Alcohol in the Age of Social Media

Alcohol in the Age of Social Media

Alcohol in the Age of Social Media

A decade ago, getting drunk and doing something you regretted while drunk would probably live on in a few photos and skewed stories from people who witnessed it. Nowadays it takes half a second for someone to pull out their smart phone to snap photos, record audio or take video and post it online. Many times, we self-incrimated by Facebooking, Tweeting, or YouTubing while intoxicated.

Alcohol in the age of social media has truly made it’s mark and the social implications can be very serious. Using Facebook while drunk has received it’s own acronym – PUI, which stands for posting under the influence. Drunk Facebook posts and the use of social media while under the influence has become so common and in some cases so damaging that there is even software that exists today that tests your sobriety before letting you on your laptop to Tweet or post a status.

Alcohol in the age of social media has caused the ending of relationships, the loss of jobs, and in some cases even the imprisonment of one Australian teen who admitted that he was intoxicated while driving on Facebook and then got arrested. PUI or is kind of like drunk dialing but worse.

Drinking and using social media can ruin your reputation for good. Once you post something on the Internet it’s practically there FOREVER. Alcohol in the age of social media is a fast and sure way to damage your reputation. Getting kicked out of a bar or making a drunk dial every now and then could be recovered from but with social media it is different. There are videos of drunk girls on YouTube that can’t be taken down by the girls themselves. People can take screenshots of any pictures or statuses you accidentally post and even if you try to delete them someone has a copy of them.

This isn’t even that bad in comparison to what could happen when the company you work for catches wind of what you did that weekend you don’t remember due to the Internet. That accidental status about your boss being jerk? Even if you delete it someone could have already sent a picture of it to your boss and you could actually lose your job. Mixing intoxication with social media can truly ruin someone’s reputation. The problem is that it’s so easy to access social media from wherever you are, especially if you have a smart phone. Unfortunately everyone nowadays has a camera ready on their phone so even if you don’t take the picture someone else can and post it. Then you have no control on whether or not it comes up or down. This can cause high school girls and boys to get suspended, expelled, or walk into a Monday morning of school with people whispering behind their backs. We all know that bullying is a serious offense to anothers emotional, mental and physical well being. There have been many instances where school-aged children have been videotaped smoking, drinking, being assaulted or attacked and uploaded online. In a current ongoing case  two high school football players have been charged with raping and kidnapping a 16 year-old girl (who was unconscious apparently from being drugged according to witnesses), and the ordeal was shared amongst other students on Facebook and Twitter. That is just terrible, ain’t it?

It can affect your reputation in so many ways. So if you are going to be drinking do your best and resist the urge to get on the Internet because alcohol and the age of social media do not mix in the least bit. It’s also not a good idea to let your friends use their social media accounts when they’re under the influence. It has led to more embarrassing moments than it has to good ones.

So think before you post, don’t let your friends post, and if you are going to be taking pictures be very careful of who snaps pictures or videos of you. We now live in a Social Media age and we need to be more conscious of our actions.

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Can vitamins help hangovers?

Can vitamins help hangovers?

Can vitamins help hangovers?

Almost everyone who drinks has experienced a hangover at least once. A hangover usually consists of an upset stomach, shakiness, thirst, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and irritability. The more you drink the worse the hangover gets. There is no magic potion to make a hangover go away. Vitamins can help hangovers but they aren’t cure all’s. Your best bet to get rid of a hangover is to get plenty of sleep and to drink plenty of Gatorade or water. If you want to add vitamins to help with your hangover you are more than welcome to though. When you drink your body gets depleted of many essential vitamins.

Heavy drinking decreases your levels of vitamin B1. Alcoholics are partially at risk of being deficient in vitamin B1 because alcohol not only depletes your body of it but inhibits your body’s ability to store it. Good food sources of vitamin B1 also known as thiamine are brown rice, egg yolks, legumes, pork and whole grains. You could also take a B vitamin complex to replenish B1 and B-vitamin levels in the body. It is also recommended to help with hangovers that you even take these vitamins with a glass of water before you start drinking. You will remember that next time.

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that can reverse the effects of free-radical damage to cells brought on throughout the body by alcohol. Vitamin C can also help to neutralize the effects of the alcohol byproduct in your body which is acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde. Good sources of Vitamin C are of course citrus fruit such as oranges, berries, and green vitamins. Vitamin E is also very good because of its anti-oxidant properties. Vitamin E is found in avocados, cold-pressed vegetable oils, legumes and nuts. So eat up during your hangover because vitamins can help.

Want some more natural help with hangovers?

Some other things that can help hangovers are garlic based vitamin supplements. Garlic is a cure all. Garlic contains vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and S-allyl-cysteine which neutralizes alcohol’s byproduct acetaldehyde.  Activated charcoal will also work to neutralize the poisons from alcohol that cause the hangover. Ginger is great for soothing upset stomachs. Consuming food and drinks that contain fructose such as fruit juices and honey will help your body burn alcohol faster too-so drink that soda, cherry juice, whatever it is you have on hand. Bouillon helps replace potassium that gets depleted by alcohol. Potassium levels get severely depleted when you drink so you can either take a potassium supplement or eat something with potassium such as fish.

The best help for your hangover though is plenty of rest and fluids. Hangovers are usually gone within 24 hours so if you don’t feel like getting in your vitamins now, take them a few days after your hangover to put your body back into tip-top shape. Avoid taking things like Tylenol and acetaminophen even though your headache is probably awful, because they can cause possible liver damage when combined with alcohol.

Either way the most reliable way to help a hangover is to not drink so you don’t have one. If you do get one though, vitamins can help a hangover but they are not a cure. You should always consult a medical doctor before taking supplements or starting any vitamins.



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Alcohol and Sex

Alcohol and Sex

Alcohol and Sex

Most people are aware that there is a strong relationship between alcohol and sex. Alcohol lowers the inhibitions, causing some to act out sexually. Many people use alcohol to loosen themselves up before sex with a new partner and most people believe that alcohol is an aphrodisiac. However, there are some negative effects of combining alcohol and sex, especially when you are drinking too much.

Alcohol and Sex: Short term effects

Combining alcohol and sex sometimes can have a “disinhibiting” effect, which can make people feel more comfortable initiating and engaging in sex. In small quantities, it can facilitate sexual communication and have a positive impact on sexual desire and arousal.  However, even after a few drinks, sexual response is reduced. In large amounts, alcohol can make sex difficult or even impossible. Both men and women experience a reduction in sexual arousal and have difficulty experiencing orgasm. Men may also have difficulty getting erections.  Because alcohol has a dehydrating effect, women may have difficulty producing lubrication.

Overindulging can also have other related sexual effects. Sometimes, drinking large amounts of alcohol can cause people to make risky sexual choices that they would not have made while sober. This could include having sex with multiple partners, having unprotected sex, or having sex outside of a monogamous relationship. This, of course, increases the incidence of unwanted pregnancy and cases of sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

Also, the incidence of date rape and sexual assault is much higher when you factor in alcohol. Victims are less likely to be able to ward off an attack when they have had a lot to drink. Additionally, because alcohol impairs judgment, people who have had a lot to drink are less likely to recognize and avoid potentially risky situations.

Alcohol and Sex: Expectancy Effects

The expectancy effects of alcohol are the impact of what we think alcohol will do for us sexually. In studies where people were given non-alcoholic drinks that they were told contained alcohol, participants reported an increase in sexual arousal, much like those who were actually given alcohol. Often, when people expect or anticipate a certain physical effect, they often experience it. This is known as the placebo effect.

Alcohol and Sex: Long-term Effects

Combining alcohol and sex can have some negative effects in the long term. Chronic alcohol abuse has a devastating effect on sexuality. This can include erectile disorders and dysfunction in men, loss of sexual desire or decrease in sexual arousal for men and women, and difficulty experiencing orgasm for both sexes.

Chronic alcohol abuse can also cause problems that contribute to sexual dysfunction. People who are chronic abusers of alcohol find it difficult to maintain healthy long-term relationships. They also have more difficulty finding sexual partners. They also may have social, health, and financial difficulties that make them less desirable to potential sex partners. Additionally, psychologically, chronic alcohol abusers have a harder time connecting emotionally with a sexual partner. Chronic alcohol abuse also often leads to social isolation.


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Consequences of a DUI

Consequences of a DUI

Consequences of a DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI), or driving while intoxicated (DWI), is a serious criminal offense. A DUI can cost you money, your driving privileges, even your freedom. But there are other consequences of a DUI as well. Besides the legal repercussions, a DUI can have emotional, social, and even relationship consequences.

Consequences of a DUI: Legal

The penalties and requirements for drunken driving vary somewhat from state to state. However, due to the effort of advocacy groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, all 50 states have passes laws intended to crack down on drunk driving by increasing penalties and consequences of a DUI.

You are still innocent until proven guilty in this country, but if you took a breath or blood test that recorded your blood alcohol content at 0.08 or above, you will be convicted of drunk driving. It does not matter if you did not appear intoxicated, if you have a BAC of above 0.08, you can be convicted under the “per se” laws in all 50 states.

Once you are convicted of drunk driving in court, you will be ordered to pay a fine, court costs, and will have your driver’s license revoked for a period of time. In some states, you will face jail time. From state to state, the amount of fine and the length of license revocation and the jail time will vary. However, in every state, the consequences of a DUI include a fine and license revocation.

Consequences of a DUI: Social

The consequences of a DUI also include social consequences. Your revoked license can cause you to have difficulties getting to work or school or to social events. Your peers may judge or ostracize you for getting a DUI. You may not get a job, be passed up for career advances, or be denied admission to the school you want to attend.  A DUI will increase your insurance rates and it may increase your mortgage or other loan rates.

Consequences of a DUI: Emotional

Some of the consequences of a DUI are emotional consequences. You may feel sad, angry, or ashamed. Those that get into traffic accidents while under the influence are prone to developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This disorder often includes experiencing flashbacks and unpleasant memories of the crash scene. PTSD can interfere with a person’s thoughts and awareness.

Another of the emotional consequences of a DUI involves being branded a criminal. In the time it takes for someone to be pulled over and arrested, they have gone from viewing themselves as an upstanding member of society to a common criminal. When you get handcuffed, put in the back of a cop car, taken to the police station, have fingerprints and mug shots taken, and put in a cell, it can be devastating emotionally.

Consequences of a DUI: Relationship

You can also experience relationship consequences of a DUI. Most people who are convicted of a DUI don’t even realize that their actions can negatively affect their relationships with other people. Loved ones may feel betrayed, disappointed, worried, or sad.

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How many drinks are too many?

How many drinks are too many?

How many drinks are too many?

“I usually have about three glasses of wine every night,” Laurie tells me. “I never really think about it. It’s an automatic thing when I get home, and I don’t get drunk.”

“My husband has three or four beers when he gets home on weekdays, and he drinks more when he doesn’t have to work the next day.” Michelle says. “Is that too much?”

Sometimes it can be hard to judge your own alcohol consumption, or even to judge the alcohol consumption of a loved one. It may be difficult to know how many drinks are too many.

How many drinks are too many? Factors

There are a lot of factors that determine how many drinks is too many including body weight, body fat, hydration, initial blood sugar, stomach content etc. Typically a “serving” of alcohol is 8 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce (one shot) of liquor. Once alcohol is absorbed, it enters the blood stream and is distributed in the body’s tissues. Alcohol is broken down by the body at the rate of 0.5 OZ per hour in the average person. This translates into about 1 drink per hour.

Alcohol use affects a person’s behavior and functioning. When a person begins to consume more alcohol than their body can eliminate (i.e. more than one drink per hour) their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) begins to rise. Most people are fairly functional at .08 BAC however some will have noticeable impairment. Generally a night of “Heavy drinking”, or to the point where a person blacks out, generally is from a BAC around .18-.22. Most people will become unconscious at .22-.25 BAC. A BAC over .25 can cause long term loss of brain function, induce heart attacks, and so on.

How many drinks are too many? Individual Concerns

However, that is just the science of drinking. What also determines how many drinks are too many depends on what you are most afraid of. If it is alcoholism, than limiting yourself to one drink per night will keep most women out of the danger zone. If you are pregnant, than total abstinence is the way to go.

This is not to say that if you have, say, two drinks a night, you are alcoholic or slightly alcoholic. For some people, two drinks a night isn’t a big deal, for others, the same amount can compel them to overindulge.

The key to recognizing a problem with drinking is deciding whether it has a detrimental effect on your life. That is the important part in determining how many drinks is too many. If you find yourself habitually making inappropriate comments, acting out sexually, driving dangerously, blacking out, or waking up with a hangover, these are signs of a problem, no matter how infrequently you drink.

Alcoholism is usually diagnosed by control, compulsion, and consequences. If you find yourself drinking more than you intend do, are preoccupied with drinking, or suffer negative consequences from drinking, then you probably have a problem that requires professional help.

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Hangover Movie: Strange Brew

Hangover Movie Strange Brew

Hangover Movie: Strange Brew

Strange Brew is a Canadian comedy that was made in 1983. Strange Brew stars Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis who were also co-directors of the movie. The majority of the film was shot in Southern Ontario.

The Plot of Hangover Movie: Strange Brew

Two brothers without jobs, Bob and Doug, put a mouse in a beer bottle hoping to blackmail a local beer store so they could get free beer but they are told to take the matter up with the actual brewery instead. After giving the bottle to management at the brewery the brothers are given jobs on the bottling line inspecting bottles for mice.

In the meantime, the evil Brewmeister Smith is planning to take over the world by placing a mind-control drug in his beer. The mind control drug makes the consumer docile but also makes him or her attack others when stimulated by certain musical tones.

Bob and Doug slowly learn that the former owner of the brewery died under mysterious circumstances and that the former owner’s daughter has been given full control of the brewery. While exploring the brewery they discover that it was Brewmeister Smith who murdered the former owner and that the former owner’s brother was involved. Bob and Doug manage to get a floppy disk video of the former owner’s murder by the Brewmeister Smith. Smith catches them and tranquilizes them hoping to frame them for murder, the murder of the former owner’s daughter and a man named Henry Green. Brewmeister smith does this by putting the daughter and Henry in kegs in the van along with Bob and Doug and then sabotages the van to crash into a lake. The van crashes but everyone survives.

Bob and Doug go to trial and the judge rules them insane and puts them under Brewmeister Smith at the asylum. Eventually they escape and find out Brewmeister’s plan. A ghost tells the brothers that Brewmesiter has already shipped a tainted beer to Oktoberfest and the brothers stop the beer from being drunk by going to Oktoberfest.

Throughout the entire movie it is drunken antics and beer. Of course the entire hangover movie is set in a brewery. It is a story of two crazy drunk brothers who eventually end up saving the day. Bob and Doug save the day and as for the contaminated beer they stopped from being handed out at Oktoberfest they haul away and drink it all.

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Dangerous Alcohol: Chang’aa

Dangerous Alcohol: Chang'aa

Dangerous Alcohol: Chang’aa

Chang’aa is basically the Kenyan version of moonshine. It’s distilled from grains and it is very, very potent.

The literal translation of Chang’aa is “kill me quick” and by all accounts, it will obliterate anyone who drinks it. Not to mention that it is often toxic, and has killed or blinded hundreds of drinkers.

Chang’aa is brewed in places like the Korogocho slum, one of the poorest areas in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi. Its 120,000 residents occupy one square kilometer near the city trash dump. Nearly three-quarters of the population are under 30 years old, and many are alcoholics.

One dollar American will buy you four glasses of Chang’aa, which is why it is so popular in slums like Korogocho. Unethical vendors often spike the home brewed drink with anything from jet fuel to embalming fluid. The brews are also often contaminated with feces and dead rats. But the price and potency are more tempting than the heavily taxed beers that are common in wealthier areas of Kenya.

The Kenyan government legalized the traditional home-brewed spirit in 2010, in an effort to take business away from establishments where toxic chemicals are added to the brew to make it stronger. Under the new liquor laws, Chang’aa must be bottled, sealed, and marked with a warning label. If the brew contains any toxic additives, like methanol, the manufacturer can be fined and/or jailed.

Legalization may provide employment opportunities for some of the women in Kenya, who would be able to distill it at home. However, readily available Chang’aa, which would still be sold very cheaply, may be dangerous. The rates of alcoholism in the slums may increase, and opportunities for treatment are very limited. In Korogocho, help is limited to an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting hosted by local Catholic priests. In addition, liquor that costs as much as water could have other costs like increasing rates of crime, violence towards women and children, unsafe sex, and health problems.

In addition, quality control doesn’t really exist in these slum distilleries. Even though many are no longer adding potentially toxic “kickers” to the drink, it is still likely to be contaminated because they don’t have proper disinfection or storage.

In addition, although legalization makes it easier to distill and drink Chang’aa in the open, brewing is still an illegal underground operation. Local brewers often pay off police to keep from being shut down.

Eventually, Chang’aa may become commercially manufactured and government inspected. However, local Chang’aa is still a long way from being safe to consume. In addition, though the legalization has proven profitable for many slum residents, it may cause more problems than it solves in Kenya’s poorest areas.  The production and control of Chang’aa is still controlled, for the most part, by local gangs, and gang violence in the area has increased as a result. Poor health and alcoholism are also rampant in the slums due to the dangerous drink, while access to health care and addiction treatment remains very poor.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

How To Cure A Hangover

How To Cure A Hangover

How To Cure A Hangover

Hangovers are awful. You wake up with a pounding headache, sour stomach, and a deep sense of remorse for drinking those last few cocktails. Unfortunately, most of the “hangover cures” sold in pharmacies and at convenient shops don’t work. However, you hope that there is something you can do to ease the pain. Here are some things that will help you cure a hangover.

 How to cure a hangover: Headache

One of the worst symptoms of a hangover is the headache. Sometimes it feels like your head may explode. Caffeine has been shown to help you cure a hangover when you have a bad headache. Contrary to popular opinion, coffee won’t sober you up after you’ve been drinking. It can, however, help with the headache. Caffeine has been clinically shown to react against the chemical compounds of ethanol. Alcohol consumption causes a buildup of acetate, which is what produces a headache the next morning. Caffeine has been shown to reduce the amount of acetate in the system. For best results, take an anti-inflammatory like aspirin with your morning after cup of java.

How to cure a hangover: Stomach upset

The best way to cure a hangover that includes an upset stomach is to eat something. Food is a big part of most hangover remedies because it can calm the stomach and speed the metabolism so your body can get rid of the booze more quickly.  If you can handle it, eat something that contains both protein (like eggs and/or bacon) and carbohydrates (like bread).

Food like bacon and eggs contain a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. One particular type of amino acid, amine has been shown to be effective in clearing your head after a night of partying.  Binging on alcohol depletes your store of amino acids, so eating protein can help cure a hangover. Bread is great because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It not only can absorb some of the acid in your stomach when you wake up with a hangover, it also gives you a boost of energy.

Over the counter medication like Pepto-Bismol can also help cure a hangover that includes an upset stomach. If your stomach can’t handle a big meal, try eating crackers or drinking broth. Getting something in your stomach helps cure a hangover by helping an upset stomach and giving you energy. Broth can also help with dehydration.

How to cure a hangover: Dehydration

One of the major causes of hangover symptoms is dehydration. The side effects of binge drinking alcohol like vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination can cause the body to rapidly lose electrolytes and become dehydrated. In extreme cases, this dehydration can lead to seizures and even death, which is why it is so important to keep hydrated while drinking. It is also why fluids like water and sports drinks can help cure a hangover. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach.

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Different types of alcoholic beverages

Different types of alcoholic beverages

Different types of alcoholic beverages

The shelves at any ABC store, grocery store and even some gas stations are packed with different types of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are either made from fruits or grains. Each distiller has its own special formula to make their own unique alcohol beverage. Some alcoholic beverages are meant to be drunk straight while others can be mixed in a cocktail. Here are some of the different types of alcoholic beverages.


The word brandy was coined from the Dutch word “brandewijn”. Brandewijn literally means burned wine. Brandy started off as a drink of the Mediterranean region in the seventh century. Brandy is made from fruits and can be broken down into three categories of: grape brandy, pomace brandy, and fruit brandy. Grape brandy is made from crushed grape pulp or skins; pomace brandy is made from pressed not crushed grape pulp, skins and also stems, and fruit brandy which are any and all brandy that is made from any other fruit other than grapes. Brandy is considered liquor because it has an alcohol content of about 40 to 50 percent.


Whiskey is spelled with an ‘e’ in Ireland and without the ‘e’ in the United States. Whisky includes a wide variety of distilled spirits. There are nine basic types of whisky and each one of these types has a variation in flavors and the way they are made. Scotch whiskey comes in two categories either single malt or blended. Single malt scotch whiskey is an unblended whiskey from a single batch. Blended whiskey is a combination of multiple malts.


Rye whiskey is a distilled beverage with at least 51 percent rye grain. All the other ingredients of rye whiskey can be corn and/or malted barley. These regulations on rye whiskey only apply to whiskey in the United States. Rye whiskey that is made in Canada does not have to include rye at all. Rye whiskey is most commonly used in the cocktails known as the Old Fashioned, the Manhattan, and the Whiskey Sour.


Bourbon is another distilled spirit that’s content is regulated by laws. Bourbon has to be a minimum of two years old and be at least 80 proof. Not only that but bourbon also must be made from at least 51 percent corn and be aged in charred, new oak barrels.


Rum is the only alcoholic beverage that is made from a grass known as sugar cane. Rum is made by pressing the juice out of the sugar cane. Distillers will use the juice although some other just use molasses which is what is left over of refined sugar. Rum is fermented by adding yeast. Rum is made all over the world but most commonly in the Caribbean and the rum from each country tastes different.


There are around 20,000 different types of beer in the world and there are at least 180 different styles of beer. The basic process of making beer is kind of common knowledge. Yeast mixes with grain in water, the grain ferments and then you have beer. It is the type of water, yeast, and grain that creates different types of beer. Hard water will make bitter ale and soft water will make a bitter lager. Add barley to the mix and you now have a sweet taste. Add hops and you know have a bitterness to it.


Wine comes in so many varieties but it always starts out the same. Wine is created by taking a bunch of grapes that are crushed and pressed and then fermenting them. The fermentation of grapes happens all by itself by adding special yeast to the mix. The clarification of wine happens the wine is moved from one barrel to the next leaving a bit of the solid pieces behind each time it moves. Each time the wine is moved from barrel to barrel it becomes clearer and clearer. The last steps for wine are, of course the aging and bottling process. Some wines get bottled immediately and left to age in there; some are left in steel tanks or small barrels to age.

There is no shortage of different types of alcoholic beverages. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of alcoholic beverages and each one has multiple varieties within themselves. The description of different types of alcoholic beverages could literally go on for days and days.



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More women are drinking and driving

More women are drinking and driving

More women are drinking and driving

Traditionally, men have been seen as the riskier gender when it comes to car insurance. However, a disturbing new trend shows that DUI rates among men are rising while among women they are rising rapidly. Men are still more likely to get a DUI but new research shows that more and more women are drinking and driving.

More women are drinking and driving: A growing trend

Researchers recently convened in Washington to present evidence that drinking and driving is a growing problem among women. DUI arrests among women have increased almost 30% from 1998 to 2007, according to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation.

More women are drinking and driving: What is the cause?

Many experts have hypothesized the reason that more women are drinking and driving. Binge drinking (consuming more than four drinks in a sitting for women and five for men) rates are also rising for women. Some think that today’s women have to deal with more stress than their predecessors. More equality in the workplace combined with the same amount of home life duties may be causing more women to turn to alcohol. Because of the recession, women’s incomes have become more important because so many men have lost their jobs. Meanwhile, women are still responsible for most of the child-rearing responsibilities.

In addition, there are more female drivers on the roads today. In fact, female drivers outnumber male drivers. So part of the cause may just be that more women are drinking and driving because more women are driving.

Another theory points to the increase in the female-directed marketing campaigns for marketing.

In addition, women may not realize that alcohol tends have a greater effect than it does on men. The same number of drinks may put a woman over the legal limit while the man is still able to drive.

More women are drinking and driving: Who’s at risk?

Studies show that women who drink and drive tend to share similar characteristics. They tend to be unmarried and have less steady employment compared to men who drink and drive. Women who drink and drive were also more likely to have a primary problem with drugs like cocaine and/or a psychological problem like depression and bipolar disorder. Also, young women wanting to fit in, young mothers after the birth of a baby, and empty nesters drink and drive more often.

Women are also more likely to have children in the car, so more women drinking and driving also means more children at risk of fatal car accidents.

More women are drinking and driving: Getting help

Unfortunately women with drinking problems are much less likely to seek help than their male counterparts. Unlike men, women tend to drink alone and at home, which enables them to hide a problem from friends and family. When women do seek treatment, it is usually after something catastrophic has already happened. Women also tend to have most of the responsibility in raising children, so they are less likely to be able to go to inpatient treatment centers.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.