Vodka Eyeballing

Vodka Eyeballing is the latest in a series of bizarre trends in drinking. Like butt chugging and vodka tampons, vodka eyeballing is a way to get booze into the system for a faster and more intense drunk than drinking. Instead of throwing back a shot, teens hold the bottle to their eye and pour the liquid directly into the eye, which is laden with blood vessels. The alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the mucous membranes. At least, that’s the theory. Experts are divided on whether or not this will really get you drunk. Some hypothesize that the kids who try this are already drunk to begin with and imagine the effect.

Because the alcohol is not being consumed orally, teens think it is easier for teens to hide the fact that they are drinking.  However, when alcohol is metabolized, a portion is released through the saliva, no matter how it is ingested.  Vodka eyeballing also won’t fool a Breathalyzer, as the test measures blood alcohol content. So apparently, the teens that are doing this are not hiding it as well as they think.

This is a dangerous trend, and emergency rooms in Britain have already reported cases of teens and young twenty-something’s checking in after vodka eyeballing. Vodka eyeballing can cause the mucous membranes in the eye to become very inflamed-which is why experts are skeptical about the effect. A 40 proof vodka shot would cause inflammation and blood vessel clotting, and actual alcohol absorption would be minimal.

In 2010, vodka eyeballing was reported as a growing trend among university students in the United Kingdom. Now vodka eyeballing is rumored to have moved from Britain college campuses to Vegas nightclubs, but there is debate on whether this is really happening or if it’s just an urban legend. Google “Vodka Eyeballing” and you will find thousands of YouTube videos, as well as videos of “Vodka snorting.” Vodka snorting has also been reported by several British bar owners as an alternate route for ingesting alcohol by UK students; reportedly inducing an instant blackout in some drinkers. Again though, the only evidence of this trend is YouTube and the random reports of bar owners. No one knows if vodka eyeballing or vodka snorting are really that common, or are more along the lines of a prank or joke.

The risk is that, even if this is just a media prank, teens may see the videos or hear rumors about vodka eyeballing and want to try it at home. And alcohol in the eye can burn the cornea to the point of lasting impairment or even blindness. It can be very dangerous and painful to try this fad.

Whether or not this is a real trend in teens, the important thing for parents is to have open and honest communication with their child about drugs and alcohol. Surveys confirm that teens are much less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol if they are well informed by their parents about them.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie – Requiem for a Dream

Yesterday I watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time and was it INTENSE! I don’t think I’ve ever been sucked into a movie the way I was when I watched this film. I felt the pain, aguish, fear, depression, pressure and anxiety that all the characters were going through. It was real, too real. This is a film I recommend that everyone (18 and over unless your parents approve otherwise) watch because it gives a more realistic portrayal of the cycle of addiction and how synical it really is. Yes, it’s a bit dramatic (as most main stream films are) but very gritty.

WARNING: Requiem for a Dream is NSFW: In case you’re wondering what NSFW means; it means it’s NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK.

This is a classic movie about addiction, societal pressure, the quest for freedom from addiction in general – not just from a substance. All the characters had in some way, good intentions, but in the end suffered very serious consequences from their drug addictions. In this movie you’ll see characters that are battling Heroin, Cocaine and Speed addictions. The movie is split into three seasons – Summer, Fall and Winter. In the Summer we find the characters blooming and experiencing happiness and highs in their life. In the Fall they hit a hard wall and begin to fall apart and once Winter comes around all hell has broken loose and their lives have become unmanageable, dark and destructive. The director, Darren Aronofsky was not interested in Requiem For a Dream as a junky movie or a film about drug paraphernalia. He was more interested in the before and after of drug use.

Requiem for a Dream Trailer

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Remedies: Soups

hangover cures soups

These hangover remedies all have one thing in common, they are soups. These soups come from all over the world and are said to work wonders on a pounding head, nausea, and some serious dehydration. So you drank too much the night before? No worries, we got you covered-in broth.

  • Miso soup replaces a lot of things our bodies need to feel better: water, sodium, and other nutrients depleted by the diuretic effects of the alcohol. Because it’s a fermented food that contains healthy bacteria, miso can also aid with digestion. Too much alcohol is known to disrupt the stomach’s lining and can often result in unpleasant digestive side effects.
  • Pho is a Vietnamese broth and rice noodle soup, usually made by simmering beef bones, green onions and other spices. The traditional soup comes with tripe and tendons as well. The amazing thing about Pho is that while it is hydrating and nutritious, it is also very versatile. You can add various sauces and garnishes which customize the flavor to your liking. The broth can be as spicy or mild as you wish. All of this comes in handy depending on the severity of your hangover the next morning.
  • Haejangguk in English, this Korean dish literally means “soup for the stomach.” Street vendors in Korea sell it out of carts, usually on weekend mornings. The ingredients vary, but cow bones and cow’s blood are mainstays, along with a collection of spices that would make most Westerners scream. But better a stinging tongue than a throbbing temple.
  • Borscht Russians use borscht as a hangover cure. Hot borscht, the kind most popular in the majority of cultures, is a hearty soup. It is almost always made with a beef or pork broth. It usually contains heavy starchy vegetables including potatoes and beets, but may also contain carrots, peppers, and meat. Filling, good for you, and easy on the stomach this is a great hangover cure. It may be eaten as a meal in itself, but is usually eaten as an appetizer with dark rye bread.
  • Chicken Noodle Soup. The well-known classic your mom used to give you when you had to stay home from school from, well, every sickness known to mankind. Chicken noodle soup replenishes nutrients, helps you sleep, and keeps you hydrated. Plus it doesn’t have all the weird stuff in it that some of the other soups on our list have. Although the spices in the dishes above are supposed to help you sweat out your hangover so maybe they have one up on chicken noodle.

Either way if you have a hangover and are looking for remedies than soup may be the best option for you; especially if you wake up and the thought of greasy bacon and eggs makes you sick to your stomach. Soup is easy on the stomach depending on the kind, is quick to make, and good for you. Hangover remedies: soups are definitely a great way to replenish, rehydrate, and rest. These are the three-must for a hangover.


More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Dope Sick Remedies

If you have ever been dope sick you are probably wondering if there are any remedies for it. If you have never been dope sick but are worried you possibly could be in the future than you probably want to know some of the remedies. Either way it is probably good to know ways to prevent feeling dope sick.

  • Loperamide. Loperamide is an over-the-counter medication used to treat diarrhea. The structure of loperamide is closely related to Demerol, which is an opiate with effects kind of like heroin. If you are looking for dope sick remedies you may want to try this. Loperamide works by stopping spasms in the intestinal tract. Loperamide does not cause intoxication. Other symptoms of being dope sick can be alleviated too. This dope sick remedy may work for nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps.
  • Some other dope sick remedies are more natural, such as ginger. A common place item found in most cabinets, ginger is a helpful herb to have on hand. It serves the purpose of relieving both nausea and physical pain. This is perfect for feeling dope sick. Ginger can be brewed into tea or taken in pill form for its medicinal effects. If you are searching for dope sick remedies this is the perfect place to start, your own cabinet.
  • Over-the-counter analgesics. These are probably the most helpful dope sick remedies. Over-the-counter painkillers can be helpful in easing the physical pain of being dope sick. Medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. These medicines work as dope sick remedies by reducing inflammation and treating the widespread pain. Acetaminophen is a painkiller with fever reducing properties which also may help with the hot cold chills of being dope sick.
  • Passionflower. Yes this is one of the dope sick remedies. Passionflower grows wild in many parts of the world. Passionflower has many uses including the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and muscle spasms. Passionflower is an excellent dope sick remedy because it helps to relieve both the physical and emotional pain caused by being dope sick. Passionflower can be as effective as clonidine which is an actual drug to treat being dope sick. As one of the dope sick remedies it is the most helpful in alleviating symptoms such as anxiety and muscle pain. If you have clonidine, passionflower greatly intensifies the effects of it if you take them together.

If you are seeking dope sick remedies you may want to think about entering an inpatient detox or treatment center also. If you are dope sick, chances are that you have a drug abuse problem and need outside help. There are also more comfortable dope sick remedies if you seek medical attention for your withdrawal. Being dope sick begins when your body has become physically addicted to a substance and then you stop using that substance. Being dope sick does not last forever and doesn’t mean you should continue using. If you do not want to seek outside medical help or professional help then try some of these dope sick remedies for yourself.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Weirdest Street Names for Drugs

Some of the street names for drugs have slowly turned weird. Due to a drug users want to be conspicuous, hip, and maybe even gangster; these street names for drugs have gone through all kinds of twists and turns to the point of being downright bizarre and sometimes humorous. Here are the weirdest street names for drugs.

Chicken Feed. Can you take a guess at which drug we are talking about here? It shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that we are definitely not talking about the animal food your grandpa used on his farm. So, what are we talking about when we say chicken feed? Chicken feed is one of the weirdest street names for meth. Methamphetamine has hundreds of street names but chicken feed came across as the weirdest. Other street names for meth are:

  • Crystal
  • Cristina
  • Cinnamon
  • Tina
  • Spackle

Sweet Jesus!! Yes we are kind of shocked at this next weird street name. This weird street name for this drug is definitely one of the most “out there” names we have found so far. In comparison to the other weirdest street names for drugs, this definitely is in the top three. Sweet Jesus it’s not just a saying you hear in church anymore; it’s also something you would hear if you were looking for, well, heroin. Yep, we said it!! Sweet Jesus and heroin are synonymous on the street.  So there you have it. Sweet Jesus comes in as the weirdest street name for heroin. Some other weird street names for heroin are:

  • Ballot
  • Big Bag
  • Brown Sugar
  • Cheese
  • Dead on Arrival

Scooby snacks. Have you ever wondered why Scooby was so excited to get those Scooby snacks? Well the next weirdest street name for drugs has the unusual and comical name of Scooby snacks, which in drug user’s laymen’s terms stands for MDMA, better known as ecstasy. This is definitely one of the weirdest street names for drugs out there. Some other weird street names for MDMA are:

  • Trolls
  • Beans
  • Love Drug
  • Eve

Whackatabacky. Yes, that is a word. Try saying that three times fast. Whack-a-ta-backy. Whackatabacky is the weirdest street name for this drug. Take a guess? Marijuana. Whackatabacky stands for whack tobacco. Some other of the weirdest street names for marijuana are:

  • Boom
  • Chronic
  • Doobie
  • Gangster
  • Ganja
  • Herb

How do you like me now? Not really. “How do you like me now?” is not even a name but a statement and this statement comes in as one of the weirdest street names for drugs. Which drug says “how do you like me now?” well, its crack. Smoking “how do you like me now?” is really bad for you. Nope, it doesn’t really work in a sentence which is why this weird street name for this drug is so, we guess, weird. Some other of the weirdest street names for crack are:

  • Devil drug
  • Dice
  • Electric kool-aid
  • Fat bags                                                                                      
  • French Fries

The weirdest street names for drugs are only what we can describe as inventive. Just remember even though these drugs get cool, hip, inventive and conspicuous names doesn’t mean they are as fun, hip or as inventive to do.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Drink Responsibly: Top 3 Rules to Safe Drinking

Drink Responsibly: Top 3 Rules to Safe Drinking 

We live in a society where having a drink or two is as normal as going for a run, doing yoga, meditating, sleeping, going grocery shopping, or taking a stroll down the block. Drinking has evolved from an option (or recreational activity of sorts) to being a habit; and a bad one at that. We’ve glamorized and portrayed alcohol as a normal part of everyday life. Alcohol has ingrained itself into our society and to inform people on the dangers of alcohol when we’ve be told that it’s “normal” behavior to consume it and “live it up” is not easy. So, we won’t attempt to shove down your throat the perils of drinking alcohol, instead we just want to share our thoughts on how you can drink alcohol safely. Here are our top 3 rules to safe drinking:

  1. Do not engage in underage drinking. The drinking age in America is 21 years old for a reason and even at this age millions of people abuse alcohol by binge drinking or engaging in reckless behavior while intoxicated which puts themselves and others in danger. The human brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. That means that a person is truly not considered an adult until age 25. The brain is still growing and developing until the age of 25 yet people are allowed to ingest alcohol which affects the development of the human brain. We’ll safely blame that on a mixture of societal and governmental doing. Drinking prematurely can affect the development of your brain so it’s crucial that you do not engage in underage drinking. Just wait, it’s not worth the risk of getting caught by your parents, doing poorly in school, becoming sick or getting in trouble with the law. Be smart and be safe, just wait.
  2. Do not drink and drive or operate heavy machinery. When you become 21 and are able to drink, if you choose to drink, do so responsibly. Do not drink and drive or operate heavy machinery. When alcohol enters your body is slows downs your motor skills and thus impairs your ability to operate any type of vehicle. People who are intoxicated can barely walk straight so imagine how it’d be if they tried to drive a car. It just doesn’t sound too smart, does it?
  3. Do not binge drink or consume more than 1 alcoholic drink per hour. Alcohol like everything else should be consumed in moderation. Our bodies are not never-ending vessels that can handle large amounts of alcohol. Think about it, if we overeat we will get sick and/or throw up. Our bodies have limits when it comes to what we put in it. The body only needs enough food and liquids to keep it alive. Alcohol, though it has some benefits, can do us more harm than good if taken in large amounts, especially over a long period of time. When we ingest alcohol it goes into our blood stream, pumps into our brain throughout the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and the limbic system.  In the brain, alcohol latches onto the membrane of cells. It affects the neurotransmitters sent between different cells. These messages control what a person thinks, does and feels. By inhibiting some messages, and encouraging others, alcohol changes behaviors and thoughts.

This article is for informational purposes only. We’re not trying to tell anyone what to do but we just want to spread information on how to make the best choices when deciding to drink any alcoholic beverages; even those labeled non-alcoholic. Oh, yeah they do have alcohol in it so be careful.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Using food to recover from a hangover is nothing new. Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy generates neatly 9 million results on Google and is total fallacy. Here are some of the best hangover cures that are healthy, and some of the foods you should stay far away from better known as the junk food remedy.

Good: Eggs

Eggs are naturally full of something called cysteine, a substance that can break down a toxin called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is what causes all the awful hangover symptoms, so the quicker you break it down, the quicker you’ll feel better.

Bad: Coffee

While coffee has a great reputation as a hangover cure, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it will exacerbate the alcohol’s dehydrating effect and leave you feeling even more sickly. It can be hard to resist the instant wake-up coffee brings, but it will be worth it in the end.

Good: Water

On the flip-side, keeping well hydrated with water will help your body to recover from the dehydration the alcohol has put it through. Adding a little salt to the water can help to replace the sodium your body lost the night before and speed up your recovery process even more.

Bad: Spicy Food

Spicy foods can’t do much to help your body get back to normal, but they can irritate an upset stomach. Unless you have a craving and a strong stomach, this is better to stay away from.

Good: Ginger

While other foods may upset your stomach, ginger will soothe it and fight off any feelings of nausea that you may have. A cup of Ginger Ale or some sweetened Ginger Tea will also help your body get a small amount of sugar- just enough to replenish the glycogen you lost the night before.

Bad: Fast Food

Many people will swear up and down that the grease in fast food will “soak a hangover up”, but unfortunately, it isn’t true. Like spicy foods, fast food won’t do much more than make you sick to your stomach. Save the junk food for another day.

Good: Bananas

A night of drinking takes a serious toll on your body’s potassium supply, and bananas are just the food to build it back up. One banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

There are many ways to prevent a hangover. Number one is not drinking so much or spreading out your drinks over a longer period of time. Drinking water also helps, as does drinking on a full stomach. But sometimes, despite our best efforts (or any effort), a night of partying can end in a pounding headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.

The best cure for a hangover is time, but if you don’t want to suffer, here are some hangover cures that that can help:

Potassium: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urination. Most drinkers know this, but what they may not know is that by increasing urination, alcohol consumption also flushes out some key vitamins and minerals. One of these is potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral. Your body needs it to function properly. It is necessary for your heart and muscles to contract normally. The lack of potassium can lead to the sore muscles that you feel after a night of hard drinking. It can also make you feel weak and dizzy. Fruits and veggies are a great source of potassium.  Orange juice, prunes, bananas and potatoes are all foods that contain high levels of potassium.

Carbs: You know that burning, nauseous feeling that hits you the morning after drinking hard? Alcohol causes your stomach to overproduce acid, which can create a sick and sour tummy in the morning. Carbs are great because they not only give you a quick surge of energy, they can help counteract that sick feeling. Toast and rice are classic high carb hangover cures. Food is often the last thing you want to consider when recovering from a wicked hangover, but having something on your stomach can help settle it and combat some of that hangover fatigue. Rice and toast are simple and easy to ingest, so they are usually the go-to foods when you’re suffering from a sick stomach.

Electrolytes: Electrolytes are ions in the blood stream that regulate fluid flow across cell membranes. Dehydration is caused by an electrolyte imbalance in the body. The side effects of binge drinking alcohol like vomiting, diarrhea and increased urination can cause the body to rapidly lose electrolytes and become dehydrated. In extreme cases, this dehydration can lead to seizures and even death, which is why it is so important to keep hydrated while drinking. Most experts recommend having one glass of water for every drink you have.

Dehydration is also the main cause of hangover symptoms. You’re body loses a lot of fluids and other nutrients during a night of drinking. Drinking a lot of water, juice, or other sports drinks can help you replenish some of what you lost. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, as well as hydrating your body.

Unfortunately, once you have a hangover, none of these remedies is exactly a “hangover cure,” but they will help out with some of the worst symptoms. Other than that, get some rest, take some Tylenol, and stop drinking so much, you lush.

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is a scary way to drink. Binge drinking is very dangerous to a person’s health and can cause serious damage quickly to a person’s body.

What is binge drinking?

Binge drinking is the modern epithet for drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.

Two large glasses of wine may not seem like very much. But drinking six units of alcohol in a short space of time – an hour, say – will raise your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and could make you drunk very quickly. Drinking the same amount over several hours and accompanied by food for example will not have the same effect on your BAC.

Some studies show that drinking a large amount of alcohol over a short period of time may be significantly worse for your health than frequently drinking small quantities.

Getting very drunk can affect your physical and mental health:

  • Accidents and falls are common because being drunk affects your balance and co-ordination. You’re also more likely to suffer head, hand and facial injuries. Binge drinking has also been linked to self-harm .
  • In extreme cases, you could die. Overdosing on alcohol can stop you breathing or stop your heart, or you could choke on your vomit.
  • Nearly a third (29%) of alcohol related deaths are a result of alcohol related accidents. These deaths are more common among 16–34-year-olds.
  • Binge drinking can affect your mood and your memory and in the longer term can lead to serious mental health problems.

More commonly, binge drinking can lead to anti-social, aggressive and violent behavior.

Am I a binge drinker?

Even if you don’t drink alcohol every day, you could be a binge drinker if you regularly drink:

  • If you drink specifically to get drunk
  • more than the daily amount in a single session
  • If you drink quickly.

If you find it hard to stop drinking once you have started, you could also have a problem with binge drinking and possibly alcohol dependence.

Signs you may need help with your binge drinking

Binge drinking is very much related to alcoholism, but the presence of binge drinking doesn’t necessarily mean that a person has a severe alcohol addiction. The binge drinker may simply have unsafe drinking habits.

However, as alcoholism is a serious disease and alcohol abuse can damage the body even in a single binge drinking session, it’s best to recognize the signs of dependency.

  • A person who is alcohol dependent may experience “shakes,” chills, and other physical symptoms.
  • Alcoholics will also allow their habit to begin interfering with their families, careers, and other aspects of their day-to-day lives.
  • Binge drinking will become regular, and binges may be extreme.
  • Many alcoholics begin to develop a tolerance. This causes them to engage in more and more serious binge drinking sessions with greater consequences to their bodies and lives.

All binge drinking is best avoided, but binge drinking can become alcoholism when it occurs on any sort of a regular basis. It’s also important to note that there’s no “right” age to binge drink. While binging may be more common among certain social groups, for instance younger males, it’s dangerous and can lead to addiction at any age, so it’s important to seek treatment.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Avenger Cocktails?


This gallery contains 7 photos.

Have you heard about these so-called Avenger cocktails? They look a bit extreme to me, would you drink one? Gathered from Flavor Wire.   Captain America   The Hulk Check out the rest of them on Flavor Wire. If you need … Continue reading