How to Pass a Drug Test (Hair)

How to pass a drug test (hair)

How does a hair drug test work?

When drug metabolites are in the blood, they’ll end up in the blood vessels, including those in the head, and get filtered through the hair. In basic terms, at least, this is how hair drug testing comes about. When you do drugs the drugs get in your blood and then filtered into the hair.  Hair drug testing can go back months, showing the toxins a person may have used in a time-line fashion. Masking hair is not realistic as the sample is washed to remove left in products or external contamination such as secondhand smoke. A hair drug test involves cutting 50-80 strands of hair from the base typically at the crown of the head. A minimum length of 1 inch is necessary or body hair such as face chest or underarm hair can be used.

What methods can you use to pass a drug test?

  • If you want to pass a hair follicle drug test, you can opt to use detoxifying shampoos. However, it does not give a complete assurance of passing a drug test.
  • There is also the home remedy for passing a drug test which includes 5 steps. The first step you soak your hair in vinegar slowly over a 10 minute period. You then let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then add liquid detergent and work that through your hair until it is like a paste. Let it sit for about twenty to thirty minutes. After that you can rinse it out but don’t shampoo it. Then if you want to go the extra mile it is recommended for this way to pass a drug test to dye your hair.
  • Another way to pass a drug test that is also risky is to use lemon in your hair and then salicylic acid to wash. According to this way to pass a drug test you can wash your hair after you do the lemon and salicylic wash routine.
  • There are also special cleansers that you can buy online that have been specifically developed for helping you pass a hair drug test. These also though; no matter how many times they guarantee it, are not guaranteed.

The hair follicle drug test is one of the hardest drug tests to pass because there is just no way of getting around or removing what is in your hair follicle. The best way to try and pass a hair drug test is to not do drugs but unfortunately with this type of drug test; certain things can be detected that you may have used months ago. The hair is a real giveaway for employers and probation officers who use this method of testing on how long you have been using drugs and whether or not you may have a problem. There is one flaw in the hair drug test though. It isn’t good at detecting very light marijuana use. It is very good at detecting cocaine and methamphetamine use though.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

How to Pass a Drug Test (Urine)

How to Pass a Drug Test

If you are trying to pass a drug test chances are that you have been having a little too much fun in the recent days or weeks; maybe even months and years. Whether you need to pass a drug test given by your parents, job, school, probation officer etc. there are some methods you can try to test negative for everything.

There are many types of drug tests, but the most common is the urine drug test. There are four main methods to pass a urine drug test: detox, masking, dliution and substitution; none of these are guaranteed methods. Except the first one; detox.

Detox: Detox is by far the best way to pass a urine drug test. Detox is simply just stopping the use of drugs. If you have some time before your drug test, detox is the safest and most effective way to make sure you pass. If you don’t have a lot of time before your drug test than detox may be a bit risky but regardless of how much time you have beforehand or what method to pass a drug test you use; you should always stop using the drugs as a part of it. Quitting the drugs you were using is absolutely necessary to having any chance of passing a drug test.

Masking: Masking prevents the release of toxins in your body. This means that you are going to try and cover up whatever substances are in your body so they don’t show up in the drug test. There are many beverages sold in smoke shops that guarantee they can do this so you can pass your drug test; but they are far from guaranteed. Trying to use commercial, over-the-counter chemicals and drugs to mask your drug use, could work but now many drug testing labs test for them to see if you are trying to mask and this will result in you having a failed drug test.

Dilution: Dilution is the process of reducing the concentration of drug or drug metabolites in your urine so you can pass the drug test. This is accomplished either by drinking copious amounts of water or by adding something to the sample to dilute it. This could possibly work but be careful because diluting a sample will lower the specific gravity and creatine levels in your urine. Drug testing labs will routinely test samples for creatine levels to try and detect dilution. If you decide you want to dilute your sample be careful and use warm water. Also know that drinking tons of water to internally dilute your system can be detected. Also drinking a lot of water can be dangerous and result in water intoxication.

Substitution: Substitution is a method that involves substituting your own urine with another person’s urine or a synthetic sample. There are many products on the market today to pass a drug test through using synthetic urine. For example, by drug users alike, The Whizzinator is highly recommended. There is also synthetic urine that comes in capsules. The problem with substitution is that some drug testing labs can now test for synthetic urine especially the liquid kind. If you get caught using synthetic urine you may be asked to give a sample again while under supervision too. If you really want to be authentic you could get someone else’s urine to pass a drug test but you have to keep it sealed and refrigerated. Not only that but you have to use it within 48 hours or the urine will darken and bacteria will begin to grow. When that happens the pH of the urine will change and the labs will know something is up.

If your drug test isn’t being sent off to a lab you have much higher chances of passing a drug test because home drug test kits can be inaccurate and most of the time the people giving them are not keeping as close an eye on what you are doing or what the sample should look like. Just remember if you are trying to pass a drug test your best bet is to stop doing drugs!


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.