Hangover Cures: Vitamins

hangover cures vitamins

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Alcohol not only gets you drunk but it also depletes your body of vital vitamins it needs to function properly. Because alcohol is a diuretic, which is the reason you have to run to bathroom so often when drinking, it ends up flushing everything including your hydration out of your system. That is why one of the most common hangover cures, vitamins is so essential to beating the day after boozing blues.

The most important vitamins that your body loses after a long night of drinking are the B and C vitamins. B meaning, B6, B12 among others. If you want a hangover cure that includes vitamins take something like Thiamine which is a B6 vitamin and Riboflavin which is B2, Folic acid is B6 and B12. You can also find B vitamin complexes to beat the hangover and B vitamin deficiency that include all of the B vitamins you need. The most important B vitamin though, which also gives you energy is B12 also called cobalamin. B12 plays a major role in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. So make sure to include the B12 vitamin in your hangover cure.

For vitamin c, well its one of the most popular vitamins to date. It is in orange juice and most citrus fruits including many vegetables. If you want a powerful vitamin C though for a hangover cure you could choose to use Emergen-C. It is very popular in the United States and is a hit internationally. People also take it for when they are beginning to get sick. So if you want a jam-packed packet of Vitamin C that’s the way to go to use vitamins as a hangover cure.

Caution though, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t really work, there is no proven scientific evidence that this will help with anything but taking vitamins definitely wont hurt you either. The people who really are serious about taking vitamins as hangover cures will take them before they start drinking, after they stop drinking, and during the next day regardless if they have a hangover or not.

Taking a multi-vitamin that has everything you need in it might also be a great vitamin hangover cure. Although, there is not proven evidence behind this on whether or not it really works. Really the best you can do for a hangover is get hydrated. Drink Gatorade or something that has the vitamins in it along with the electrolytes to not only hydrate but also replenish some missing vitamins. Alcohol dehydrates you first and foremost and with that lack of hydration also comes a lack of vitamins so if you can handle drinking some fresh water along with your vitamins chances are it will work great as a hangover cure. Problem with vitamins is you usually should take them with food and during a hangover that isn’t always the best option. So maybe opt for a vitamin filled water for your hangover cure and see what happens as you give your body the drink of water it needs along with some of its basic necessities to function. Vitamins which are a hangover cure.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Soups 

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Pounding headache, sour stomach, dry mouth: we all know what it feels like when you wake up after a night of hard drinking. You think to yourself “Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last shot” or “I think it was the long island ice teas” or even “I am never, ever drinking again.” No matter what you figure out or your constant internal promises to take it easy next time, you are still stuck with the hangover. And it’s miserable.

Everyone has their own hangover remedies. They won’t “cure” a hangover, but hangover remedies generally make the hangover more bearable. There are foods you can eat, exercises you can do, OTC meds to try, and even pills, powders, and drinks that are specially formulated to treat a hangover.  Scientists have mostly debunked hangover remedies, saying they don’t really do anything to “cure” the hangover once you have one.

However, there is one hangover remedy that has been shown to work better than all the others: sandwiches; specifically bacon sandwiches.

Hangover Remedies: Why bacon sandwiches work

Food is a big part of most hangover remedies because it can calm the stomach and speed the metabolism so your body can get rid of the booze more quickly. Bacon sandwiches have the added bonus of containing both bacon and bread.

Bacon contains a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. One particular type of amino acid, amine has been shown to be effective in clearing your head after a night of partying.  Binging on alcohol depletes your store of amino acids, so the bacon in the bacon sandwich is a big part of what makes it one of the best hangover remedies.

Bread is great because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It not only can absorb some of the acid in your stomach when you wake up with a hangover, it also gives you a boost of energy.

The coolest thing about bacon sandwiches? Researchers found that just being in the same room with the cooking bacon helped people with a hangover feel better. The specific, particular amino acids and sugars released into the air when bacon is heated above 150 degrees centigrade have been shown to have a physiological effect on the human body. How cool is that??

Hangover Remedies: Avoiding a hangover

As good as hangover remedies are, it’s always best to try to avoid the hangover all together. The only way to really do that is to limit your drinking. Before you drink, however, have a big protein and carb rich meal. And avoid mixing different types of alcohol. Another good tip: Have a glass of water with each drink. This will keep you hydrated and also probably prevent you from drinking too much. Even if you neglect to do this while you are out, make sure you stay up long enough to drink a full glass before you go to sleep. The other big culprit behind a hangover is lack of sleep, so be sure to get a full nights rest after drinking.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedies: Soups

hangover cures soups

These hangover remedies all have one thing in common, they are soups. These soups come from all over the world and are said to work wonders on a pounding head, nausea, and some serious dehydration. So you drank too much the night before? No worries, we got you covered-in broth.

  • Miso soup replaces a lot of things our bodies need to feel better: water, sodium, and other nutrients depleted by the diuretic effects of the alcohol. Because it’s a fermented food that contains healthy bacteria, miso can also aid with digestion. Too much alcohol is known to disrupt the stomach’s lining and can often result in unpleasant digestive side effects.
  • Pho is a Vietnamese broth and rice noodle soup, usually made by simmering beef bones, green onions and other spices. The traditional soup comes with tripe and tendons as well. The amazing thing about Pho is that while it is hydrating and nutritious, it is also very versatile. You can add various sauces and garnishes which customize the flavor to your liking. The broth can be as spicy or mild as you wish. All of this comes in handy depending on the severity of your hangover the next morning.
  • Haejangguk in English, this Korean dish literally means “soup for the stomach.” Street vendors in Korea sell it out of carts, usually on weekend mornings. The ingredients vary, but cow bones and cow’s blood are mainstays, along with a collection of spices that would make most Westerners scream. But better a stinging tongue than a throbbing temple.
  • Borscht Russians use borscht as a hangover cure. Hot borscht, the kind most popular in the majority of cultures, is a hearty soup. It is almost always made with a beef or pork broth. It usually contains heavy starchy vegetables including potatoes and beets, but may also contain carrots, peppers, and meat. Filling, good for you, and easy on the stomach this is a great hangover cure. It may be eaten as a meal in itself, but is usually eaten as an appetizer with dark rye bread.
  • Chicken Noodle Soup. The well-known classic your mom used to give you when you had to stay home from school from, well, every sickness known to mankind. Chicken noodle soup replenishes nutrients, helps you sleep, and keeps you hydrated. Plus it doesn’t have all the weird stuff in it that some of the other soups on our list have. Although the spices in the dishes above are supposed to help you sweat out your hangover so maybe they have one up on chicken noodle.

Either way if you have a hangover and are looking for remedies than soup may be the best option for you; especially if you wake up and the thought of greasy bacon and eggs makes you sick to your stomach. Soup is easy on the stomach depending on the kind, is quick to make, and good for you. Hangover remedies: soups are definitely a great way to replenish, rehydrate, and rest. These are the three-must for a hangover.


More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Using food to recover from a hangover is nothing new. Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy generates neatly 9 million results on Google and is total fallacy. Here are some of the best hangover cures that are healthy, and some of the foods you should stay far away from better known as the junk food remedy.

Good: Eggs

Eggs are naturally full of something called cysteine, a substance that can break down a toxin called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is what causes all the awful hangover symptoms, so the quicker you break it down, the quicker you’ll feel better.

Bad: Coffee

While coffee has a great reputation as a hangover cure, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it will exacerbate the alcohol’s dehydrating effect and leave you feeling even more sickly. It can be hard to resist the instant wake-up coffee brings, but it will be worth it in the end.

Good: Water

On the flip-side, keeping well hydrated with water will help your body to recover from the dehydration the alcohol has put it through. Adding a little salt to the water can help to replace the sodium your body lost the night before and speed up your recovery process even more.

Bad: Spicy Food

Spicy foods can’t do much to help your body get back to normal, but they can irritate an upset stomach. Unless you have a craving and a strong stomach, this is better to stay away from.

Good: Ginger

While other foods may upset your stomach, ginger will soothe it and fight off any feelings of nausea that you may have. A cup of Ginger Ale or some sweetened Ginger Tea will also help your body get a small amount of sugar- just enough to replenish the glycogen you lost the night before.

Bad: Fast Food

Many people will swear up and down that the grease in fast food will “soak a hangover up”, but unfortunately, it isn’t true. Like spicy foods, fast food won’t do much more than make you sick to your stomach. Save the junk food for another day.

Good: Bananas

A night of drinking takes a serious toll on your body’s potassium supply, and bananas are just the food to build it back up. One banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

There are many ways to prevent a hangover. Number one is not drinking so much or spreading out your drinks over a longer period of time. Drinking water also helps, as does drinking on a full stomach. But sometimes, despite our best efforts (or any effort), a night of partying can end in a pounding headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.

The best cure for a hangover is time, but if you don’t want to suffer, here are some hangover cures that that can help:

Potassium: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urination. Most drinkers know this, but what they may not know is that by increasing urination, alcohol consumption also flushes out some key vitamins and minerals. One of these is potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral. Your body needs it to function properly. It is necessary for your heart and muscles to contract normally. The lack of potassium can lead to the sore muscles that you feel after a night of hard drinking. It can also make you feel weak and dizzy. Fruits and veggies are a great source of potassium.  Orange juice, prunes, bananas and potatoes are all foods that contain high levels of potassium.

Carbs: You know that burning, nauseous feeling that hits you the morning after drinking hard? Alcohol causes your stomach to overproduce acid, which can create a sick and sour tummy in the morning. Carbs are great because they not only give you a quick surge of energy, they can help counteract that sick feeling. Toast and rice are classic high carb hangover cures. Food is often the last thing you want to consider when recovering from a wicked hangover, but having something on your stomach can help settle it and combat some of that hangover fatigue. Rice and toast are simple and easy to ingest, so they are usually the go-to foods when you’re suffering from a sick stomach.

Electrolytes: Electrolytes are ions in the blood stream that regulate fluid flow across cell membranes. Dehydration is caused by an electrolyte imbalance in the body. The side effects of binge drinking alcohol like vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination can cause the body to rapidly lose electrolytes and become dehydrated. In extreme cases, this dehydration can lead to seizures and even death, which is why it is so important to keep hydrated while drinking. Most experts recommend having one glass of water for every drink you have.

Dehydration is also the main cause of hangover symptoms. You’re body loses a lot of fluids and other nutrients during a night of drinking. Drinking a lot of water, juice, or other sports drinks can help you replenish some of what you lost. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, as well as hydrating your body.

Unfortunately, once you have a hangover, none of these remedies is exactly a “hangover cure,” but they will help out with some of the worst symptoms. Other than that, get some rest, take some Tylenol, and stop drinking so much, you lush.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Healthy Hangover Cures

Healthy Hangover Cures


The best hangover cure is still to moderate or limit your drinking so you don’t even run the risk of feeling like crap in the morning. Most of the times it is easy to overindulge when it comes to drinking, so if you are going to drink, a good healthy hangover cure, is to drink water in between each alcoholic beverage. Most hangovers happen because your body gets dehydrated. Drinking water between each alcoholic beverage is a healthy hangover cure because it helps your body process the alcohol and keeps you hydrated. If wake up the next morning to a hangover then check out these other hangover cures.

Alka-Seltzer. If you find yourself in the morning with a hangover that includes a queasy stomach this healthy hangover cure will settle your stomach with its special ingredient sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid. This is better than aspirin or anything citrusy that can just irritate your stomach more.

Juice, water and sports drinks. These three liquids help to replenish what the body has lost during a night of drinking and can help to expel the toxins at the same time. It is guaranteed that these healthy hangover cures are going to make you feel just a little bit better.

Exercise. A gentle exercise can do wonders for a hangover. This healthy hangover cure is not only good for you when you don’t have a hangover but is also good for when you do. Remember to stay hydrated if you can even muster up the effort to do a gentle workout.

Sleep. This healthy hangover cure is pretty obvious. Sleep is your best friend right now if you have time for it. Sleep lets the body process, so it gets the rest it needs in order to feel energized and refreshed again.

Banana/blueberry/kale/lemon smoothie. This healthy hangover cure just sounds healthy and it is! Antioxidants. Potassium. Natural sugars. Vitamins. Digestive enzymes. These are things that actually really help heal a hangover. Get a green smoothie. It has to be made fresh though, not one of those plastic bottles of green stuff next to juice in the grocery store.

Omega 3s—and then repeat. There’s not much omegas aren’t good for. This healthy hangover cure is just healthy in general. Take them when you get home; take them when you wake up; take them take them take them. Alcohol causes inflammation (which is at the root of most health problems), and omegas are proven to fight that inflammation a serious way. They will also help combat some of the unpleasant side effects of alcohol on your face, like dry, aggravated, blotchy skin.

Once again the best healthy hangover cures begin before the hangover. Drinking in moderations, drinking less, and staying hydrated while drinking are huge to curb a hangover. Healthy hangover cures are a good thing to know but a hangover still sucks and it sucks pretty bad sometimes. Be aware when you’re drinking of how much you are taking in and hopefully you can take the proactive measures to use healthy hangover cures just for health not for the pain and discomfort in the morning.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Mercy Soda

Mercy Soda
Mercy Soda

Mercy soda gained popularity when Gwyneth Paltrow told news reporters that she swears by it. Mercy soda is marketed as a hangover prevention product, not a hangover remedy. Although some people claim it can help lessen the hangover the next day. Mercy soda has a light, natural citrus flavor. The makers of mercy soda also say you can drink this “miracle” beverage at the end of the night instead of or along with water.

The best time to drink mercy soda in order to receive maximum benefits is while or shortly after drinking.  Makers of Mercy Soda even suggest that you mix it with your alcohol to make a cocktail. Mercy Soda is said to flush your system of acetaldehyde, the chemical that causes a hangover. It contains amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins. The makers of mercy soda recommend one can of mercy soda for every five alcoholic beverages. Drinking mercy soda after a long night of drinking helps prevent hangovers, detoxifies the body, boosts its defenses, alleviates alcohol flush and replenishes key nutrients. Mercy soda works by restoring nutrients and eliminating toxins, like acetaldehyde as mentioned earlier; alcohol’s unhealthy by-product, so hangover symptoms like headaches and nausea do not have a chance to set in.

A hangover is a chemical process. Just having one glass of wine or one shot of tequila creates the production in your body of a toxin called acetaldehyde – which is considered 30 times more dangerous than the actual alcohol itself. This is where mercy soda’s acclaimed hangover cure comes in. Mercy soda has a mixture of amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins to help boost your body’s natural defenses and rid your body of acetaldehyde. Mercy soda is filled with amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes and herbal supplements that work together to help effectively eliminate toxins produced in the body when alcohol is consumed. That means mercy soda helps with experiencing hangover symptoms or even alcohol flush.

The ingredients in each can of mercy soda claim to help your body detox, boosting your body’s defenses and replenishing key nutrients lost during a night of drinking. Drinking mercy soda, during or shortly after alcohol consumption, encourages your body to produce more glutathione, a naturally occurring substance that neutralizes dangerous free radicals and helps the liver remove toxins such as acetaldehyde, the more dangerous result of drinking alcohol and the main cause of hangovers and alcohol flush. According to mercy soda you will also sleep better. Poor sleep and fatigue after a night of drinking is often due to the loss of the amino acid glutamine, depleted by alcohol. Your body works hard to produce more of it throughout the night, which causes you to wake up in the process. Mercy soda helps you retain glutamine, so you can sleep soundly and sleeping soundly exponentially helps with hangovers.

Mercy soda is gaining widespread popularity because it is said to be most effective in the prevention of hangovers along with the health benefits of drinking it regardless of the hangover prevention effects.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Home Remedies

Hangover Home Remedies
Hangover Home Remedies


There are many ways to prevent a hangover. The number one way to prevent a hangover is not drinking so much or spreading out your drinks over a longer period of time. Drinking water also helps, as does drinking on a full stomach. But sometimes, despite our best efforts (or any effort), a night of partying can end in a pounding headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.

The best cure for a hangover is time, but if you don’t want to suffer, here are some hangover home remedies that can help:

1.) Bananas: One of the best hangover home remedies is bananas. They are full of potassium, which is something your body needs after a night of drinking. It’s also good to get something in your stomach when you have a hangover, to help with sour stomach.

2.) Ginger ale: Ginger is a great hangover home remedy because it treats nausea. The carbonation in ginger ale will also help settle your stomach.

3.) Peppermint or chamomile tea: These teas are natural antacids so they make good hangover home remedies. For extra relief, use honey instead of sugar to sweeten the tea. Honey contains fructose, which competes with the metabolism of alcohol. This helps a hangover, because the quick metabolism of alcohol is what causes many hangover symptoms.

4.) Water, Juice, or Sports Drinks: Many hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration. You’re body loses a lot of fluids and other nutrients during a night of drinking. Drinking a lot of water, juice, or other sports drinks can help you replenish some of what you lost. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, as well as hydrating your body.

5.) Toast or Rice: Toast and rice are classic hangover home remedies. Food is often the last thing you want to consider when recovering from a wicked hangover, but having something on your stomach can help settle it and give you more energy. Rice and toast are simple and easy to ingest.

6.) Ice: Putting an icepack on your aching head can help with a wicked hangover. If you don’t have an icepack, a package of frozen vegetables works too. Or just rinse a washcloth in cold water and apply it to your forehead.

7.) Multivitamin: When you drink, you lose a lot of key nutrients, including B vitamins. Sometimes taking a multivitamin can help shorten the hangover.

8.) Pepto-Bismol: Pepto-Bismol is a great hangover home remedy because it can help with so many different stomach ailments that can be caused by excess drinking including: sour stomach, nausea, and diarrhea.

9.) Sleep: Sleep, aside from hydrating yourself, is a must in hangover home remedies. Rest is your best friend when you have a hangover. It gives your body a chance to recover and to regain energy. If you can, take a couple hours out of the day to nap when you have a hangover, or be sure to get to bed extra early the next night.

10.) Raw cabbage: Last, but not least on our list of hangover home remedies is raw cabbage. If you can stomach it, chewing on a piece of raw cabbage can cure a pounding headache.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.