Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails

Liquid Nitrogen Drink

Liquid Nitrogen Drink

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails

Liquid nitrogen is just what it sounds like-nitrogen in a liquid state. Nitrogen is liquid at an extremely low temperature, usually a wickedly cold 321 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It freezes body tissue on contact, so it’s sometimes used by doctors to freeze off warts. It’s also used in labs to store cells or in cryogenics or as a coolant for high temperature processes or experiments. It’s also sometimes used to brand cattle.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: Culinary Use of Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is used by restaurants in a couple different ways. Sometimes they use it to prepare frozen desserts (e.g. ice cream) because they can be created in seconds at the table, and it looks pretty cool. Liquid nitrogen cocktails are another way that restaurants use liquid nitrogen because it can quickly chill glasses or freeze ingredients. It’s also used to create a smoky effect.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: The danger

The problem with liquid nitrogen cocktails is that you are not supposed to actually ingest the liquid nitrogen. Bartenders are supposed to swirl it around in a glass until it vaporizes completely, and then pour in the alcohol. If they don’t do it right, you can end up swallowing it. The substance itself is not toxic, but the extremely cold temperature freezes body tissues on contact.

The Daily Mail recently reported such an incident involving liquid nitrogen cocktails. Gaby Scanlon, 18, was out with friends when she ordered a drink made with liquid nitrogen. After drinking the liquid nitrogen cocktail, she began to complain of shortness of breath and severe stomach pains. She was rushed to the hospital, where she underwent an emergency gastrostomy following a diagnosis of a perforated stomach. Medical experts claim that this would have been fatal had the surgery not been performed when it was. Scanlon will likely be able to resume a mostly normal life, but she will have to closely monitor her diet and nutrition from now on.

Though the hospital is not commenting on Scanlon’s case, doctors surmise that the liquid nitrogen froze the stomach tissues, and quickly formed into a gas, causing tremendous pressure on the stomach walls. This combination- the force of the gas and stomach tissues unable to expand to accommodate it, would quickly cause perforation.

Liquid nitrogen cocktails have also been known to freeze the throat, upper airways, and lips when used improperly. This can compromise breathing and cause fatalities.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: Why even use it?

Many bars and restaurants use liquid nitrogen cocktails to entice customers and set themselves apart from the competition. However, many bartenders using the substance are not specially trained in using such a dangerous substance or they get busy and careless while making the cocktails. Though injuries as severe as Gaby Scanlon’s are rare, rushed or undertrained bartenders often suffer minor skin burns from making liquid nitrogen cocktails.

Some chefs insist that liquid nitrogen is safe when used properly, and argue that its use should not be banned in the food service industry.

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Rohypnol – Date Rape Drug

Rohypnol is one of the most well-known “date rape drugs.” Street names for the drug include rophies, roofies, R2, roofenol, Roche, roach-2, roaches, la rocha, rop, roopies, ropies, rib, circles, Mexican valium, the forget Pill, trip-and-fall, and mind-erasers. Rohypnol is the brand name of the drug flunitrazepam (a benzodiazepine). Benzodiazepines are a class of drug which is commonly used in a number of medical settings. Most commonly used as anti-anxiety medications, they are also used as sedatives, as anticonvulsant medications, and as muscle relaxants.

Benzodiazepines like Rohypnol are used as date rape drugs because they can markedly impair functions that normally allow a person to resist sexual aggression or assault. Also, Rohypnol commonly causes drug induced short term amnesia, especially when mixed with alcohol. These properties make Rohypol effective in drug-facilitated sexual assaults. Victims are unable to ward off an attack, and they are also unable to remember the date rape or the rapist. Rohypnol also rose to prominence as an ideal date rape drug because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and easily dissolved. It causes sedation within 20 to 30 minutes. After the reports of Rohypnol being used as a date rape drug began flooding in, the manufacturer added elements that make it less easy to dissolve and added a blue coloring to the drug.

It’s difficult to estimate how often Rohypnol has been used as a date rape drug, because by the time biological fluids are tested for the substance, there are only residual traces of the drug in the system.  Most standard drug tests are not sensitive enough register the presence of the date rape drug in the system. Usually, the bodily fluids must be tested within 72 hours to reveal the presence of the date rape drug. The problem is compounded because date rape victims often have a difficult time remembering the circumstances surrounding the rape. The uncertainty may cause a delay in the reporting the rape.

Often, in cases of date rape, Rohypnol is dissolved in a glass of alcohol, unbeknownst to the victim. Alcohol intensifies the effects of the date rape drug, because they act on the same receptors in the brain. Benzodiazepines like Rohypnol work by enhancing the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. The enhancement is responsible for producing the therapeutic effects of Rohypnol s and for facilitating many of the side effects as well as dependence and withdrawal from these drugs. Other sedative-hypnotics, such as alcohol and barbiturates, have a similar enhancing effect on GABA. This is why benzodiazepines are often used to treat alcohol withdrawal. It is also the reason that mixing Rohypnol with alcohol or barbiturates intensifies the hypnotic and amnesia-causing effect of the date rape drug and can even be deadly.

Rohypnol is not available in the United States legally.  It has not been approved by the DEA for sale with a prescription. In Europe and South America, it is a prescription drug used as a preanesthetic agent and as a potent sedative. Rohypnol is still available in the United States illicitly. It is imported from countries where it is still available with a prescription.

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Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Using food to recover from a hangover is nothing new. Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy generates neatly 9 million results on Google and is total fallacy. Here are some of the best hangover cures that are healthy, and some of the foods you should stay far away from better known as the junk food remedy.

Good: Eggs

Eggs are naturally full of something called cysteine, a substance that can break down a toxin called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is what causes all the awful hangover symptoms, so the quicker you break it down, the quicker you’ll feel better.

Bad: Coffee

While coffee has a great reputation as a hangover cure, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it will exacerbate the alcohol’s dehydrating effect and leave you feeling even more sickly. It can be hard to resist the instant wake-up coffee brings, but it will be worth it in the end.

Good: Water

On the flip-side, keeping well hydrated with water will help your body to recover from the dehydration the alcohol has put it through. Adding a little salt to the water can help to replace the sodium your body lost the night before and speed up your recovery process even more.

Bad: Spicy Food

Spicy foods can’t do much to help your body get back to normal, but they can irritate an upset stomach. Unless you have a craving and a strong stomach, this is better to stay away from.

Good: Ginger

While other foods may upset your stomach, ginger will soothe it and fight off any feelings of nausea that you may have. A cup of Ginger Ale or some sweetened Ginger Tea will also help your body get a small amount of sugar- just enough to replenish the glycogen you lost the night before.

Bad: Fast Food

Many people will swear up and down that the grease in fast food will “soak a hangover up”, but unfortunately, it isn’t true. Like spicy foods, fast food won’t do much more than make you sick to your stomach. Save the junk food for another day.

Good: Bananas

A night of drinking takes a serious toll on your body’s potassium supply, and bananas are just the food to build it back up. One banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

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Top 5 offensive alcohol names

Any attention including negative attention is good right?

Some alcoholic drinks don’t make any contextual sense like Coors or Budweiser. Others have these seemingly grandiose names that still don’t make much sense like Ciroc and Nuvo. Then there are alcoholic beverages whose names need no clarification: they’re just outright offensive. The following top 5 offensive alcohol names are a ploy to grab attention amongst the competition. These alcohol companies have named their alcoholic beverages things that will make your head spin before the 40 proof burn in the back of your throat.

Usually alcohol companies leave it up to you to get drunk and do something offensive. In this case the mere bottle in your hand is enough.

Here are the top 5 offensive alcohol names and we won’t be offended if you get offended.

1. Coming into the number one spot is a real Raging Bitch. Did we just say that? Yes we did. The first offensive alcohol name is ‘Raging Bitch’. This Raging bitch is a foul mouthed beer made by the Flying Dog Company. Raging Bitch beer is a Belgian-Style India Pale Ale with a high alcohol content of 8.3%.

Recently this Raging Bitch went to court because it was banned by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission in 2009 for its name. Needless to say you don’t mess with a “raging bitch”. The Flying Dog had something to say about that and sued in Federal court claiming its 1st amendment rights were violated which resulted in a reversal of the ban.

2. Whether or not you think this next offensive alcohol name should be at the number one spot or the number two spot you have to say that it is almost equally offensive as the first. Coming in at number two of our top 5 offensive alcohol names is the ‘Dirty Bastard’. While the name ‘Dirty Bastard’ may throw you off this is actually rated as an exceptional beer. Not so dirty after all.

A scotch ale made by the Founders Brewing Company, you have to wonder since the company put such an offensive alcohol name on it, wouldn’t the beer have to make up for the lack of taste in the alcohol name with the actual alcohol in it? In the ‘Dirty Bastard’s’ case it definitely does.  With an alcohol by volume content of 8.5% this Dirty Bastard doesn’t live up to its name and were thinking that’s a good thing.

3. Coming in at number three is the more well-known’ Five Wives Vodka’. ‘Five Wives Vodka’s’ controversy started when it was banned in Idaho because it raised concerns about offending Mormons but it is now ok to sell.

 The picture on the label of ‘Five Wives Vodka’ depicts five women in petticoats holding kittens near their lady parts. Aside from its offensive alcohol name ‘five wives vodka’ is decent liquor; made by Ogden’s Own Distillery and distilled from a 50/50 blend of wheat and corn and also filtered multiple times. This offensive alcohol is then blended with spring water from Utah’s own Ogden Canyon. Five Wives Vodka is 80 proof and a sure conversation starter.

4. Our next alcohol on the top 5 offensive alcohol name pushes the limits of what it means to be offensive. With these next offensive alcohol names were talking terrorism and murder on a worldwide level.

With that said these offensive alcohol names and labels take it to the next level. Coming in at number 4 of our top 5 offensive alcohol names are the fascist dictators. How about a nice glass of Fuhrer cabernet? Or a beer with Mussolini on the front label? Italy’s I Nostalgici offers you the chance to have a bottle of wine or beer depicting a figure of someone who has made history. Someone such as, oh say, Hitler or Stalin. We’re guessing that is not the kind of history you were thinking of.

5. And coming in last for our top 5 offensive alcohol names only comes in last because it is not a brand but rather a mixed drink is the infamous ‘redheaded slut’. The ‘redheaded slut’ or ‘ginger bitch’ is a mixed drink that includes Jagermeister, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. 

This offensive alcohol name was made popular by college students who wanted to order drinks with sexually explicit names. The ‘redheaded slut’ definitely “gets around town” (pun definitely intended there) because this was probably the first drink you thought of when you began thinking of offensive alcohol names you may have already heard of.

That about finishes the top 5 offensive alcohol names and if you have left offended we know we and the alcohol have done their job.

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Summer Safety: Alcohol and the Sun

Summer Safety: Alcohol and the Sun

It’s summer again, and many spend these long, hot days having drinks on a beach, at a barbeque, or on a boat. Sometimes, however, alcohol and the sun can be a dangerous combination. Here are some summer safety tips if you plan on combining alcohol and the sun this summer:

1. Drink plenty of water! Combining alcohol and the sun can be dangerous if you are not hydrating properly. Both alcohol and the sun can dehydrate you, leaving you confused, dizzy, and prone to accidents. A dehydrated body is more prone to heat exhaustion. Extreme heat exhaustion can even cause heat stroke, which can be deadly. Moreover, these conditions can materialize so quickly that the person may not even have a chance to realize they are dehydrated. Also, a person who is dehydrated feels the effects of alcohol more strongly, meaning that if you drink as much as you would indoors, when you combine alcohol and the sun, you will likely be much drunker than you expected. This can be dangerous if you plan to drive (and yes, you can get a DUI on a boat or Jet Ski too!) or engage in some other activity like parasailing, outdoor sports, or cooking on an outdoor barbecue.

So if you plan on combining alcohol and the sun, stay hydrated! Have at least one glass of water for every drink you consume, and take care when operating heavy machinery.

2.) Eat Food! If you are planning to combine alcohol and the sun, make sure you eat before and during drinking. Food helps to slow the effects of alcohol. It is important to note that sugary drinks, such as soda and juice, combined with alcohol can produce a low blood sugar effect even greater than that caused by alcohol alone. Low blood sugar in the sun can be very harmful, causing you to feel dizzy, weak, or even lose conciseness.

3.) Safety first! Alcohol and the sun can cause you to be more prone to accidents, especially if you are cooking on an outdoor barbeque or boating. If you are on a boat, make sure you choose a designated driver who will not be drinking and wear your life vest at all times. If you are cooking outdoors, wait until after you are done to start drinking.

4.) Wear sunscreen! Sunscreen is important for anyone enjoying the summer sun, but it is especially important when mixing alcohol and the sun. Often, those that are drinking in the sun won’t even realize how sunburnt they are until it is too late! Often, when you drink alcohol in the sun, you are less aware of what is going on, and you do not realize how many hours you are spending in the sun. Mixing alcohol and the sun can cause sun poisoning, which is a severe form of sunburn. Sun poisoning can cause chills, nausea, skin redness and blistering, severe pain and swelling, headache, and dizziness. So wear your sunscreen and don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or heavy sweating.

 Have FUN!


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Drinking Alcohol Has It’s Benefits

Benefits of Drinking Alcohol
Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Drink alcohol, it’s good for you! In moderation, that is. Drinking alcohol in moderation could have its benefits, depending on your age and sex.

Over the last five years, the health benefits of moderate drinking have been widely seen in the headlines. To those who think everything enjoyable must be bad for you, this news comes as a green light to go ahead and drink up. Of course, there are many stipulations – and these studies don’t indicate that people who are sober should take up drinking or that infrequent drinkers should start drinking more. The important word here is drinking in moderation.

Do we know why moderate drinking lowers heart disease risk? A lot of the benefits of alcohol are on the blood vessels and on blockages in the arteries to the heart and to the brain. This might be related to alcohol’s effect on the good cholesterol, the HDL cholesterol. In fact, alcohol affects HDL levels just about as strongly as any other lifestyle factor. People also think that alcohol may lower heart attack risk by acting as a blood thinner.
What are some of the other health benefits associated with moderate drinking? A wide variety of health effects have been attributed to moderate drinking. A lower risk of diabetes has been seen in women and men.

Studies show, for example, that health benefits only come with moderate drinking and are greatest for older men. And even moderate drinking is not recommended for women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, or for people who are under 21. The strongest medical evidence exists for the link between moderate drinking and a reduced risk of heart disease.

Dr. Kenneth Mukamal, an intern at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and assistant professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, was the lead author of a New England Journal of Medicine study examining the roles of drinking patterns and heart disease that found, after 12 years of follow-up, men who consumed alcohol between three and seven days a week had fewer heart attacks than men who drank once a week.

There actually have been experiments done in which alcohol was administered over a couple of months to people without diabetes. In those studies, most of which have been conducted in women, it looks like moderate drinking improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin. It may actually lower insulin levels altogether and may prevent diabetes through that mechanism. More recently there has been some work on moderate drinking and dementia. When looking at a group of older adults in the United States with an average age in the mid-70s – they found a reduced risk. There has been some more work in slightly younger populations from Europe, and those studies have fairly consistently suggested that older adults who were drinking moderately may have a lower risk of dementia. Although they are not exactly sure what the mechanisms may be behind that.

Some of it may very well be because drinking tends to occur in social settings and just the process of getting out and socializing may be an important way to prevent dementia. There is also evidence that moderate drinking may prevent silent strokes or other subtle types of brain injury that can, over time predispose someone to dementia. This is definitely an area that still needs to be investigated further.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Common Hangover Cures

Hangover - Common Hangover Cures


There are so many hangover cures out there today that you may be wondering how do I curb the consequences of my drinking the night before? Well hang on because there is relief and it comes in much more common places and accessible ways than you might have thought. That hangover you’re dealing with right now could have been avoided or relieved hours ago. Here are some common hangover cures to help with those “morning after” blues.

Drink plenty of water. Alcohol dehydrates your body of fluids, so the more water you drink, the more fluids you replace and the better you will feel. While nursing a bottle of water the next morning will certainly help your hangover, this method is best used preventatively. Down a tall glass of water (or several) before falling asleep and wake up feeling at least a bit better. A prevention tip for hangovers instead of a common hangover cure is to alternate between alcoholic beverages and a glass of water during your night out.

Drink more alcohol?
Drinking more alcohol the morning after your escapades and drinking ambitions the night before is common hangover cure, but it is also a quick way to continue with your buzz. A hangover begins when your blood alcohol content levels begin to drop, causing dehydration and all the side effects that we know as a sign of a “little too much fun”. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger though, drink up the booze!  While you may not stomach another round of tequila shots, chances are a Bloody Mary won’t sound bad. It won’t sound bad at all.

More fluids means Gatorade. While you probably aren’t going to expect to be playing in the nearest soccer match after your last bout of drinking or even going for your normal morning run; one of the most common hangover cures is this sports drink. Gatorade is packed with electrolytes which help your body rehydrate. Drinking Gatorade may be an even better option than your other best friend, water, right now because of the vitamins and electrolytes in it which help your body to retain the hydration it so desperately needs right now.

Waffle House Anyone? Have you ever found yourself craving your late night local diner’s breakfast after a serious night of drinking? This is because greasy foods are a common hangover cure. If you have ever woken up and stared at yourself in the mirror and thought “Man, wouldn’t Waffle House be great?” we say go for it!! Research may not support the idea of piling on carbs and fats on top of all that liquor from the night before, but one’s stomach most definitely does. What’s the best greasy food used as a common hangover cure? Why, bacon of course!

Running. Remember how we said you may not feel like going for your morning run or even playing in that soccer match when we told you to drink Gatorade? Well one of the most common hangover cures is to literally “sweat it out” and go for a run. So if you got the Gatorade then maybe your best option is to take to the streets if you are suffering from a serious hangover. Running creates a good, healthy release of endorphins, combined with fresh air, and it could also boost your mood and help your body rid itself of the toxins you shot, and we mean literally shot, into it the night before.

These are some common hangover cures you may have heard of or not. Other than these four the number one most common hangover cure is sleep. Sleep is your new best friend. If you have the time for it, get it, if you don’t you may be well to try one of these other four common hangover cures and then get it when you can.

You may be wondering why you don’t see the little miracle pills, acetaminophen or aspirin on our list, that is because they may end up harming you more than they will help you. Acetaminophen has been known to cause liver damage, which you may already have enough of if you’re trying to cure a hangover. And as for aspirin? Well it could potentially increase the chance of bleeding in your stomach and gastrointestinal tract which has gone through quite enough with you in the last 12 to 24 hours.

We hope this helps and we offer no guarantees that these will work perfectly. We do leave you with this though, if you are going to drink try to do so in a way that keeps you from searching for the most common hangover cures on the Internet the next morning.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Abuse

Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Abuse

By Jenny Hunt

California authorities have noticed a shocking new trend in teenagers looking to get a quick high: Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Abuse. In the last week, at least six teens have checked in to LA area hospitals after allegedly imbibing hand sanitizer to get drunk. Hand sanitizer alcohol abuse has become the newest way for teens to get wasted.

Hand sanitizer alcohol abuse has gained popularity because it’s easily obtained by underage drinkers, is relatively cheap, and has very high alcohol content. The high alcohol content is part of the danger of hand sanitizer alcohol abuse. Hand sanitizers have alcohol concentrations of up to 70 percent—that’s 140 proof, whereas most liquors-whiskey, vodka, and gin, have a concentration of 45 percent alcohol (80 proof.) Often, teens engaging in hand sanitizer alcohol abuse down shots of the gooey liquid without realizing how much stronger it is. By the time the alcohol is metabolized, they have drunk far more than they realized. The accessability of the Internet has propelled hand sanitizer alcohol abuse as teens are finding recipes online to help make hand sanitizer more palatable. Some teens are mixing the gel with salt to break it down to a liquid.


Hand sanitizer alcohol abuse is just the latest development in bizarre teen drug use which includes vodka tampons and semi-legal synthetic drugs such as synthetic cannabis (“spice” or “K2) and bath salts. Both the risky behavior of teens and the danger of such drug use could be traced back to adolescent brain development. A recent study determined that brain development is not fully complete until age 25. Before the brain fully develops, it lacks the connections that allow reasoned decision making. This is why teens have poor impulse control and are somewhat lacking in common sense.

The fact that a teen’s brain and body has not fully developed makes hand sanitizer alcohol abuse and other forms of underage drinking more dangerous. Underage drinking can affect the brain’s development. Subtle changes in the brain may be difficult to detect but still have a significant impact on long-term thinking and memory skills. Underage drinking can also cause liver damage, especially if the teen is overweight or obese. In addition, drinking alcohol prior to or during puberty may upset the critical hormonal balance necessary for normal development of organs, muscles, and bones.

Some parents and school officials have made an effort to limit the availability of alcohol based hand sanitizer in homes and schools. However, hand sanitizer alcohol abuse isn’t that different from other types of teen substance abuse and the best way to combat it is with an open discussion. Unfortunately, more than a quarter of parents with teenage children have never had a discussion with them about alcohol or drug use. Parents are urged to be clear, firm and consistent when discouraging their teen from underage drinking and engaging in these risky new “legal” ways to get high. drug. Parents should also assure their teen that they will not be alone in turning down drugs and alcohol. In fact, teen alcohol abuse is on the decline nationally. Talking with your children early and often about hand sanitizer alcohol abuse can make a difference. It’s best to instill an open door policy about drugs and alcohol with your children.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

alcohol withdrawal symptoms

By Rhea Rosier

Are you experiencing multiple hangovers? Do you drink frequently? When you stop to drink do you begin to feel worse not better? If you answered yes to any of these you may want to read on.

The definition of withdrawal is any type of separation or retraction. This case being in reference to alcohol withdrawal symptoms; it is the removal or separation of alcohol from a person’s body and mind. Alcohol is a physically addictive substance because of the way it changes the brain chemistry. Ethanol is the active ingredient in alcohol. Alcohol when ingested and then broken down in the body is the chemical ethanol which is extremely dangerous. When a person drinks alcohol it is absorbed through the stomach into the bloodstream where it then goes to the brain, and starts to release feelings of comfort, warmth and relaxation.

A sustained use of alcohol causes the body to adapt to the changes in brain chemistry and that can lessen the original effects of drinking. This is known as building a tolerance. Once the body adapts and begins to build a tolerance the person drinking begins to need to consume more, in order to achieve the desired effect; meaning the drinker can or has developed an alcohol dependence which if at any point they decide they want to stop drinking, will result in alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Usually if an alcoholic’s drinking has gotten to this point they are no longer drinking because they want to but because they have to.

There are different stages of alcohol withdrawal. Generally, when withdrawing, a person will start to feel worse and worse, hit a plateau, and then the symptoms begin to dissipate. However, alcohol withdrawal symptoms usually worsen and can end up being fatal. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can become so painful and uncomfortable that drinking again seems to be the better option rather than continuing to try and stop. This kind of behavior and these symptoms are usually seen in someone with alcoholic tendencies. If the person has alcoholic tendencies or any alcohol withdrawal symptoms a medical detox followed by alcohol treatment is most likely needed because these symptoms can be life threatening or even deadly in some cases.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can begin to occur up to 5-10 hours after the last drink. The alcohol withdrawal symptoms are psychological as well as physiological and can last weeks. Even, months later someone with alcoholism may have symptoms of post-acute withdrawal and this is why detox and probably a more long term or residential treatment are necessary and vital to sustain abstinence from drinking.

The most common alcohol withdrawal symptoms are:                  

  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Inability to think clearly
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood Swings
  • Nightmares and Insomnia
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Sweating or Clammy Skin
  • Cold and Hot Chills
  • Jumpiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Seizures
  • Delirium Tremors (DT’s)

Delirium tremors and seizures due to alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. These alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be very frightening and without a medical detox can be very unsafe. This is why a medical detox is almost always necessary. These alcohol withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity depending on age, gender, and how long it has been since the last drink or how much the person has been drinking. If at any time you or someone you know is experiencing these alcohol withdrawal symptoms, remember they can be fatal.  It is recommended you seek medical detox immediately if you or someone you know is showing any of these alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Can You Die From A Hangover?

Can you die from a hangover? First let’s discuss what a hangover is. The medical term for a hangover is veisalgia. A hangover is the unpleasant effects from alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol’s main ingredient is Ethanol and ethanol has a dehydrating effect that causes increased urine production, headaches, dry mouth and lethargy. Alcohol affects the brain and stomach so headaches and nausea are very common hangover symptoms.

Now, back to the original question at hand. Can you die from a hangover?

The symptoms themselves if severe enough can cause death. For example, in extreme cases dehydration can cause death. It’s also true that symptoms of a hangover can occur during alcoholic intoxication and after. If someone consumes enough alcohol to overdose then they could experience a hangover throughout their intoxication. So technically, a hangover can cause death but it might be a contributing factor more than the actual cause of death. Most of the effects of a hangover are headaches, dehydration, dry mouth, involuntary vomiting (which could be a sign of alcohol poisoning), increased body temperature and urges to use the bathroom. These symptoms alone aren’t great enough to cause death but mix in previous health issues, mixing of different alcoholic beverages, drugs, and you’ve got yourself an overdose of sorts. The severity of the hangover depends on how much alcohol a person has consumed, their height, weight, sex and overall tolerance. Some people can have 13 drinks in an 8-hour time span and wake up without a hangover while another person can have 4 drinks in an 8-hour time span and wake up with a horrible headache and diarrhea. So can you really die from a hangover? Yes and no. Like I said before a hangover occurs during and after intoxication and if you overdose then the symptoms like high fever and the amount of alcohol you consumed could have contributed to your death.

Although hangover remedies vary depending on whom you ask it’s best to rehydrate, fuel up on electrolytes, and get some food into your stomach. If you’re feeling so sick after a night of drinking that you feel like you’re dying or are asking, “Can you die from a hangover” seek medical attention as you might have alcohol poisoning or something more severe. We are all unique in body type, tolerance, and health history so do not If you are experiencing a hangover and feel like you’re dying call 911 immediately. If your hangover symptoms become severe and more than your normal dry mouth, headache, dehydration and other common hangover symptoms then call 911.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.