Is “Blowfish” the ultimate hangover cure?

Is blowfish the ultimate hangover pill?

Have a little too much to drink last night? You aren’t alone. “How to cure a hangover” is one of the most Googled phrases of 2012. Recently, some smart product developers have stepped in and created products to meet that demand. Since this past New Years, the market has been flooded with products that are said to either cure or prevent a hangover.

Is “Blowfish” the ultimate hangover cure? What is “Blowfish”?

Blowfish tablets combine aspirin, caffeine and an antacid into an Alka-Seltzer-like effervescent tablet. A two-tablet dose of Blowfish (which is what the makers recommend for a typical hangover) contains 1,000 milligrams of aspirin and 120 milligrams of caffeine, which are equivalent of two extra strength aspirin and three shots of espresso. Blowfish was developed to fight the most common symptoms of a hangover: headache, fatigue, and upset stomach. Many hangover cure seekers wish to get these cures delivered to the office or other places where discretion is important. Responding to this demand, Blowfish Tablets are packaged in plain manila envelopes.

Is “Blowfish” the ultimate hangover cure? How does it work?

Caffeine, aspirin, and antacids have longed been used to treat hangovers. Caffeine has been clinically shown to react against the chemical compounds of ethanol. Alcohol consumption causes a buildup of acetate, which is what produces a headache the next morning. Caffeine has been shown to reduce the amount of acetate in the system. Caffeine can also fight the fatigue that generally accompanies hangovers.

Aspirin is also a common hangover cure. Alcohol is thought to trigger an inflammatory response – a process blocked by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin. The inflammatory response is similar to the body’s defense against flu, and is linked to lethargy.

The chemicals produced by the body to break alcohol down are hard on the stomach. This often causes nausea or sour stomach the morning after. An antacid can help mitigate these effects.

Is “Blowfish” the ultimate hangover cure? Is it effective?

Certainly the combination of aspirin, caffeine and an antacid can help the symptoms of a hangover, but the only real cure for a hangover is time. It’s unclear whether Blowfish, which contains acetylsalicylic acid and citric acid — both of which could diminish some of its stomach-soothing effects — is better than the age-old hangover remedy: aspirin and a cup of coffee.

Unfortunately, science has yet to come up with an “ultimate hangover cure.” The best they can do is to provide some relief by treating the symptoms. There is some action you can take however, to prevent a hangover. These include drinking a lot of water (a full glass for every alcoholic drink). Also, eating a meal before a night of drinking has been shown effective. The food slows the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. Finally, you can prevent a hangover by simply not drinking as quickly-no more than one drink an hour. This gives your body the time it needs to fully process the alcohol and prevents the build-up of alcohol metabolites that are responsible for a hangover.



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Alcohol Addiction Facts

                                     Alcohol Addiction FactsEven though alcoholism is the most common addiction in the United States, many people are unaware of the alcohol addiction facts. Everyone should have an understanding of the following alcohol addiction facts so that we can work together to move towards a cure for this deadly disease.

  • Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a disease; it is not a moral failing or a matter of will power.
  • Even though it is illegal to consume alcohol before the age of 21, roughly 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from an alcohol-related incident including car crashes, homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other related injuries every year in the United States.
  • It is estimated that 20% of teens in the United States can be labeled as “problem drinkers”. In fact, it is estimated that 25 percent of the alcohol consumed in the United States, is done so by those too young to purchase it legally.
  • Another important alcohol addiction fact is that alcohol is one of, if not the most, dangerous drugs to quit. One out of three people suffering from severe alcohol addiction who try to quit without medical help will die due to complications from alcohol withdrawal. All those who are suffering from alcohol addiction should seek medical help to quit.
  • It is possible to have a problem with alcohol, even when it has not progressed to the point of alcoholism. Problem drinking means you drink too much at times, causing repeated problems, but you are not completely dependent on drinking. Both problem drinkers and alcoholics should seek professional help.
  • One of the most important alcohol addiction facts is that alcohol addiction has little to do with what kind of alcohol you drink, how long you have been drinking, or even exactly how much you drink.
  • Alcohol addiction affects people from every type of background, but here are several characteristics that can increase the risk that a person will develop alcoholism. These are known in the scientific community as “risk factors.
  • Children of those who suffer from alcohol addiction are 4 times more likely than others to suffer from alcohol addiction themselves.
  • “Binge Drinking” defined as five or more drinks in a sitting for men and four for women, can increase chances of developing alcohol addiction

These alcohol addiction facts can seem scary but the important point is that there is help available. Thousands of facilities in the United States offer alcohol and drug rehabilitation and treatment services, ranging from short-term residential or in-patient hospitalization to long-term, outpatient counseling and therapy. Treatment can be effective in helping people learn to live a life of sobriety. There is no cure for alcohol addiction, but the disease can be treated and people can live in remission. It is possible for those with an alcohol addiction to recover and live a normal life. If you or someone you know has an alcohol addiction, you should seek help from addiction professional as soon as possible. Untreated alcohol addiction can be deadly.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

5 Ways To Get a Goodnight’s Rest Without Alcohol

5 Ways To Get  a Goodnight's Rest Without Alcohol

Most people think that drinking a few beers or having a glass of wine before bed will help them get a goodnight’s rest. The truth is you can get a goodnight’s rest without alcohol and that actually alcohol can disrupt sleeping patterns all together making it so you don’t get as good of sleep. So if you are a night owl who finds they need something to help them get to bed don’t fret. Here are 5 ways to get a goodnight’s rest without alcohol:

Stick to a schedule/Sleep only at night: Your parents were right putting you to bed at the same time every night. Sticking to a schedule allows your body to set its internal rhythm so you can get up at the time you want consistently every single day and this is key to getting a goodnight’s rest without alcohol. Also, make sure you try to keep this same schedule on the weekends too or else you will wake up later and feel even more tired than before. Sleeping during the day can cause a fairly heavy disturbance in getting a goodnight’s rest. So if you are going to sleep try to do it only at night and if you have to sleep during the day keep it confined to 20-minute power naps.

Exercise/Take a hot shower: Exercise is a great way to get a goodnight’s rest without alcohol and has the added health benefits. Your body uses sleep to recover its muscles and joints that have been exercised. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise daily can help you sleep better in a healthy way without alcohol. Taking a hot shower is another great alternative to getting a goodnights rest without alcohol. Taking a hot shower right before bed helps to relax tense muscles.

Avoid eating before bed and caffeine: Eating before bed can keep your body from getting a goodnight’s rest because your body has to digest while you sleep. So if you are going to eat at night try to do so at least 2 hours before you go to sleep. And caffeine, well it’s obvious, caffeine keeps you awake. Stop drinking caffeine around 5 hours before its bedtime.

Read a book/Turn down the AC: For some people reading works great to get a goodnight’s rest. Reading can take you to a whole different place if you are really into it. If reading isn’t your thing then turn your attention to the thermostat. Cold rooms help the body to fall asleep easier and quicker.

Avoid alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant and while it make it easier to fall asleep, key word, fall asleep, it causes you to not get as good of a night’s rest. When alcohol is consumed it can cause dehydration, disruptions in sleep patterns and nightmares for some people. This can make it seem like you are getting a goodnight’s rest with alcohol but you are actually not sleeping as well.

So if you are having trouble sleeping the best way to get a goodnight’s rest without alcohol is to start off by not using alcohol and then find something else that can cause you to get sleepy.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedy: Meditation

Hangover Remedy: Meditation

Meditation has numerous health benefits. It has been conclusively shown to benefit practitioners in many different scientific studies. Neuroscientists have actually shown that the brain waves of meditators are different than those who do not practice meditation. This mental shift has been shown to reduce the negative effects of stress, anxiety and depression. People who meditate also have been shown to have lower blood pressure, less symptoms of chronic pain, and better overall health than those who do not meditate. In a study conducted on college students, meditation was shown to improve academic performance, concentration, reaction time, memory, empathy and self-esteem. In the over 1,000 scientific publications that have studied the effect of meditation to date, meditation has been shown to improve outcome in every health aspect studied.

It should come as no surprise that meditation also helps hangovers, if are able to do it. Here are some deep breathing techniques that can help you when you have a hangover:

Hangover Remedy: Meditation:  Belly Breathing

This is a type of breathing that is often employed in yoga classes. You expand your whole stomach and chest on the inhale and collapse it on the exhale. This breathing technique utilizes the lungs to their full capacity, oxygenates the body, and activates the relaxation response. The best way to know if you are doing it correctly is to lie on your back and rest your hand on your belly. When you inhale, expand your ribs, diaphragm, and belly, feeling your hand rise and fall with each breath. When you exhale, imagine flattening your belly against your spine. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Hangover Remedy: Meditation: Nostril Breathing

This breathing technique is great for a hangover. It balances the mind and calms the nervous system. Begin by letting go of all the air in your lungs – exhale using both nostrils. Gently press your thumb against the right nostril – closing it completely, and then inhale slowly through left nostril. Hold your breath for a few seconds. With your right forefinger close your left nostril as you release your thumb from the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril, while keeping the left one closed. Hold for a few seconds. Inhale through the right nostril, hold; release your forefinger as you close your right nostril with your thumb. Exhale through the left nostril, while you keep the right nostril closed. Hold for a few seconds. Inhale through the left nostril; continue this for about 8 cycles.

Hangover Remedy: Meditation: Natural Breathing

This type of breathing technique is natural and rhythmic. Picture a baby breathing while sleeping and you will get a good idea of the goal of this technique. It has been shown to decrease blood pressure and anxiety.  With this technique, you breathe with your diaphragm. The best way to practice natural breathing is to lay down with your hand on your chest. There should be no movement here, natural breathing should come through your diaphragm. Inhale and exhale through the nose, keeping breaths rhythmic and smooth.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Dope Sick Detox

Dope Sick Detox

Detox is the first step to getting into treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism. Detox is also the safe haven for many addicts who are dope sick. Dope sick is most commonly a term used to describe someone who is coming off of heroin. When an addict stops using heroin they experience both mental and physical withdrawal symptoms. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are known as dope sickness. The symptoms of being dope sick include chills, irritability, anxiety, muscle pain, depression, nausea, and vomiting and muscle pain. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are not life threatening but they are really uncomfortable. In fact, most heroin addicts will just continue using the drug to avoid being dope sick at all costs. That is, until they detox.

There are many different dope sick detoxes out there. If an addict is dope sick they can pick from a number of different detox methods to become well again. The first of the dope sick detox programs is a rapid detox.

  • Rapid dope sick detox involves the use of drugs to push heroin out of the body. The addict is put under anesthesia in a medically controlled setting and is unconscious for the entire procedure. As a result the heroin addict doesn’t actually experience being dope sick. With a rapid detox like this addicts are usually under the general anesthesia for around two hours and are in the hospital for up to two days until they are physically stable.
  • Another dope sick detox is known as a drug assisted detox. A drug assisted detox uses drugs such as methadone or buprenorphine and clonidine to provide relief from being dope sick but none of the high. Buprenorphine, clonidine, and methadone are all very similar in structure to heroin. With the drug assisted detox the addict takes regular doses of the drug over a period of time slowly lowering the dose. This allows the addict to withdrawal from heroin without feeling dope sick. Unfortunately the drugs used to assist with being dope sick are addictive too so there may be some discomfort felt by the addict.
  • Medical dope sick detox is like rapid detox but the addict is awake. In a medical detox the addict quits cold turkey but the medical team helps them with the feelings of being dope sick by making them as comfortable as possible. This may mean the medical team gives them drugs in order to give the addict some relief from the symptoms of being dope sick. Medical detox lasts the same length as the symptoms of being dope sick.
  • Home dope sick detox means quitting cold turkey, with no medical help and this means the addict will definitely be dope sick. The addict basically “rides out” the withdrawal. While this method can be successful, without supervision the addict may use heroin again in order to stop the symptoms associated with being dope sick. Quitting cold turkey and going through being dope sick is not highly recommended by anyone including former heroin addicts.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Alcohol Abuse in the Music Industry

Alcohol Abuse in The Music Industry

Drug and alcohol abuse in the music industry has long been sort of an accepted part of the culture.  How many famous musicians have overdosed on drugs and alcohol? How many more have waged battles against addiction, checking in and out of rehab so many times we’ve lost count?

The culture not only tolerates substance abuse, it almost demands it. Many people in the music industry worry if they turn their back on the party they will lose what makes their music good or what makes them appealing to their fans.

But the culture of drug and alcohol abuse in the music industry is undergoing a major transition across the entire musical landscape, according to artists, managers and others in the industry.  There is a higher degree of awareness now, and people are starting to recognize that even recreational use can kill you.

I recently spoke to a women who had spent her entire career working for the music industry. She said,

“It used to be so common, 20 years ago, to drink and do drugs on the job. We’d have entire days devoted towards a certain type of alcohol-like beer Wednesdays or vodka Fridays. Every executive had a full bar in the office and drinking was almost a requirement of the job.”

Then, she says, the landscape started to change.

“The constant drinking slowed, started to become taboo. There was still a group of us who did cocaine every day, but we could no longer do it out in the open. We started going to the bathroom together. Everyone knew what we were doing, but we couldn’t do it on our desks anymore. Executives stopped offering us drinks when we walked into the office. Things just changed.”

Kate* is now in a sober living facility after spending 90 days in an inpatient treatment center.

Part of the change may have to do with the economy, Kate says.

“Everyone is worried about the bottom line, and everyone has to be accountable. When the music industry stopped making as much money, everyone started to focus on productivity.”

More artists have also gone public with their addictions, and addiction is recognized for what it is- a disease. Gratuitous alcohol abuse in the music industry is no longer encouraged and rewarded as it once was.  It is now considered cool for artists to take care of themselves and live a healthy lifestyle.

In the mid-1980s, Aerosmith broke down the door that made it okay for big-name artists to go public with their sobriety. In the years since, several other artists have made their sobriety known.

In the 90’s, the Safe Harbor Room-a backstage area that provides a support system to artists and crew members struggling with addiction issues was instituted at the Grammy Awards. Today, Safe Harbor Room program has been extended to South by Southwest, the NAMM convention, Coachella, Ozzfest, the CMA Awards and other events.

Other programs, like Road Recovery, have made it easier for artists to use a drug-free road crew.




If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

3 Ways to Cure a Hangover

3 Ways to Cure a Hangover

Hangovers call for a cure. Hangovers are the unpleasant side effect of having too much of a good time the night before. Enter in headache, nausea, possible vomiting, fatigue and severe dehydration and you now need to find a way to feel better. You may or may not know the way to cure a hangover. Luckily for you there are plenty of hangover cures out there to take care of those morning after blues and they actually are fairly simple. Here are 3 ways to cure a hangover:

Ways to cure a hangover: Seltzer Morning Relief

Seltzer morning relief is a special form of Alka-Seltzer made for curing a hangover. Seltzer morning relief promotes itself as fast acting formula that gets rid of the most common symptoms associated with a hangover such as headache and fatigue. This would make sense because the two active ingredients in Seltzer Morning Relief are caffeine and aspirin. These two ingredients actually have been shown to make hangovers worse. But that is not what Seltzer Morning Relief says. Seltzer morning relief also promotes itself as being a maximum strength pain reliever that is gentle on your stomach and will give you a burst of energy to get you up and moving again.

Ways to cure a hangover: Water

Water makes up over half of what your body is made of. And when you drink too much you dehydrate it of essential vitamins, water, and nutrients it needs to keep you feeling well and healthy. Water as a hangover cure is your new best friend. The best way to use water to cure a hangover is to drink a few glasses while you are actually drinking. But don’t worry if you forgot to do that. The next morning when your hangover is hitting you hard just find a clean cup, fill it with some good old H2O and drink half the glass and relax. Drink as much water as you want just make sure to drink it slowly. Eventually with water as a hangover cure you will begin to feel better.

Ways to cure a hangover: Sleep

After water; sleep is your second best friend. Because your body has been working so hard to process all the alcohol from the night before and because you have dehydrated yourself of essential nutrients and vitamins to keep you energized you are going to feel fatigued. This is where sleep comes in. Sleeping off a hangover is literally one of the most fool proof and effective ways to deal with a hangover. If you have to work in the morning then maybe use the water and seltzer morning relief but if you have the chance to sleep than take it. Nothing is going to cure a hangover like letting your body rest from the chaos and havoc you put it through the night before. Sleep until you are ready to wake up and keep that handy glass of water nearby and you will be right as rain in just a few hours.

Whatever you are using to cure a hangover just makes sure to let your body rest. Sleep and water are really the only two realistic options for a hangover cure that don’t actually wreak more havoc on your body. So drink up, water we mean and get some sleep!


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis

Alcohol and Midlife Crisis

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis

Drinking patterns and alcohol problems change with age. Some people don’t even begin to abuse alcohol until they are middle aged or older. Although most people who start abusing alcohol in middle age have had previous experience with alcohol, they don’t meet the criteria for alcohol use disorders until they are between the ages of 50 and 64. A lot of this is likely due to the connection between alcohol and midlife crisis.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis: What is a midlife crisis?

Midlife crisis is a term that has come to mean a time where adults come to grips with their own mortality. Sometimes, midlife crisis comes simply when someone realizes that half their time on earth may be other. Other times, the crisis is triggered by transitions experienced in those years including hormonal changes, death of parents, unemployment, or children leaving home.

One of the main characteristics of a midlife crisis is seeing their life in a negative way and their health and enjoyment declining. Abuse of alcohol is a very common behavior in people who are experiencing a midlife crisis. Many people in middle age are overwhelmed by the amount of responsibility on their shoulders. They may be responsible for aging parents, children, paying a mortgage, and their own relationship with a spouse.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis: Substance Abuse and Mid-life Crisis

A midlife crisis can cause feelings of depression and anxiety. Many people will turn to alcohol or drug abuse in an effort to cope. They will use substance abuse as a means of escape or self-medication. Middle aged men and women are also more able to hide their substance abuse and maintain a level of function. This can allow addiction and/or alcoholism to progress without accountability.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis: How prevalent is it?

A recent study indicates that 23 percent of men and nine percent of women between ages 50 and 64 years old reported drinking at least five alcoholic beverages in one day-which is defined as binge drinking. Also, middle aged men and women were more likely than adolescents in their teens and twenties to report drinking every day.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis: Who is at risk?

The typical middle aged alcoholic is actually what’s known as a “functional alcoholic.” Most are highly educated and have careers. The decline may be slow and hard to notice at first. In addition, many middle aged alcoholics have what is known as a dual diagnosis. This means that they are suffering from other psychological problem like anxiety or depression as well as having a substance abuse disorder.

Alcohol and Mid Life Crisis: Health problems

Middle aged drinkers are much more susceptible to the adverse health effects of alcohol abuse than younger drinkers. The health costs due to alcohol consumption are mainly due to middle aged, middle class drinkers. On average, alcohol-related health problems among middle aged people are 13 times more costly than those of people in their early to mid-twenties.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Hangover Remedies: Exercise

Although it may be the last thing you feel like doing when you have a hangover, experts say that light exercise can act as a good hangover remedy. While exercise won’t cure a hangover, they may be able to alleviate some of your worst symptoms. Exercise can also release endorphins, which are the body’s “feel good” chemicals, and can make you feel better after a long night of drinking. Finally, exercise promotes restful sleep, something that is very important when recovering from a hangover.

While exercising, it’s important that you hydrate your body properly. Alcohol can have a dehydrating effect on your body, which means you could suffer from exercise-induced dehydration more quickly than normal. Keep a water bottle nearby and drink at least 7 to 10 oz. of water every 10 to 20 minutes that you exercise. You’ll also want to continue drinking water throughout the day to help reduce your hangover symptoms

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Stretching/Yoga

For some people, the worst part of a hangover are the aching, stiff muscles. There are two main reasons why legs pain after too much of alcohol consumption. One, alcohol intake increases the content of lactic acid in your body. Excessive buildup of lactic acid in your body can lead to cramps or pain in your muscles. Two, alcohol leads to dehydration. Your body ends up falling short on electrolytes, and you tend to experience muscle pain or cramps. Stretching and/or yoga can make you feel better. Experts recommend light yoga poses or stretching. “Hot” yoga can dehydrate your body, making hangover symptoms worse.  The use of props like eye pillows, bolsters and blocks can be particularly helpful to anyone with a hangover, along with drinking plenty of water before and after the session. Twisting stretches or poses can increase blood flow and improve digestion, which can shorten the length of a hangover.

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Walking/Light Jogging

Going for a brisk walk or light jog can help ease hangover symptoms by getting your blood pumping and speeding your metabolism. Alcohol is broken down in the liver first to acetaldehyde, then to harmless acetic acid. Your body requires another chemical, glutathione, to break down acetaldehyde into acetic acid and clear it from your body.  The problem is that when you drink a LOT of alcohol, you run out of glutathione and are stuck with the toxic acetaldehyde in your system while your liver makes more glutathione Acetaldehyde is the main chemical that is responsible for the symptoms of a hangover. It is more toxic to the body than the alcohol itself. The increase in metabolism will help your body get rid of the toxins that have caused the hangover and recover more quickly.

Hangover Remedies: Exercise: Swimming

Swimming has the same metabolic benefits as walking or jogging, but in a swimming pool, you are less likely to become overheated. In addition, the sudden splash of cool water can give you a rush of adrenaline, which raises your tolerance for the hangover’s effect. Immersing yourself in a body of water can make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Sometimes, just getting out in the sun can take your mind off the hangover for a while.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

5 Holistic Remedies for Your Hangover

5 Holistic Remedies for Your Hangover

A hangover is your body’s way of letting you know you may have had a little too much fun last night. Unfortunately once you reach the point of a hangover there is no going back no matter how much you wish you could. That extra beer or shot doesn’t seem worth it now but yet here you are. Hangovers feel awful, they are very similar to being sea sick; there is the fatigue, dehydration, pounding headache and in some cases severe nausea. Depending on how hung over you are there may even be some dizziness going on. This is all because your body has been depleted of essential vitamins and it has been wracked with alcohol. Luckily there are some holistic remedies for your hangover that can have you feeling better in no time. Here are 5 holistic remedies for your hangover:

1. Holistic remedies for your hangover: Bananas and Ginger

Bananas are full of potassium, potassium that while you were drinking and using the bathroom was leaving your body rapidly. Eating a banana will replenish your body with the essential vitamin potassium giving you some energy to beat the fatigue. Ginger is an old holistic remedy for hangovers. In fact ginger was used to treat nausea and seasickness for a long time. If you want to conquer your nausea ginger is the best bet.

2. Holistic remedies for your hangover: Honey and Lemons

Honey and lemons with a little bit of hot water can help to replenish lost fluids and sugars due to a long night of drinking. Your body has a hangover because it has lost a lot of its essential sugars and fluids due to drinking. Honey can help because it contains fructose which competes for the metabolism of alcohol. Competition is needed since the rapid change in alcohol levels is what has caused your headache.

3. Holistic remedies for your hangover: Water

Water works well to help with just about anything including a hangover. Drinking water is by far the best cure for a hangover to date. This is because dehydration can wreak havoc on the body and is the reason for most of the symptoms that come along with a hangover. Drinking water, whether it is carbonated, tap water or a filtered bottle of Dasani, is the best holistic hangover remedy there is. Drink more than the average eight glasses a day while recovering from a hangover.

4. Holistic remedies for your hangover: Sports drinks and Juice

Juice especially if it is freshly squeezed orange juice can help to raise blood sugar levels which in turn can help to ease some of the discomfort due to a hangover. If you are nauseous it is probably best to skip the acidic juices though and stick with a sports drink. Sports drinks are easy on the stomach and contain lots of electrolytes to replenish some of the vitamins your body is missing right now. Any sports drink with electrolytes will help with your hangover.

5. Holistic remedies for your hangover: Rice, Toast and Soups

Usually when you have a hangover the last thing you want to do is eat but eating can be a good thing if it is the right kind of food. Food will give you some sustenance for energy. Staying away from solid foods and sticking with clear liquids such as chicken noodle soup is the best bet early into your hangover. Later on if you can handle solid food, move onto something like toast or rice that will be easy on the stomach.

There is not fool proof holistic remedy for your hangover but there are some ways to ease the discomfort by giving your body what it is so dearly missing. A late night of drinking can wreak some havoc on the body so if you find yourself with a hangover do the right thing and just stick with what works and is easy on the body which is mainly a good amount of sleep and some tall glasses of water.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.