you have a craving and a strong stomach, this is better to stay away from.

Good: Ginger

While other foods may upset your stomach, ginger will soothe it and fight off any feelings of nausea that you may have. A cup of Ginger Ale or some sweetened Ginger Tea will also help your body get a small amount of sugar- just enough to replenish the glycogen you lost the night before.

Bad: Fast Food

Many people will swear up and down that the grease in fast food will “soak a hangover up”, but unfortunately, it isn’t true. Like spicy foods, fast food won’t do much more than make you sick to your stomach. Save the junk food for another day.

Good: Bananas

A night of drinking takes a serious toll on your body’s potassium supply, and bananas are just the food to build it back up. One banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

There are many ways to prevent a hangover. Number one is not drinking so much or spreading out your drinks over a longer period of time. Drinking water also helps, as does drinking on a full stomach. But sometimes, despite our best efforts (or any effort), a night of partying can end in a pounding headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.

The best cure for a hangover is time, but if you don’t want to suffer, here are some hangover cures that that can help:

Potassium: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urination. Most drinkers know this, but what they may not know is that by increasing urination, alcohol consumption also flushes out some key vitamins and minerals. One of these is potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral. Your body needs it to function properly. It is necessary for your heart and muscles to contract normally. The lack of potassium can lead to the sore muscles that you feel after a night of hard drinking. It can also make you feel weak and dizzy. Fruits and veggies are a great source of potassium.  Orange juice, prunes, bananas and potatoes are all foods that contain high levels of potassium.

Carbs: You know that burning, nauseous feeling that hits you the morning after drinking hard? Alcohol causes your stomach to overproduce acid, which can create a sick and sour tummy in the morning. Carbs are great because they not only give you a quick surge of energy, they can help counteract that sick feeling. Toast and rice are classic high carb hangover cures. Food is often the last thing you want to consider when recovering from a wicked hangover, but having something on your stomach can help settle it and combat some of that hangover fatigue. Rice and toast are simple and easy to ingest, so they are usually the go-to foods when you’re suffering from a sick stomach.

Electrolytes: Electrolytes are ions in the blood stream that regulate fluid flow across cell membranes. Dehydration is caused by an electrolyte imbalance in the body. The side effects of binge drinking alcohol like vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination can cause the body to rapidly lose electrolytes and become dehydrated. In extreme cases, this dehydration can lead to seizures and even death, which is why it is so important to keep hydrated while drinking. Most experts recommend having one glass of water for every drink you have.

Dehydration is also the main cause of hangover symptoms. You’re body loses a lot of fluids and other nutrients during a night of drinking. Drinking a lot of water, juice, or other sports drinks can help you replenish some of what you lost. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, as well as hydrating your body.

Unfortunately, once you have a hangover, none of these remedies is exactly a “hangover cure,” but they will help out with some of the worst symptoms. Other than that, get some rest, take some Tylenol, and stop drinking so much, you lush.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Healthy Hangover Cures

Healthy Hangover Cures


The best hangover cure is still to moderate or limit your drinking so you don’t even run the risk of feeling like crap in the morning. Most of the times it is easy to overindulge when it comes to drinking, so if you are going to drink, a good healthy hangover cure, is to drink water in between each alcoholic beverage. Most hangovers happen because your body gets dehydrated. Drinking water between each alcoholic beverage is a healthy hangover cure because it helps your body process the alcohol and keeps you hydrated. If wake up the next morning to a hangover then check out these other hangover cures.

Alka-Seltzer. If you find yourself in the morning with a hangover that includes a queasy stomach this healthy hangover cure will settle your stomach with its special ingredient sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid. This is better than aspirin or anything citrusy that can just irritate your stomach more.

Juice, water and sports drinks. These three liquids help to replenish what the body has lost during a night of drinking and can help to expel the toxins at the same time. It is guaranteed that these healthy hangover cures are going to make you feel just a little bit better.

Exercise. A gentle exercise can do wonders for a hangover. This healthy hangover cure is not only good for you when you don’t have a hangover but is also good for when you do. Remember to stay hydrated if you can even muster up the effort to do a gentle workout.

Sleep. This healthy hangover cure is pretty obvious. Sleep is your best friend right now if you have time for it. Sleep lets the body process, so it gets the rest it needs in order to feel energized and refreshed again.

Banana/blueberry/kale/lemon smoothie. This healthy hangover cure just sounds healthy and it is! Antioxidants. Potassium. Natural sugars. Vitamins. Digestive enzymes. These are things that actually really help heal a hangover. Get a green smoothie. It has to be made fresh though, not one of those plastic bottles of green stuff next to juice in the grocery store.

Omega 3s—and then repeat. There’s not much omegas aren’t good for. This healthy hangover cure is just healthy in general. Take them when you get home; take them when you wake up; take them take them take them. Alcohol causes inflammation (which is at the root of most health problems), and omegas are proven to fight that inflammation a serious way. They will also help combat some of the unpleasant side effects of alcohol on your face, like dry, aggravated, blotchy skin.

Once again the best healthy hangover cures begin before the hangover. Drinking in moderations, drinking less, and staying hydrated while drinking are huge to curb a hangover. Healthy hangover cures are a good thing to know but a hangover still sucks and it sucks pretty bad sometimes. Be aware when you’re drinking of how much you are taking in and hopefully you can take the proactive measures to use healthy hangover cures just for health not for the pain and discomfort in the morning.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Common Hangover Cures

Hangover - Common Hangover Cures


There are so many hangover cures out there today that you may be wondering how do I curb the consequences of my drinking the night before? Well hang on because there is relief and it comes in much more common places and accessible ways than you might have thought. That hangover you’re dealing with right now could have been avoided or relieved hours ago. Here are some common hangover cures to help with those “morning after” blues.

Drink plenty of water. Alcohol dehydrates your body of fluids, so the more water you drink, the more fluids you replace and the better you will feel. While nursing a bottle of water the next morning will certainly help your hangover, this method is best used preventatively. Down a tall glass of water (or several) before falling asleep and wake up feeling at least a bit better. A prevention tip for hangovers instead of a common hangover cure is to alternate between alcoholic beverages and a glass of water during your night out.

Drink more alcohol?
Drinking more alcohol the morning after your escapades and drinking ambitions the night before is common hangover cure, but it is also a quick way to continue with your buzz. A hangover begins when your blood alcohol content levels begin to drop, causing dehydration and all the side effects that we know as a sign of a “little too much fun”. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger though, drink up the booze!  While you may not stomach another round of tequila shots, chances are a Bloody Mary won’t sound bad. It won’t sound bad at all.

More fluids means Gatorade. While you probably aren’t going to expect to be playing in the nearest soccer match after your last bout of drinking or even going for your normal morning run; one of the most common hangover cures is this sports drink. Gatorade is packed with electrolytes which help your body rehydrate. Drinking Gatorade may be an even better option than your other best friend, water, right now because of the vitamins and electrolytes in it which help your body to retain the hydration it so desperately needs right now.

Waffle House Anyone? Have you ever found yourself craving your late night local diner’s breakfast after a serious night of drinking? This is because greasy foods are a common hangover cure. If you have ever woken up and stared at yourself in the mirror and thought “Man, wouldn’t Waffle House be great?” we say go for it!! Research may not support the idea of piling on carbs and fats on top of all that liquor from the night before, but one’s stomach most definitely does. What’s the best greasy food used as a common hangover cure? Why, bacon of course!

Running. Remember how we said you may not feel like going for your morning run or even playing in that soccer match when we told you to drink Gatorade? Well one of the most common hangover cures is to literally “sweat it out” and go for a run. So if you got the Gatorade then maybe your best option is to take to the streets if you are suffering from a serious hangover. Running creates a good, healthy release of endorphins, combined with fresh air, and it could also boost your mood and help your body rid itself of the toxins you shot, and we mean literally shot, into it the night before.

These are some common hangover cures you may have heard of or not. Other than these four the number one most common hangover cure is sleep. Sleep is your new best friend. If you have the time for it, get it, if you don’t you may be well to try one of these other four common hangover cures and then get it when you can.

You may be wondering why you don’t see the little miracle pills, acetaminophen or aspirin on our list, that is because they may end up harming you more than they will help you. Acetaminophen has been known to cause liver damage, which you may already have enough of if you’re trying to cure a hangover. And as for aspirin? Well it could potentially increase the chance of bleeding in your stomach and gastrointestinal tract which has gone through quite enough with you in the last 12 to 24 hours.

We hope this helps and we offer no guarantees that these will work perfectly. We do leave you with this though, if you are going to drink try to do so in a way that keeps you from searching for the most common hangover cures on the Internet the next morning.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Bus

Have you ever woken up on your hotel room floor with a pounding headache and no memory of how you got there? Partied too hard on the first night of vacation and were too hung-over to go out again the next night? If you’re in Vegas, you’re in luck!

The newest Las Vegas tourist attraction promises a quick cure for a hangover, and the cure comes to you! A bus called Hangover Heaven is picking up clients up and down the Vegas strip and treating them for hangovers. For a fee, medical professionals will get you back on your feet after a night of hard partying. The retrofitted bus comes equipped with IV fluids, flat screen TV’s, mirrored ceilings, and nurses in…well…suggestive nurse outfits.

The hangover bus is the brainchild of board certified anesthesiologist Dr. Jason Burke. He insists that the hangover bus does not promote drinking; it merely brings some relief to tourists who overdo it in Sin City. He calls the new business a medical practice on wheels, like a mobile walk-in clinic that only treats one very specific ailment.

If you need the hangover bus, you simply give them a call, and they will pick you up within the hour. Once on the bus, the treatment takes less than an hour. For a $90 fee, you get the basic package, which includes one IV bag containing fluids, vitamins, the anti-nausea drug Ondansetron, and the anti-inflammatory drug Ketorolac. A premium package starts at $150, which gets you two bags. For an additional fee, medical personnel from the bus will treat you in your hotel room.

Critics question whether the hangover bus treatment is safe. They point out that some of these drugs have side effects, and the hangover bus may not be equipped to handle a bad reaction. A patient could be allergic to the medications or fail to report their entire medical history. Ketorolac can affect the kidneys, and Ondansetron can trigger abnormal heart rhythm. There could also be complications for people with esophageal or stomach ailments from chronic alcohol abuse.

Others question the wisdom of a “quick cure” for a hangover. Hangovers are nature’s way of telling you to slow down. Without the physical consequences, people may be tempted to over-drink. To some, offering a quick hangover cure is a violation of medical ethics.

Burke claims he doesn’t treat anyone who is visibly intoxicated or who has a complicated medical history. He believes these safeguards will keep the risk of complications low. He also says that he uses small amounts of the drugs and takes a full medical history before treatment. Burk also points out that they are equipped with a hospital “crash cart” and he is fully qualified to use it in case of emergency.

Hangover Heaven claims that the hangover bus treatment has a 95% success rate in returning patients to normal in 45 minutes.  In the short time that the hangover bus has been open for business, its popularity has skyrocketed. At this rate, it won’t be long until Hangover Heaven becomes the new Sin City hot spot!

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.