Cooking with Marijuana: Pancakes, Brownies and More!

Cooking with Marijuana: Pancakes, Brownies and More!

Most pot-related cooking starts with the making of “marijuana butter” or “pot butter”.  Our digestive systems can’t break down THC directly, so it must be heated in some way. Also, pot is fat-soluble, not water soluble, so you have to incorporate some kind of fat-containing food like milk or butter. The marijuana is incorporated into the butter, and then the butter can be used in any recipe that calls for it. I’ve even seen people put pot butter on toast or muffins, but it has a pretty strong flavor, so it’s best in baked goods.

A common recipe for pot butter:


1 lb. of butter (not margarine!)

1/2 ounce of finely ground marijuana


Melt the butter in a sauce pan until its simmering.

Add the marijuana and let simmer for 30 minutes or so until the butter has turned green from the marijuana.

Pour butter through a strainer to remove all the pieces of marijuana.

Chill until solid

You can also make pot butter with stems if you don’t want to waste any of that precious bud. But beware; it takes a lot of marijuana to collect enough stems to use in the recipe!

Now you can use the pot butter in a number of different recipes.

Common marijuana brownie recipe:


1 cup (225 g) pot butter, melted

3 cups (600 g) white sugar

1 tablespoon (15 mL) vanilla extract

4 eggs (add one more for a cakier result)

1 1/2 cups (180 g) all-purpose flour

1 cup (70 g) unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda (this seems to give them a nice crust – omit if you don’t want that)

1 cup (182 g) semisweet chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 350oF (175o C).

Lightly grease a 9×13 baking dish with the paper from the butter.

Melt butter in the microwave or on the stovetop.

Combine the melted butter, sugar, and vanilla in a large bowl.

Beat in the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each, until thoroughly blended.

Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, and salt.

Gradually stir the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture until blended.

Toss the chocolate chips in a light dusting of flour, and stir into the mix with a spoon or spatula.

The flour will keep them suspended in the batter and prevent them from all sinking to the bottom!

Pour into prepared pan.

Spread the batter in the pan, slightly mounding on the sides so it will all bake evenly (avoiding the typical mound you get in the middle after baking).

Bake for 35-40 minutes.

Common marijuana pancake recipe:


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon white sugar

1 1/4 cups milk

1 egg

3 tablespoons pot butter, melted


In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

You can also do the following: melt some butter in a pan and throw in some weed; stir a bit, and then fry an egg (or a pancake or whatever) in it. Eat the egg or whatever you made. Some people claim that sugar based condiments (honey, syrup, marmalade) give the weed a good flavor.

It can take anywhere from 20 mins to 4-5 hours for a “high” to kick in.

Disclaimer: These recipes were gathered from the websites listed below. We do not condone the use of marijuana or the consumption of it. Cook, bake and make it at your own risk. If you’re allergic to any of these ingredients or might be do not make this recipe.This article is for informational purposes only.




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Top 10 Hangover Tweets

Top 10 Hangover Tweets

When people get drunk they do funny things. One of those things due to social media allows us to share in their experience. Here are the top 10 hangover tweets that lets get a glimpse of what the night before looked like and what we should try to avoid in the morning.

1.      claytonfarris: Just woke up expecting to not know where I was, but I am home. Thank you to whoever dropped me off. #hungover

This is the perfect example of what is known as a blackout. If you ever have one of these moments where you wake up in the morning and parts of your evening are missing, chances are you blacked out. This can be dangerous but it also can offer up some good laughs if you make it home safe such as this person.

2.      yourfaveblonde: You guys, I am officially so hungover I might die. Going to bed now. If you haven’t heard from me in a few hours, come check on me!

“Officially, SO hungover.” Nice. Just a tip for yourfaveblonde, drink some water beforehand it will lessen the chances that you wake up just a couple hours later with your mouth as dry as a desert.

3.      AshleyLynn84: I am NEVER drinking like that again. HOLY CRAP! I think I am still drunk. But yet….SO HUNGOVER. WOW.

She must have had quite a bit of alcohol in her system to reach a state of still being drunk yet hungover. Some studies say that hangovers are a sign of alcohol withdrawal. Maybe slow down on the amount your consuming so you don’t reach a hangover before you aren’t even drunk anymore.

4.      lindzinlove: Death is near… So fu$$kn hungover.

Chances are if you are posting on twitter you are going to be just fine. Do drink plenty of water though. Hangovers are a sign your body is missing some vital nutrients, some nutrients as basic as H20.

5.     DreaTorres: Locked out of the house: cold, tired, and hungover FML

We have nothing to say about this. It just sucks. Chances are this guy has his keys to his house in his pocket, but is just too hungover to find them.

6.      heatheralxandra: The fact I’m in my bed, hungover, wallowing in self-pity and too scared to check how much money I spent last night means I had a good night.

The definition of a good night is all relative. Our hats are off to ya though if this is your definition of good.

7.      ranalees: sooo Im a lil hungover but in a fanfreakintastic mood. It is beautiful outside and its Sat. so what more can u ask for.

Staying positive is always good. We can’t say that this will always be the case for ranalees though. Getting outside, drinking some water, maybe even doing a little exercise may help with that hangover

8.      La_Wendy: Hate wen I’m hungover & I turn too fast and my head starts spinning haven’t had one of these in I don’t know how long.

LA_Wendy couldn’t even remember what that spinning feeling is called. Let us remind you, they are called “the spins.” This is a sign you are quite drunk and quite hungover. Best bet for this is to sleep and drink some water, lots and lots of water.

9.      gg112pm: RT @juliebenz: Never go grocery shopping when you are hungover and thirsty…. You end up buying way too many vitamin drinks.. Just sayin’…

This goes along with the same old adage- “don’t ever grocery shop when you’re hungry.” You may have spent too much money on vitamin water but its always good to have incase this ever happens again, we hope it doesn’t.

10.  aypro: @jpauldaigle magnitude of hangover? i think i’ll still be hungover tomorrow.

That’s an intense hangover and we are glad we are not experiencing that with you. It always feels worse than it really is though. Drink some water, get some sleep, check out some healthy hangover cures and chances are you will be right as rain tomorrow.





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Healthy Hangover Cures

Healthy Hangover Cures


The best hangover cure is still to moderate or limit your drinking so you don’t even run the risk of feeling like crap in the morning. Most of the times it is easy to overindulge when it comes to drinking, so if you are going to drink, a good healthy hangover cure, is to drink water in between each alcoholic beverage. Most hangovers happen because your body gets dehydrated. Drinking water between each alcoholic beverage is a healthy hangover cure because it helps your body process the alcohol and keeps you hydrated. If wake up the next morning to a hangover then check out these other hangover cures.

Alka-Seltzer. If you find yourself in the morning with a hangover that includes a queasy stomach this healthy hangover cure will settle your stomach with its special ingredient sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid. This is better than aspirin or anything citrusy that can just irritate your stomach more.

Juice, water and sports drinks. These three liquids help to replenish what the body has lost during a night of drinking and can help to expel the toxins at the same time. It is guaranteed that these healthy hangover cures are going to make you feel just a little bit better.

Exercise. A gentle exercise can do wonders for a hangover. This healthy hangover cure is not only good for you when you don’t have a hangover but is also good for when you do. Remember to stay hydrated if you can even muster up the effort to do a gentle workout.

Sleep. This healthy hangover cure is pretty obvious. Sleep is your best friend right now if you have time for it. Sleep lets the body process, so it gets the rest it needs in order to feel energized and refreshed again.

Banana/blueberry/kale/lemon smoothie. This healthy hangover cure just sounds healthy and it is! Antioxidants. Potassium. Natural sugars. Vitamins. Digestive enzymes. These are things that actually really help heal a hangover. Get a green smoothie. It has to be made fresh though, not one of those plastic bottles of green stuff next to juice in the grocery store.

Omega 3s—and then repeat. There’s not much omegas aren’t good for. This healthy hangover cure is just healthy in general. Take them when you get home; take them when you wake up; take them take them take them. Alcohol causes inflammation (which is at the root of most health problems), and omegas are proven to fight that inflammation a serious way. They will also help combat some of the unpleasant side effects of alcohol on your face, like dry, aggravated, blotchy skin.

Once again the best healthy hangover cures begin before the hangover. Drinking in moderations, drinking less, and staying hydrated while drinking are huge to curb a hangover. Healthy hangover cures are a good thing to know but a hangover still sucks and it sucks pretty bad sometimes. Be aware when you’re drinking of how much you are taking in and hopefully you can take the proactive measures to use healthy hangover cures just for health not for the pain and discomfort in the morning.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

How to talk to set rules about drinking at home

The way you treat alcohol in your home will make a big difference in how your children or teens handle the issues. Learning how to talk to set rules about drinking at home can sometimes be difficult but that’s why we are here to give you some steps to consider or use as a guide.

  1. How to talk about setting rules about drinking at home is not as hard as it may seem. What’s important is to not preach abstinence but rather give the facts. Saying abstinence means that if your teen messes up that they will be less likely to be open with you. Looking at these statistics will give you a good idea of why abstinence is definitely a good thing, it is not always plausible.
  • 58 percent of eighth graders surveyed out of a student body made up of about 50,000 students, said they had already had an alcoholic drink at some point in their lives.
  • Of this 58% nearly half had had a drink in the last 30 days
  • 1 out of 7 eighth graders had five or more drinks in the past two weeks.
  1. The next step to consider in how to talk to set rules about drinking at home is to evaluate how your family uses alcohol. Daily, or to relax? Only for special celebrations or for religious ones. Only when there’s company? Are you comfortable with the message this conveys to your family members?
  2. Don’t involve your teenager in your drinking by asking her to bring you a beer or mix you a drink.
  3. Should you introduce alcohol to your teen at home so they can learn of its effects? Some parents do; others feel that serving alcohol at home reduces yet one more barrier to keep them alcohol-free.
  4. Lock up your liquor. While teens seem to have little trouble buying liquor, a lot of what they drink comes from someone’s home stock. If you lock it up, you don’t have to worry about your teen or their friends getting a hold of it.

Another thing to remember in how to talk to set rules about drinking at home is to emphasize no drinking and driving. One beer in the system of a teen is enough to push their alcohol level above the legal limit which for those under 21 is 0.00 or nothing at all. Any alcohol in their system is enough to suspend a license in most states.

How to talk to set rules about drinking at home can be hard but here are some more tips. Share your values with them and stress what is really important to you; you don’t want them to drink but if they do you want them to get home safe. Let them know that they can be open with you and don’t need to risk their safety because they do not want to call you. Keep open communication and let them know that they can be honest with you. Share your experiences with them and what you have learned. Stress sobriety but if that falls through stress safety.

How to talk to set rules about drinking at home can be hard because you don’t want your teen to drink but chances are they are going to make them choice for themselves and it is best if you can be there for them instead of someone they want to avoid.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

College Drinking Statistics

College Drinking Statistics

College drinking statistics have rarely wavered since it became apparent that most college kids were drinking. The college drinking statistics may seem high to you if you have never seen them before but the truth is, as most of us know, a majority of students drink in college.

Drinking is a continued problem for most colleges. Nearly 73% of the students drink every now and then. That is nothing in comparison to the college drinking statistics that say 1 in 4 aged (18-34) students binge drink which means they drink four or more alcoholic beverages in a few hours.

Frightening Freshman

The average male freshman consumes 7.39 drinks-which can mean a bottle of beer, glass of wine, shot or mixed drink-per week. The average female freshman has an average of about 3.86 drinks per week. This is better in comparison to some of the binge drinking statistics in the past for college students.

College drinking statistics affecting grades

31% of college students miss a class due to drinking and 22% have failed an exam or essay due to drinking. Around 159,000 of the nation’s college freshmen will drop out of school because of drinking or using drugs.


Also when it comes to college drinking statistics, alcohol and sex go hand in hand. College drinking has been involved in 90% of all campus rapes, where either the rapist or the victim was intoxicated. It is heavily involved with one night stands and most hook ups on college campuses. Around 70% of college kids say that they had unplanned sex when they otherwise wouldn’t have because they were drinking. While under the influence of alcohol or drugs 20% of college students didn’t take any precautions even though they may do so normally while sober.

Underage Drinking

College drinking statistics don’t only apply to those of drinking age either. College begins when young adults are 18. This gives way to the college drinking statistic that 63% or 2 out of 3; the underage college students reported drinking in the past 30 days and 42% had five or more drinks.

Part of the problem with college drinking and the reason college drinking statistics are so high is because of the availability of alcohol to those of age and underage. Also many places market their drinks to the college audience, making it cheaper and easier to get it. Another part of the problem is that college students underestimate their drinking. It’s easy to not think you are drinking a lot when everyone around is drinking the same amount. It’s automatically assumed that drinking and college go hand in hand. College drinking statistics also are saying that college student’s supersize their alcoholic beverages meaning that the volume of the alcohol is increased with the cup size. The college student’s idea of one drink is much larger than it actually is. For example if a college student drinks out of a keg they may consider one cup, one drink, regardless of its size.

Either way college drinking statistics are not slowly declining but are rather staying the same or climbing upwards and this has a significant impact not only on the students health but also their education.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Mike Tyson and how “The Hangover” saved his life

Mike Tyson and how “The Hangover” saved his life

Ever hit rock bottom so hard that your only option was to stop drinking? A lot of people have.

Mike Tyson credits the hangover for his sobriety. Well sort of…

Mike Tyson soared back into the spotlight in 2009 when he appeared in the blockbuster hit – The Hangover. He says that he was in a dark place during the filming of the movie but after its debut and success he was approached by a school bus full of kids who hugged him and asked him about his role in the movie.

He says that day changed his life. Could it be that the truth and happiness from children made him realize that life is worth living- the right way? No matter how hard things get, there’s always love and happiness in this world.

Mike Tyson has been beat up throughout his life, literally. Once a heavyweight champ traveling the world, dating the most gorgeous women, and attending the hottest parties – he had it all. We all know too well that all that glitters isn’t gold. Tyson battled substance abuse, domestic violence and was convicted of rape charges in 2009; which he served three years in prison for.

In 2009 he also lost his 4 year old daughter in a freak treadmill accident. Such a tragedy!

Today Mike Tyson is 3 years sober and appearing in a one man show on Broadway entitled, “Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth” directed by Spike Lee. The show will run 12 times between July 31st and August 12th.

Take a look at a recap of his very personal interview with ABC anchor Terry Moran:

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Top 5 offensive alcohol names

Any attention including negative attention is good right?

Some alcoholic drinks don’t make any contextual sense like Coors or Budweiser. Others have these seemingly grandiose names that still don’t make much sense like Ciroc and Nuvo. Then there are alcoholic beverages whose names need no clarification: they’re just outright offensive. The following top 5 offensive alcohol names are a ploy to grab attention amongst the competition. These alcohol companies have named their alcoholic beverages things that will make your head spin before the 40 proof burn in the back of your throat.

Usually alcohol companies leave it up to you to get drunk and do something offensive. In this case the mere bottle in your hand is enough.

Here are the top 5 offensive alcohol names and we won’t be offended if you get offended.

1. Coming into the number one spot is a real Raging Bitch. Did we just say that? Yes we did. The first offensive alcohol name is ‘Raging Bitch’. This Raging bitch is a foul mouthed beer made by the Flying Dog Company. Raging Bitch beer is a Belgian-Style India Pale Ale with a high alcohol content of 8.3%.

Recently this Raging Bitch went to court because it was banned by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission in 2009 for its name. Needless to say you don’t mess with a “raging bitch”. The Flying Dog had something to say about that and sued in Federal court claiming its 1st amendment rights were violated which resulted in a reversal of the ban.

2. Whether or not you think this next offensive alcohol name should be at the number one spot or the number two spot you have to say that it is almost equally offensive as the first. Coming in at number two of our top 5 offensive alcohol names is the ‘Dirty Bastard’. While the name ‘Dirty Bastard’ may throw you off this is actually rated as an exceptional beer. Not so dirty after all.

A scotch ale made by the Founders Brewing Company, you have to wonder since the company put such an offensive alcohol name on it, wouldn’t the beer have to make up for the lack of taste in the alcohol name with the actual alcohol in it? In the ‘Dirty Bastard’s’ case it definitely does.  With an alcohol by volume content of 8.5% this Dirty Bastard doesn’t live up to its name and were thinking that’s a good thing.

3. Coming in at number three is the more well-known’ Five Wives Vodka’. ‘Five Wives Vodka’s’ controversy started when it was banned in Idaho because it raised concerns about offending Mormons but it is now ok to sell.

 The picture on the label of ‘Five Wives Vodka’ depicts five women in petticoats holding kittens near their lady parts. Aside from its offensive alcohol name ‘five wives vodka’ is decent liquor; made by Ogden’s Own Distillery and distilled from a 50/50 blend of wheat and corn and also filtered multiple times. This offensive alcohol is then blended with spring water from Utah’s own Ogden Canyon. Five Wives Vodka is 80 proof and a sure conversation starter.

4. Our next alcohol on the top 5 offensive alcohol name pushes the limits of what it means to be offensive. With these next offensive alcohol names were talking terrorism and murder on a worldwide level.

With that said these offensive alcohol names and labels take it to the next level. Coming in at number 4 of our top 5 offensive alcohol names are the fascist dictators. How about a nice glass of Fuhrer cabernet? Or a beer with Mussolini on the front label? Italy’s I Nostalgici offers you the chance to have a bottle of wine or beer depicting a figure of someone who has made history. Someone such as, oh say, Hitler or Stalin. We’re guessing that is not the kind of history you were thinking of.

5. And coming in last for our top 5 offensive alcohol names only comes in last because it is not a brand but rather a mixed drink is the infamous ‘redheaded slut’. The ‘redheaded slut’ or ‘ginger bitch’ is a mixed drink that includes Jagermeister, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. 

This offensive alcohol name was made popular by college students who wanted to order drinks with sexually explicit names. The ‘redheaded slut’ definitely “gets around town” (pun definitely intended there) because this was probably the first drink you thought of when you began thinking of offensive alcohol names you may have already heard of.

That about finishes the top 5 offensive alcohol names and if you have left offended we know we and the alcohol have done their job.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

DUI Facts

Oh that dreaded acronym! DUI, or driving under the influence, could cost you $5,000 or more in fines and court fees by the time it’s all said and done, not to mention jail time. The simple solution is to not drink and drive, ever. However there are a host of myths and urban legends surrounding DUI’s. We want to help sort out fact from fiction. So hear they are, DUI Facts.

DUI Facts

1.) Sucking on a penny will help you pass a breathalyzer: DUI Fiction! This rumor has been around for decades, and it’s a total myth. Putting a penny in your mouth will not lower your BAC (blood alcohol content) in the slightest. Don’t even bother.

2.) Most people who get DUI’s are repeat offenders: DUI Fact! People who get a DUI have driven under the influence 80 times before they get caught. 80 TIMES! Even after they get caught, ½ of DUI offenders continue to drive on a suspended license. Talk about pushing your luck!

3.) Field sobriety tests are an accurate way to identify drunk drivers: DUI Fiction! A study by Clemson University has recently revealed that officers using field sobriety tests only accurately identify drunk drivers about 50% of the time!

4.) The problem of drunk driving is getting worse: DUI Fiction! Actually, the number of people who get DUI’s has gone down in recent years. Drunk driving fatalities have decreased by almost 65% since we first started recording them in the 80’s.

5.) Evan if a man and woman consume the same amount of alcohol, the woman will have a higher BAC: DUI Fact! Men generally weigh more than woman, so they can drink the same amount and have a lower BAC. To reach a BAC level of .08 g/dL, a man weighing approximately 170 pounds would need to consume four standard drinks in one hour on an empty stomach. A woman weighing about 140 pounds would need to consume three drinks in one hour.

6.) If you get a DUI, you are an alcoholic: DUI Fiction! Not all, or even most people who get DUI’s are alcoholics, but some of them are. Alcoholism is determined by the compulsive need to drink despite negative consequences. So if someone keeps drinking heavily, even after a DUI, they may be an alcoholic.

7.) Time is the only way to lower your BAC: DUI Fact! Many people think that drinking coffee or eating food can sober you up after you’ve been drinking. The truth is, caffeine does nothing to lower your blood alcohol content, and eating food after you have been drinking does not help you metabolize it more quickly. Time is the only way to sober up. It takes about one hour for every drink you’ve consumed.

8.) Breathalyzers are always accurate: DUI Fiction! The reading on a breathalyzer can vary up to 0.01 g/dl in any direction. Breathalyzers actually don’t measure blood alcohol content directly, they measure the alcohol on your breath and attempt to estimate your BAC. Only a blood test can give a truly accurate reading of blood alcohol level.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

What is MADD?

 MADD: Mother's Against Drunk Driving

MADD or Mothers Against Drunk Driving was created to help stop drunk driving. MADD is an acronym for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD is a non-profit organization that was founded in the United States which focuses on just the issue of drunk driving. MADD was started in 1980 by Candy Lightner after her 13 year old daughter died due to drunk driving. Her daughter was hit by drunk driver while walking down the street in Sacramento, California. Because of that Lightner decided to start an organization to fight against drunk driving.

Drunk driving is a huge problem for the United States and MADD is trying to rectify the problem permanently. Drunk driving usually causes car crashes because the drivers have slower reaction times and seriously poor judgment. Most of the time the victims of the car crashes, are innocent and not drunk themselves. Passengers in other cars, pedestrians, cyclists are just as likely to be killed due to drunk driving as the driver. Many people feel drunk driving is irresponsible because it endangers not only the life of the driver but the life of someone else. Drunk driving is illegal in the United States.

Later on after MADD was established they added a measure to their goal to slow down underage drinking. MADD often uses a number of tactics which can be controversial to achieve this goal. Critics of MADD have said that the organization abridges civil rights in its want to stop drunk driving. Supporters of MADD argue that being killed by a drunk driver is an even more severe restriction of civil liberties for the victim. MADD is active in drunk driving legislation. MADD is also responsible for nation-wide legislation which penalizes drunk driving more evenly across the states and also increases the punishment for those caught drunk driving. MADD also lobbied for a reduction of the legal blood alcohol limit to .08 and it supports heavier fines and jail time to drunk drivers. MADD also supports a heavier punishment for repeat drunk drivers.

MADD (Mothers against drunk driving) also participates in victim advocacy and education. MADD assists victims of drunk drivers along with the survivors. MADD will sometimes try to get victims to give impact statements in trials for the drunk drivers and stages massively public campaigns to raise the awareness about drunk driving. MADD also educates schools and drivers education programs. MADD says that there has been a significant decrease in alcohol related accidents since its founding in 1980.

Every 52 minutes on average someone is killed in a drunk driving car accident. Every 90 seconds someone is injured and MADD believes this is totally preventable and is doing what they can to help with the 10,228 people total that died just in 2010 due to drunk driving. Along with their goal to eliminate drunk driving, MADD also offers parents of teens workshops and handbooks in order to help them talk to their kids about drinking.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Summer Safety: Alcohol and the Sun

Summer Safety: Alcohol and the Sun

It’s summer again, and many spend these long, hot days having drinks on a beach, at a barbeque, or on a boat. Sometimes, however, alcohol and the sun can be a dangerous combination. Here are some summer safety tips if you plan on combining alcohol and the sun this summer:

1. Drink plenty of water! Combining alcohol and the sun can be dangerous if you are not hydrating properly. Both alcohol and the sun can dehydrate you, leaving you confused, dizzy, and prone to accidents. A dehydrated body is more prone to heat exhaustion. Extreme heat exhaustion can even cause heat stroke, which can be deadly. Moreover, these conditions can materialize so quickly that the person may not even have a chance to realize they are dehydrated. Also, a person who is dehydrated feels the effects of alcohol more strongly, meaning that if you drink as much as you would indoors, when you combine alcohol and the sun, you will likely be much drunker than you expected. This can be dangerous if you plan to drive (and yes, you can get a DUI on a boat or Jet Ski too!) or engage in some other activity like parasailing, outdoor sports, or cooking on an outdoor barbecue.

So if you plan on combining alcohol and the sun, stay hydrated! Have at least one glass of water for every drink you consume, and take care when operating heavy machinery.

2.) Eat Food! If you are planning to combine alcohol and the sun, make sure you eat before and during drinking. Food helps to slow the effects of alcohol. It is important to note that sugary drinks, such as soda and juice, combined with alcohol can produce a low blood sugar effect even greater than that caused by alcohol alone. Low blood sugar in the sun can be very harmful, causing you to feel dizzy, weak, or even lose conciseness.

3.) Safety first! Alcohol and the sun can cause you to be more prone to accidents, especially if you are cooking on an outdoor barbeque or boating. If you are on a boat, make sure you choose a designated driver who will not be drinking and wear your life vest at all times. If you are cooking outdoors, wait until after you are done to start drinking.

4.) Wear sunscreen! Sunscreen is important for anyone enjoying the summer sun, but it is especially important when mixing alcohol and the sun. Often, those that are drinking in the sun won’t even realize how sunburnt they are until it is too late! Often, when you drink alcohol in the sun, you are less aware of what is going on, and you do not realize how many hours you are spending in the sun. Mixing alcohol and the sun can cause sun poisoning, which is a severe form of sunburn. Sun poisoning can cause chills, nausea, skin redness and blistering, severe pain and swelling, headache, and dizziness. So wear your sunscreen and don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours or after swimming or heavy sweating.

 Have FUN!


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.