The Dangers of Designer Drugs

The Dangers of Designer Drugs

Designer drugs are synthetic, illegal drugs produced in underground labs and sold on the street. Many of these drugs are used by teens or youth at dance parties and clubs and are also known as “club drugs”.

Many designer drug users think that the drugs are harmless but they can be extremely dangerous. It is nearly impossible to know the exact amount of what chemicals were used to produce them and they are often used in combination with other drugs or with alcohol which can easily lead to an overdose or in the worst case scenario, death.

The latest in the wave of designer drugs are substances known as bath salts, spice and mephedrone. All three of these are almost synthetic versions of other drugs such as meth, marijuana and mephedrone.

The most common designer drugs are:

  • Crystal Meth (crank, speed, Tina, meth, crystal, and jib): Crystal meth is probably one the most common drug in today’s club and rave scene due to the high energy rush it produces.
  • Ecstasy (X, E, XTC, Adam, MDMA, rolls): Ecstasy is a drug popular for producing feelings of well-being and emotional closeness as well as a very intense euphoria.
  • Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB, G, Gina): GHB is a drug that causes relaxation and sleep. GHB can make people feel like everything is okay with the world and is sometimes described as being a cross between alcohol and ecstasy.
  • Ketamine (K, ket, special k, vitamin k, cat valium, horse tranquilizer): Ketamine is a general anesthetic used mainly for veterinary medicine. It is a strong pain reliever that is known to produce out of body experiences.
  • Bath salts (Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky, Bliss): Bath salts produce a similar effect to amphetamine and cocaine. They come in a white powder form and resemble legal bathing products like Epsom salts. Bath salts have a stimulant effect.
  • Mephedrone (drone, MCAT): Mephedrone is manufactured in China and is similar to MDMA, amphetamines and cocaine. Mephedrone produces stimulant effects.
  • Spice (K2, fake weed, Skunk, Moon Rocks): Spice refers to a wide variety of herbal mixtures that produce experiences similar to marijuana and that are marketed as “safe”.

The dangers of designer drugs such as meth, ecstasy, GHB and ketamine are numerous. Some of the dangers of designer drug are:

  • Death
  • Addiction
  • criminal charges and prison terms
  • heart and breathing failure
  • blood vessel damage and stroke
  • raised or lowered pulse or blood pressure
  • aggressive or suicidal behavior
  • jaw clenching and teeth grinding
  • nausea and vomiting
  • muscle cramping or seizures
  • panic attacks or feeling paranoid
  • overheating and dehydration
  • blackouts or passing out
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Hallucinations

The only way to avoid all the dangers of designer drugs is to not use designer drugs.  The reason designer drugs are so dangerous are because:

  • It hard to know the strength of a designer drug or if it has been cut with other chemicals especially if the drugs have been bought from unfamiliar suppliers or places.
  • Mixing drugs, including alcohol, increases the risk of overdose or death. Boosting (taking more of the drug while already high) is even riskier.
  • Little is known about the long-term effects of regular designer drug use. Any designer drug can be addictive or have very negative effects in the long run.
  • Designer drugs can affect your ability to make smart decisions and avoid danger. A safe environment with trusted friends or someone who is sober being around can reduce the danger but still bad things can happen.
  • Driving a vehicle while on designer drugs is highly dangerous.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Love and Other Drugs

Love and other drugs

Hangover Movie: Love and Other Drugs

This picture can best be summed up as a kind of old fashioned romance falling in love story that touches your emotions as you feel the couples Jamie (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) and Maggie’s (played by Anne Hathaway) growing pains of trust, sickness and feel good pleasure.

Set in the mid 1990’s when the economy was booming you have Jamie (Jake Gyllenhaal) who’s a young playboy from a well to do family and his biggest love in life is going to bed with hot young females. Then Jamie decides to get a little bit more power hungry when he becomes a pharmaceutical sales rep. He’s taken under the arms of an ego driven boss Bruce (Oliver Platt) and the catch and sale of the game is for Jamie to use his charm and good looks to help sell medicine like Zoloft and Viagra. Plus his connection with a cocky Dr. Knight (Hank Azaria) helps his climb and profile in the drug selling world too! Now that Jamie has become a hotshot pharmaceutical rep he now meets his match in one of Knight’s patients that being the sassy and witty sharp tongued free spirited sexy Maggie Murdock (Anne Hathaway) as you can see a lot of adjectives to describe her. Only blemish with the beautiful Maggie is that she has stage one Parkinson’s disease. Never mind these hot young attractive singles hit it off perfect as this quickly becomes a relationship of no strings attached lust bedroom making very hot passionate sex.

Yet as the charms of Jamie continues to go both for Maggie and his business he unexpectedly starts to have feelings for Maggie has he finally met his match can he charm the stubborn sex magnet Maggie? Soon after the feelings between the two arise, Maggie’s condition begins to get worse and Jamie goes on a long hunt to find a cure for her Parkinson’s disease with no avail. And of course there is an ending that fits right in with the romantic cliché’. Something bad happens they split up and then have to go chasing each other down again.

The film is blended well with both comedy and drama as Jamie’s slob geek overweight brother Josh(Josh Gad) provides laughs trying to score and it’s fun seeing he’s addicted to watching internet porn and sex tapes. Plus the scene of Jamie’s boner from taking the Viagra pill was downright funny. Still Maggie is a serious go getter by traveling even to Canada to Parkinson support groups in the search for new cures and ways of living with the disease.

Either way you look at it Love and Other drugs is a great movie that is different than most romantic comedies. It’s real, funny, witty, and sad at times.

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If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Get Him to the Greek

Hangover Movie: Get Him to the Greek

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Russell Brand plays Aldous Snow (his character from Forgetting Sarah Marshall) a British rock star that has struggled with addiction. In the opening scenes, Aldous Snow goes from the recovered drug addict we knew in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, relapses on drugs and alcohol, and his fame takes a nose dive.

Jonah Hill plays Aaron Green, a talent scout working at an LA record company who is a big fan of Aldous Snow and his band, Infant Sorrow. He pitches the idea of an anniversary concert, the record company agrees, and he’s off to bring Aldous Snow from London to the Greek Theatre in LA. Sounds simple, right? Not when you’re dealing with a drug addict who only cares about the next high. Hilarity ensues as Aldous and Aaron get themselves into a number of ridiculous situations-Aldous looking for the next party, and Aaron trying to keep them on schedule.

I expected this movie to be funny, and it was, but it also had a legitimate emotional side that I didn’t expect. Russell Brand, a recovering drug addict himself, gives one of the most accurate portrayals of the debauchery and heartache of addiction I have ever seen.  A definite must see.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.