Life with a Suspended License Kind of Sucks

Life with a Suspended License Kind of Sucks

Life with a Suspended License Kind of Sucks

Driving is a privilege not a right unfortunately and it is a privilege most of us take for granted unless for some reason we are no longer allowed or cannot drive. You never really think about how easy being able to drive makes your life because it is so natural to just hop in your car and say go to the grocery store. Why? Because you can.

Well, I am here to tell you why life with a suspended license kind of sucks.

First reason life with a suspended license kind of sucks is you cannot just hop in the car and go to the grocery store. When you have a suspended license everything in your life that other people who drive can do easily becomes much more complicated. In this instance we are talking about going to the grocery store. In less you live within walking distance of a grocery store, your grocery shopping trip must be planned ahead of time. How you are going to get there, how you are going to get home, how much can you carry with you home before it is too much, and not only that but you only get one shot to get everything you need for that day because to go back would mean another trip taking the bus, walking etc. back to the grocery store.

Want to know another reason life with a suspended license kind of sucks? Where you live is based on where you need to get on a daily basis. With a suspended license you can’t live wherever you want. Your living situation has to be based on transportation. How close is it to work? Can I get to the grocery store? (See above paragraph) Is there a bus stop nearby? All of these determine where you live not how nice the apartment or houses are or the area, or even how affordable it all is etc.

That baseball game, concert, fair, amusement park, camping trip, and vacation you want to go to is something you won’t be doing. A lot of the things that are not within walking distance from you are out of your reach. Things that you may like to do, such as, going to concerts or going on vacation or traveling; well these have to wait until you get a license. This is one of the biggest reasons life with a suspended license sucks. Your life is literally based on how far you can get on a bus, walking, or bike.

Every part of your life is dictated by how close it is to you. Getting to and from places is not just a thought or instinct it is an all-day planned event if you have a suspended license.

But let me say this. If you have a suspended license it is probably best that you do. You obviously were a danger on the road to others and yourself. Like I said at the beginning of this post; driving is a privilege not a right. That means your driving privilege can be taken away. Don’t drive drunk. You can end up killing someone including yourself. So if you have a suspended license remember that you probably deserve it and if you deserved it let me tell you some positive things to having a suspended license.

  • You get your exercise
  • You become resourceful
  • The things others take for granted you learn to appreciate
  • You pay attention to the little things like the weather (Don’t want to get rained on walking somewhere)
  • You learn humility
  • You learn how to ask for help
  • You become more independent
  • You learn to like new things that are near to where you live
  • You aren’t polluting the planet

So having a suspended license does suck but you can always find the bright side to anything. And there is definitely something to be said to not driving.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Different types of alcoholic beverages

Different types of alcoholic beverages

Different types of alcoholic beverages

The shelves at any ABC store, grocery store and even some gas stations are packed with different types of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are either made from fruits or grains. Each distiller has its own special formula to make their own unique alcohol beverage. Some alcoholic beverages are meant to be drunk straight while others can be mixed in a cocktail. Here are some of the different types of alcoholic beverages.


The word brandy was coined from the Dutch word “brandewijn”. Brandewijn literally means burned wine. Brandy started off as a drink of the Mediterranean region in the seventh century. Brandy is made from fruits and can be broken down into three categories of: grape brandy, pomace brandy, and fruit brandy. Grape brandy is made from crushed grape pulp or skins; pomace brandy is made from pressed not crushed grape pulp, skins and also stems, and fruit brandy which are any and all brandy that is made from any other fruit other than grapes. Brandy is considered liquor because it has an alcohol content of about 40 to 50 percent.


Whiskey is spelled with an ‘e’ in Ireland and without the ‘e’ in the United States. Whisky includes a wide variety of distilled spirits. There are nine basic types of whisky and each one of these types has a variation in flavors and the way they are made. Scotch whiskey comes in two categories either single malt or blended. Single malt scotch whiskey is an unblended whiskey from a single batch. Blended whiskey is a combination of multiple malts.


Rye whiskey is a distilled beverage with at least 51 percent rye grain. All the other ingredients of rye whiskey can be corn and/or malted barley. These regulations on rye whiskey only apply to whiskey in the United States. Rye whiskey that is made in Canada does not have to include rye at all. Rye whiskey is most commonly used in the cocktails known as the Old Fashioned, the Manhattan, and the Whiskey Sour.


Bourbon is another distilled spirit that’s content is regulated by laws. Bourbon has to be a minimum of two years old and be at least 80 proof. Not only that but bourbon also must be made from at least 51 percent corn and be aged in charred, new oak barrels.


Rum is the only alcoholic beverage that is made from a grass known as sugar cane. Rum is made by pressing the juice out of the sugar cane. Distillers will use the juice although some other just use molasses which is what is left over of refined sugar. Rum is fermented by adding yeast. Rum is made all over the world but most commonly in the Caribbean and the rum from each country tastes different.


There are around 20,000 different types of beer in the world and there are at least 180 different styles of beer. The basic process of making beer is kind of common knowledge. Yeast mixes with grain in water, the grain ferments and then you have beer. It is the type of water, yeast, and grain that creates different types of beer. Hard water will make bitter ale and soft water will make a bitter lager. Add barley to the mix and you now have a sweet taste. Add hops and you know have a bitterness to it.


Wine comes in so many varieties but it always starts out the same. Wine is created by taking a bunch of grapes that are crushed and pressed and then fermenting them. The fermentation of grapes happens all by itself by adding special yeast to the mix. The clarification of wine happens the wine is moved from one barrel to the next leaving a bit of the solid pieces behind each time it moves. Each time the wine is moved from barrel to barrel it becomes clearer and clearer. The last steps for wine are, of course the aging and bottling process. Some wines get bottled immediately and left to age in there; some are left in steel tanks or small barrels to age.

There is no shortage of different types of alcoholic beverages. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of alcoholic beverages and each one has multiple varieties within themselves. The description of different types of alcoholic beverages could literally go on for days and days.



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How To Soothe a Food Hangover

Food Hangover

How to soothe a Food Hangover

Normally when you hear the word hangover you think of alcohol and drinking but believe it or not overeating can cause a food hangover that is almost as harmful as a hangover from drinking. Food hangovers come with symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and nausea. Food hangovers are hard to soothe but there are some ways you can start to feel better.

Here are some ways to soothe a food hangover:

  • Drink a lot of water. Water is a cure all for any kind of hangover including a food hangover. Drinking liquids will help soothe your food hangover. Water helps flush out the body and relieve constipation which is a common symptom of a food hangover. Tea can also be used to settle an upset stomach and aid in relieving indigestion. Ginger ale is great for an upset stomach that comes along with a food hangover too.
  • Do not, not eat. Overeating the night before and getting a food hangover may cause you to want to starve yourself. Don’t do this! Resist the temptation to starve yourself. Allowing yourself to go hungry can encourage overeating again and this is not the way to sooth a food hangover. What you should do to soothe a food hangover is eat small light meals. These small light meals can include eating things such as fresh fruits, yogurts, and granola throughout the day.
  • If you want to prevent some of the symptoms of a food hangover avoid alcohol, coffee and spicy foods. Foods high in fat can also cause symptoms of a food hangover so avoid foods that are super fatty.
  • Wear loose clothing. If you find yourself wanting to soothe a food hangover then put on something loose fitting around your waist. Wearing something that relieves pressure on the abdomen and fits comfortably can help a lot with the uncomfortable symptoms of a food hangover.

If you find yourself getting food hangovers frequently there are some things you can do to prevent it from happening again. For instance, eat breakfast. Eating breakfast prevents overindulging at lunch and dinner. So eat breakfast around an hour after waking up to help soothe food hangovers in the future.

When you do eat make sure to chew your food thoroughly to help increase your sense of satisfaction with the meal. Chewing slowly will help with overeating and food hangovers. If you chew slowly it will stimulate digestive juices which aid in breaking food down into smaller pieces. This allows your body to absorb the food more easily and can prevent another food hangover.

Exercise if you want to prevent food hangovers! Exercise daily and physical fitness helps to reduce stress and increases positive feelings. Stop overeating and food hangovers by exercising at least 30 minutes a day.

There may be a chance your food hangovers are the symptom of a larger problem. If you find your food hangovers persist it may be best to seek medical attention or talk to your doctor to rule out any other potential causes of your food hangover.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

More women are drinking and driving

More women are drinking and driving

More women are drinking and driving

Traditionally, men have been seen as the riskier gender when it comes to car insurance. However, a disturbing new trend shows that DUI rates among men are rising while among women they are rising rapidly. Men are still more likely to get a DUI but new research shows that more and more women are drinking and driving.

More women are drinking and driving: A growing trend

Researchers recently convened in Washington to present evidence that drinking and driving is a growing problem among women. DUI arrests among women have increased almost 30% from 1998 to 2007, according to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation.

More women are drinking and driving: What is the cause?

Many experts have hypothesized the reason that more women are drinking and driving. Binge drinking (consuming more than four drinks in a sitting for women and five for men) rates are also rising for women. Some think that today’s women have to deal with more stress than their predecessors. More equality in the workplace combined with the same amount of home life duties may be causing more women to turn to alcohol. Because of the recession, women’s incomes have become more important because so many men have lost their jobs. Meanwhile, women are still responsible for most of the child-rearing responsibilities.

In addition, there are more female drivers on the roads today. In fact, female drivers outnumber male drivers. So part of the cause may just be that more women are drinking and driving because more women are driving.

Another theory points to the increase in the female-directed marketing campaigns for marketing.

In addition, women may not realize that alcohol tends have a greater effect than it does on men. The same number of drinks may put a woman over the legal limit while the man is still able to drive.

More women are drinking and driving: Who’s at risk?

Studies show that women who drink and drive tend to share similar characteristics. They tend to be unmarried and have less steady employment compared to men who drink and drive. Women who drink and drive were also more likely to have a primary problem with drugs like cocaine and/or a psychological problem like depression and bipolar disorder. Also, young women wanting to fit in, young mothers after the birth of a baby, and empty nesters drink and drive more often.

Women are also more likely to have children in the car, so more women drinking and driving also means more children at risk of fatal car accidents.

More women are drinking and driving: Getting help

Unfortunately women with drinking problems are much less likely to seek help than their male counterparts. Unlike men, women tend to drink alone and at home, which enables them to hide a problem from friends and family. When women do seek treatment, it is usually after something catastrophic has already happened. Women also tend to have most of the responsibility in raising children, so they are less likely to be able to go to inpatient treatment centers.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Best Hangover Foods

Best Hangover Foods

Best Hangover Foods

Hangovers are the worst! Waking up with a dry mouth, pounding headache, and aching muscles can ruin anyone’s day. And while the only “cure” for a hangover is prevention, there are some things you can do to feel better. Here is a list of the best hangover foods:

Best Hangover Foods: Soup or broth

Let’s face it, when you have a hangover, sometimes you don’t feel like eating ANYTHING. Just the mention of food will make your stomach turn. So you don’t eat, and you end up feeling worse! This is because a drop in blood sugar will exacerbate the symptoms of a hangover. You end up feeling more tired and even more nauseous. It helps to get something on your stomach, even if you can’t handle a whole meal. This is why soup is one of the best hangover foods. It’s easy on the stomach and it contains a lot of water which will help rehydrate you after a night of drinking. Plus, chicken and some vegetables contain cysteine, which give the liver a much-needed boost.

Best Hangover Foods: Bacon Sandwich

If your stomach is feeling a little better, you may be able to handle the classic hangover remedy: the bacon sandwich. Bacon contains a lot of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. One particular type of amino acid, amine, has been shown to be effective in clearing your head after a night of partying.  Binging on alcohol depletes your store of amino acids, so the bacon in the bacon sandwich is a big part of what makes it one of the best hangover remedies.

Bread is great because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It not only can absorb some of the acid in your stomach when you wake up with a hangover, it also gives you a boost of energy.

Best Hangover Foods: Smoothies

Smoothies, like soup, are one of the best hangover foods if you have an upset stomach. They are sweet and filling and go down very easily. The fruit in the smoothie will provide a bunch of vitamins and a much needed surge in blood sugar. Vitamins are important because often alcohol has a diuretic effect on the body and we lose many essential vitamins during a night of hard drinking. A smoothie will also help coat the stomach and hopefully reduce any nausea or acid reflux you may be feeling.

Best Hangover Foods: Oatmeal

Oats are also easy to digest. Plus, a hot bowl of oatmeal has plenty of essential nutrients like B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Oats can help neutralize acids in the body and raise blood sugar levels, giving you an instant energy boost.

Whatever you end up eating to treat a hangover, be sure that you are also drinking plenty of fluids. Some of the worst hangover symptoms come as a result of dehydration. If you remember, drink a full glass before you even fall asleep the night before, and you’ll find out that your hangovers are much more manageable.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Old School

Hangover Movie - Will Ferrell

Hangover Movie: Old School

Parties, drinking, and college life is the back drop for the Hangover Movie, “Old School”. Only difference between this college life and reality is that the main characters are well out of college and much older. Old school stars Luke Wilson as Mitch Martin, Juliette Lewis as Heidi, Vince Vaughn as Bernard and Will Ferrell as Franks.

The movie begins with Mitch, Luke Wilson, breaking up with his girlfriend. In the midst of this breakup he goes house hunting and finds a house located near the campus of the fictional school Harrison University. The first big party of scene of this hangover movie is thrown by Mitch’s friends Bernard and Frank (Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell). Frank ends up streaking through the neighborhood and Mitch ends up making a fool of himself in front of an old friend Nicole (Ellen Pompeo).

When Mitch wakes up from this party he realizes that he slept with an underage girl who is played by Elisha Cuthbert. Soon after Mitch gets himself together he meets the dean of students at the college who is onto Mitch and his friend’s antics. So Mitch makes the house he is living in a fraternity for the college. From this point forward it is just a mess of drunken parties, failing marriages, and hilarious jokes. Eventually the dean tries to revoke the fraternity’s charter. Towards the end of the movie the dean’s attempt to get rid of Mitch and his friends fails because he ends up getting fired due to a bribery scandal.

In the end everything works out and Mitch ends up with the girl from the very beginning, Nicole. Mitch and Bernard leave the fraternity they started and Frank who has now lost his marriage due to his incessant drinking decides to stay on as an authority figure for the fraternity.

College is the place for parties and this is one of the classic stories of college binge drinking. It is almost socially acceptable to be binge drinking in college and this is a perfect example of it. Except the men in this movie are older, are married, and have kids. It shows the consequences due to drinking but it also is one of the slapstick funny comedies that only Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughan, and Luke Wilson could do. This is the perfect example of drunken nights, crazy antics, and their consequences.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Dazed and Confused

Hangover Movie Dazed and Confused

Hangover Movie: Dazed and Confused

Dazed and Confused premiered in theaters on 1993. The film features a large ensemble cast of actors including Matthew McConaughey, Jason London, Ben Affleck, Mila Jovovich, Cole Hauser, Parker Posey, Adam Goldberg, Joey Lauren Adams, Nicky Katt, and Rory Cochrane.

Dazed and Confused opens at a Texas suburban high school in 1976 on the last day of school. The future seniors are getting ready to haze the incoming freshmen. Also, the star of the football team, Randall Floyd, is asked to sign a pledge not to take drugs over the summer or do anything that would look bad for the school.

The seniors haze the freshman boys by catching them and spanking them with wooden paddles that are made especially for the occasion.  Freshman Mitch Kramer escapes the hazing when Carl’s mom pulls a shotgun on senior Fred O’Bannion (played by Ben Affleck), but he is later cornered at his baseball game, and violently paddled.

The freshman girls are hazed too, but their hazing consists more of humiliation than physical punishment. They are rounded up in the school parking lot by the senior girls, who cover them in flour, ketchup and raw eggs. The girls then are put in dog collars and are led over to senior boys and told to propose to them.

Later, everyone starts gearing up for a big party at senior Kevin Pickford’s house. Plans are foiled when Kevin gets a keg delivered before his parents are even at the door. Instead, students loiter around the Emporium, listen to rock music, cruise the neighborhood and stop at the hamburger drive-in. Eventually, they all meet up at an impromptu keg party at in a field under the moon tower. Mitch Kramer smokes pot and drinks for the first time.

Towards the end of the night, Floyd goes to the football field with a bunch of friends to smoke pot on the fifty yard line. They are caught by local police and the football coach who lectures Floyd about hanging out with losers. The coach again pressures Floyd to sign the pledge. Floyd says he may play football, but again refuses to sign the pledge. Mitch Kramer stumbles into his house at dawn, and his mother warns him against coming home that late again.

Dazed and Confused was well received by critics, but its original earnings at the box office were somewhat disappointing. However, the movie later became a cult movie classic and made a lot of money through the sale of DVDs.

Dazed and Confused isn’t really about anything. There’s no serious plot line. It’s basically just a comedy; a coming of age film. It’s more like a party movie, and there isn’t much structure. It’s more like an anthropological look at these uniquely American rites of passage. The movie has been praised for its reflection of American culture and its eclectic soundtrack. If you haven’t seen Dazed and Confused, I would highly recommend it. This is one of the funniest movies to come out in the last 20 years.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Kids and Alcohol

Kids and Alcohol

Kids and Alcohol

Kids and alcohol

Parents may not want to think about it but the reality is that many kids and teens try alcohol during their high school and college years and this is way before it is legal for them to drink. Research shows that around 80% of high school kids have tried alcohol. Perfect example is to ask yourself, when did you have your first taste of alcohol? Experimentation among kids and teens is common but it isn’t always safe or legal.

Kids and alcohol: The effects

Alcohol interferes with a person’s perception of reality and their ability to make good decisions. This is especially dangerous for kids and teens that have less problem-solving, coping mechanisms, and decision-making experiences.

Short term effects of kids and alcohol are:

  • Distorted vision, hearing and coordination
  • Altered perceptions and emotions
  • Impaired judgment which can lead to accidents such as broken bones, drowning and other risky behaviors such as unsafe sex and drug use
  • Bad breath
  • Hangovers

Long-term effects include:

  • Cirrhosis and cancer of the liver
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Stomach problems
  • Heart and central nervous system damage
  • High risk of overdosing
  • Physical dependence

Kids and alcohol is a dangerous mix. During times of transition which most kids are going through, during the onset of puberty or a parent’s divorce can lead to alcohol use. So it is important that kids are taught that even when life is upsetting or stressful, drinking alcohol can make the bad even worse. They can be taught healthier and better coping mechanisms.

Kids who have problems with self-control and have low self-esteem are more likely to abuse alcohol. They feel as if they can’t handle their problems and frustrations without using something to make them feel better. This is also where talking to kids about healthier coping mechanisms would be a good way to cut back kids drinking alcohol.

Also, kids without a sense of connectedness with their families or who feel different in some way, either in appearance, economic circumstances etc. may be at risk. Those kids who have trouble believing in themselves desperately need the love and support of parents and other family members.

Believe it or not the most common reason that kids don’t use alcohol or other drugs is because they don’t want to harm the relationship between themselves and the adults in their life who care about them.

Kids and alcohol: Signs of drinking

Regardless of trying to do the right thing there is a chance a kid may still end up drinking. Here are the warning signs that a kid has been drinking:

  • The odor of alcohol
  • Sudden change in mood or attitude
  • Change in attendance or performance at school
  • Loss of interest in school, sports, or other activities
  • Discipline problems at school
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Secrecy
  • Association with a new group of friends and reluctance to introduce them to you
  • Alcohol disappearing from your home
  • Depression and developmental difficulties

Here are some great ways to help kids with alcohol:

  • Be a good role model. Watch how you drink and how it may influence your kids with alcohol.
  • Educate yourself about alcohol so you can educate kids better
  • Try to be conscious of how you can help build a kid’s self-esteem.
  • Teach kid’s to manage stress in healthy ways such as seeking help from a trusted adult or engaging in productive activities.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth?

Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth?

Does Alcohol Affect Muscle Growth?

While it’s true that moderate drinking can have a positive effect on some aspects of overall health, muscle growth is not one of them. Alcohol is far more damaging than some people think, especially if you drink too much. Alcoholic beverages usually contain ethanol. Unlike protein, carbs, or fat, it does not provide any function in the body. Many people would rather have a few drinks on the weekend than cheat with foods that are not on their diet plan. For some, cutting out drinking can be tougher than cutting out unhealthy food. But if you’re looking to build muscle, alcohol can be a real problem.  Here are some of the ways that alcohol can affect muscle growth:

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by Inhibiting Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis is the main way that the body builds muscle. It is the growth process within muscle cells. Drinking alcohol can inhibit this process. Excessive alcohol consumption slows the growth process down by up to 20%.

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by its Effects on Growth Hormones

One major way that alcohol affects muscle growth is that it affects the release growth hormone. Growth hormone plays a role in building muscle, stimulating cell growth, and promoting bone growth. When this hormone is low, it’s going to affect muscle growth.

Growth hormone is usually secreted during sleep, and since alcohol can disrupt natural sleep, growth hormone production can be inhibited up to 70%.

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by Inhibiting Testosterone

Alcohol affects muscle growth by inhibiting testosterone. Testosterone is an important factor in muscle growth. This is why men carry more muscle than women (because they have more testosterone.)

When you drink alcohol, the liver produces a substance that is toxic to the release of testosterone. This lowers the concentration of testosterone in the body.

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by Affecting Recovery

Another effect of alcohol is that it affects your recovery. Alcohol is a toxin to the body. Your body’s first priority is to remove it, so naturally some of your energy is expended break down alcohol and remove it and then recover from any negative effects it had on the tissue. This takes both time and energy. Thus, you won’t have as much energy to recover from your workouts.

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by Causing Dehydration

Alcohol is known as a diuretic. This means that it increases urine output, which can cause dehydration. Alcohol can disrupt your natural water balance, even the day after you drink. Dehydration can be very dangerous if you are working out, since your body is already losing water to sweating. It can cause low physical performance as well as fatigue. It can also make you feel hungrier. Not to mention, your muscles need water. Dehydration can disrupt the ability of muscle cells to produce ATP. ATP is your primary source of muscular energy.

Alcohol Affects Muscle Growth by Affecting Glycogen Synthesis

Muscle glycogen stores energy for the muscle cells. However, when you drink, alcohol synthesis takes precedence over glycogen synthesis. This results in decreased stores of glycogen in the muscle cells. You will have less energy to work out, so you will build less muscle.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Are caffeine pills dangerous?

Caffeine Pills

Are caffeine pills dangerous?

The truth is anything can be dangerous if you abuse it. Caffeine pills are no different. The average caffeine pill contains about 200 milligrams of caffeine. Most healthy adults can tolerate 200 mg to 300 mg of caffeine a day. This equates to about one caffeine pill or two to three cups of strong coffee.

Are caffeine pills dangerous? Uses

Caffeine is most commonly used to promote mental alertness. It can also be very effective in treating headaches. Caffeine can even be used to treat an acute asthma attack. Caffeine is chemically similar to a common asthma medication and it relaxes the walls of the respiratory system. Even a little bit of caffeine can improve lung function for up to 4 hours.

Some people use caffeine for gallbladder disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and low blood pressure. It can also be used for weight loss and type 2 diabetes.

 Are caffeine pills dangerous? How it works

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It increases heart rate, muscle contraction, and blood pressure. Caffeine also acts a diuretic- increasing urine flow. When people use caffeine regularly, they can be tolerant of it and it may not have all these effects.

Are caffeine pills dangerous? Considerations

If you consume more than 200 to 300 milligrams a day, you may experience some unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. These include insomnia, nervousness, irritability, upset stomach and fast heartbeat. While it’s easier to overdose on caffeine pills, excessive caffeine intake is dangerous in any form.

Are caffeine pills dangerous? Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine intoxication is a state of central nervous system stimulation due to high intake of caffeine. This can lead to hospitalization and even death. The nervous system becomes overworked. This can lead to excessive neural activity and possibly seizures.

Are caffeine pills dangerous? Health problems

While caffeine pills are generally safe to consume in appropriate dosages for healthy people, people with certain health problems should not take them. Pregnant women should not take caffeine pills because they increase the risk of certain complications, including miscarriage. Anyone with heart problems or high blood pressure should also steer clear of taking caffeine pills. It is important to discuss all over the counter medications with your doctor so they can assess any potential risks based on your personal medical history.

Are caffeine pills dangerous? Precautions

If you are going to take caffeine pills there are certain precautions you can take which will make it safer.

Drink plenty of water: Caffeine pills can act as a diuretic, so water is essential so you don’t dehydrate your body.

Try to avoid taking caffeine pills late in the day: If you take caffeine pills in the late afternoon or evening, it can make it harder for you to get a good night’s sleep.

Cut back slowly: If you have been taking caffeine pills for some time, your body could’ve become dependent on the caffeine intake. Cutting back slowly over a period of a few days will help you avoid withdrawal symptoms.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.