Marijuana Colleges

Oaksterdam University

Oaksterdam University

Marijuana Colleges

Marijuana colleges have been springing up all over the place ever since California took the law into their own hands and made the use of pot for medical reasons, totally legal. Marijuana is still totally illegal according to federal law.

Marijuana colleges are places for kids to go and learn everything they possibly can about the botany of growing pot. The most famous of marijuana colleges is of course Oaksterdam University.

Oaksterdam or Oaksterdam University is a play on two cities, one which is home to this marijuana college and the other which is kind of known as mecca for drug users; Oakland, CA and Amsterdam.

Oakland or Oaksterdam is well known for its laws about the use of marijuana, which say it is legal to possess, cultivate and donate marijuana for medical purposes. Users of marijuana can acquire a patient identification card from a doctor and then begin buying marijuana from one of Oakland’s four officially licensed medical marijuana dispensaries.

Because of Oaklands laws about cannabis it has been able to establish a few marijuana colleges as we mentioned above. Oaksterdam University is where students are trained for medical marijuana work. The latter of these two universities is what we mean by Marijuana College.

Marijuana College was founded by Richard Lee, who spent more than 1 million dollars as the main backer of a California ballot measure defeated in 2010 that would have legalized marijuana in the state for recreational use. Richard Lee is also the executive chancellor of Marijuana College or Oaksterdam and also is connected to a few marijuana museums nearby to the college.

The marijuana colleges offer classes to would-be medical marijuana providers in fields ranging from horticulture to business to the legal ins-and-outs of running a dispensary. It does not distribute marijuana.

Marijuana colleges are still very controversial and are still susceptible to being raided by the federal government because according to the federal government pot is still very illegal. In fact the most famous (or infamous, I should say) marijuana college has been raided recently.

This has not stopped marijuana colleges. Marijuana, pot, weed, whatever you want to call it is one of the biggest if not the biggest cash crop in California so there is always going to be a need for growers or want of growers for pot. The amount of money a pot grower can make is astounding if he or she is selling to medical pot dispensaries. Marijuana colleges offer normal classes specifically on the cultivation of pot. They also offer business if you want to open a dispensary, the medical uses of pot, marketing for the dispensary and so much more.

While you may not want to attend marijuana colleges as your one and only career move it may be interesting and even valued one day if pot does become legal according to the federal government. Before today’s day and age marijuana colleges would have been considered absolutely hellacious in the eyes of the country and yet here we are with colleges that teach everything there is to now about growing, buying and selling pot. Marijuana colleges are out there; just make a trek to where pot is legal for medical use.


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Pregnancy and Alcohol Do Not Mix

Alcohol & Pregnancy

Alcohol & Pregnancy

Everyone knows that pregnancy and alcohol do not mix. Alcohol can cause premature birth, developmental problems, miscarriage, or still birth. Most doctors recommend that you completely abstain from alcohol while pregnant-better safe than sorry.

The true reason that pregnancy and alcohol do not mix is that if you drink alcohol while the fetus is going through certain developmental stages, the alcohol can interfere with the process, causing anything from birth defects to fetal death. There is also no way to know when these developmental processes are occurring. So a drink on a certain day during the pregnancy may have no negative effect, while the same amount of alcohol the next day could be devastating. There is no way to tell, and there is no amount of alcohol that has been proven to be safe.

Pregnancy and alcohol do not mix because drinking alcohol could cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a group of growth, mental, and physical problems that occur when a mother drinks alcohol while pregnant. Alcohol crosses the placental barrier, so that means when you drink, your baby drinks too. It can stunt fetal growth or weight, create distinctive facial defects, damage neurons and brain structures, and cause other physical damage.

Because your baby’s body is not equipped to digest alcohol, when alcohol enters the fetal blood stream, it can have a severe effect on the central nervous system. Developing brain structures are either malformed or development is interrupted by the presence of alcohol. This CNS damage is permanent, and is one of the biggest reasons that pregnancy and alcohol do not mix. Fetal alcohol syndrome is the number one cause of mental retardation in the developed world. Almost none of the babies who have fetal alcohol syndrome have normal brain development. With medical interventions, babies born with neurological defects due to fetal alcohol syndrome can show some improvement.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome also causes distinct facial defects. The presence of these facial defects indicates brain damage, although brain damage can exist even if the facial features are normal. Fetal alcohol syndrome causes narrow eyes, a thin upper lip, and a flattened groove between the nose and upper lip. All of the defects are only present in cases of severe fetal alcohol syndrome.

Experts are agreed that alcohol and pregnancy do not mix, but the amount of alcohol, the frequency of drinking, and the timing have variable effects on the pregnancy. Many women panic when they find out they are pregnant, and they have been drinking in the first few weeks. The best plan of action is to stop drinking immediately when you find out you are pregnant, and not to drink at all if you are trying to get pregnant. Drinking in the very early stages of pregnancy is usually less risky than drinking later on, so if you had a few drinks in the beginning, you are probably ok. Just be sure to stop as soon as you find out.

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Can I shoot up Vicodin?

Can I shoot up Vicodin?

Can I shoot up Vicodin?

Can I shoot up Vicodin?

Vicodin is the brand name for hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is a semi-synthetic opioid and is prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. Vicodin is also one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs in the United States.

Like other opioids, Vicodin works by binding with opioid receptors in the brain. It binds to the same receptors that the bodies’ natural painkillers bind to. After prolonged Vicodin use, the body stops producing natural painkillers, resulting in dependency. Opiates are such powerful narcotics that the body can become dependent on them even when they prescribed by a physician for the treatment of pain and are taken in the prescribed dosage.

People using Vicodin illicitly may try to shoot up or snort Vicodin. The first problem when you shoot up Vicodin, however, is that Vicodin contains acetaminophen, which can damage heart and blood vessels. There are extraction methods you can use if you want to shoot up Vicodin to remove the acetaminophen, but no matter how carefully you do it, you will have some acetaminophen left, and you will likely lose some of the hydrocodone in the extraction process.

Another reason you shouldn’t try to shoot up Vicodin is that the hydrocodone can cause a potentially deadly histamine reaction with IV use. This is very dangerous. Even if the histamine reaction does not cause death, it can cause an abscess, which can get infected and cause you to lose a limb.

Finally, you shouldn’t shoot up Vicodin because it actually makes it less effective. When Vicodin is taken orally, it undergoes metabolism in the liver. The hydrocodone is converted into hydromorphone, which is a much stronger opioid. In fact, experts aren’t even sure that hydrocodone itself has any opioid action. It may be what is known as a “prodrug.” A  prodrug is a drug that has no action itself, but when it is broken down in the liver, the metabolite of the drug has the desired effect. Hydrocodone may have minor effects on its own, so it may not be a true prodrug. However, the effects of hydrocodone itself are so minimal, that it can be viewed as a prodrug.

When you shoot up Vicodin, you lose this “first-pass metabolism” in the liver. The hydrocodone never gets broken down into hydromorphone, so its effect is very weak.

When you shoot up Vicodin or any other drug, you are using the drug in a way that it is not prescribed. This is known as abuse, and abuse of Vicodin can quickly lead to dependence and addiction. Opiates such as Vicodin are highly addictive. When the body becomes dependent on Vicodin and use is stopped, it can cause very painful withdrawal symptoms. Signs of Vicodin withdrawal are similar to flu symptoms and include: sweating, goose bumps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.

Even if you do not become dependent or addicted, abuse of Vicodin can be very dangerous even deadly. Vicodin causes a suppression of breathing which can result in coma or death, particularly when Vicodin is combined with alcohol or other drugs.


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Drugs that Treat Opioid Dependency



Drugs that Treat Opioid Dependency

Opiates are a class of drug that includes street drugs like heroin, as well as prescription painkillers such as oxycodone, oxycontin, fentanyl, vicodin, and lortab. Opiates are a highly addictive class of drugs. These drugs mimic natural painkilling neurotransmitters in the brain, which is what creates the high from opiates. However, in response to long term use of opiates, the brain produces less of these substances, which causes opioid dependency.

When someone is physically dependent on opiates, they experience withdrawal when they run out of drugs. Sometimes, a person who is using opiates heavily can start to withdrawal within a few hours of use. Signs of opiate withdrawal are similar to flu symptoms and include: sweating, goose bumps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping.


There are several drugs used to treat opioid dependency. Chief among them is buprenorphine (Suboxone/Subutex). Buprenorphine was not originally developed to treat opioid dependency. It was initially indicated for the short-term treatment of opioid withdrawal. However, much like methadone, it wasn’t long before buprenorphine began to be used as a daily, long-term treatment for opioid dependency. The use of buprenorphine to treat morphine dependency resulted in part from a paradigm shift in the medical community. In 2000, Congress passed a law allowing physicians to prescribe narcotics to treat opioid which allowed access to opiate treatment in a medical setting rather than limiting it to federally approved Opioid Treatment Programs.

Buprenorphine is a long-acting partial agonist that acts on the same receptors as heroin and morphine, relieving drug cravings without producing the same intense “high” or dangerous side effects. However, critics believe that this is merely a form of “drug substitution”- replacing one addictive drug with another.


Although buprenorphine has mainly replaced methadone in private practice, federal opioid dependency programs still used methadone. It works similarly to buprenorphine in that it binds to the opioid receptors in the brain. These drugs have the added benefit of preventing the user from attaining the “high” from heroin and other prescription opioids, because they bind more strongly and for a longer period of time, effectively blocking the receptors from binding to any other drug.  However, methadone is a full agonist at the opioid receptors, whereas buprenorphine is a partial agonist. To understand the difference, picture a dark room. Heroin and other short term full agonists turn the light completely on, for a short period of time. When the light begins to fade, the user experiences withdrawal and craving. Methadone turns the light completely on, but keeps it on for a longer period of time. Buprenorphine turns the light on halfway. It binds to the receptors and prevents other drugs (like heroin) from binding, but it doesn’t produce the same “high” as methadone or heroin.  This feature is responsible for buprenorphine becoming the preferred method to treat opioid dependency.


Naltrexone is a completely different kind of drug used to treat opioid dependency. It is an opioid receptor blocker. It has proved to be highly effective in reversing the effects of opiate overdose, but its use in the treatment of opioid dependency is limited. This is because naltrexone does nothing to treat withdrawal and craving, it just blocks the effect of heroin and other opiates, so it shows poor patient compliance. And if the patient doesn’t take the drug, it doesn’t work.



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Rohypnol – Date Rape Drug

Rohypnol is one of the most well-known “date rape drugs.” Street names for the drug include rophies, roofies, R2, roofenol, Roche, roach-2, roaches, la rocha, rop, roopies, ropies, rib, circles, Mexican valium, the forget Pill, trip-and-fall, and mind-erasers. Rohypnol is the brand name of the drug flunitrazepam (a benzodiazepine). Benzodiazepines are a class of drug which is commonly used in a number of medical settings. Most commonly used as anti-anxiety medications, they are also used as sedatives, as anticonvulsant medications, and as muscle relaxants.

Benzodiazepines like Rohypnol are used as date rape drugs because they can markedly impair functions that normally allow a person to resist sexual aggression or assault. Also, Rohypnol commonly causes drug induced short term amnesia, especially when mixed with alcohol. These properties make Rohypol effective in drug-facilitated sexual assaults. Victims are unable to ward off an attack, and they are also unable to remember the date rape or the rapist. Rohypnol also rose to prominence as an ideal date rape drug because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and easily dissolved. It causes sedation within 20 to 30 minutes. After the reports of Rohypnol being used as a date rape drug began flooding in, the manufacturer added elements that make it less easy to dissolve and added a blue coloring to the drug.

It’s difficult to estimate how often Rohypnol has been used as a date rape drug, because by the time biological fluids are tested for the substance, there are only residual traces of the drug in the system.  Most standard drug tests are not sensitive enough register the presence of the date rape drug in the system. Usually, the bodily fluids must be tested within 72 hours to reveal the presence of the date rape drug. The problem is compounded because date rape victims often have a difficult time remembering the circumstances surrounding the rape. The uncertainty may cause a delay in the reporting the rape.

Often, in cases of date rape, Rohypnol is dissolved in a glass of alcohol, unbeknownst to the victim. Alcohol intensifies the effects of the date rape drug, because they act on the same receptors in the brain. Benzodiazepines like Rohypnol work by enhancing the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. The enhancement is responsible for producing the therapeutic effects of Rohypnol s and for facilitating many of the side effects as well as dependence and withdrawal from these drugs. Other sedative-hypnotics, such as alcohol and barbiturates, have a similar enhancing effect on GABA. This is why benzodiazepines are often used to treat alcohol withdrawal. It is also the reason that mixing Rohypnol with alcohol or barbiturates intensifies the hypnotic and amnesia-causing effect of the date rape drug and can even be deadly.

Rohypnol is not available in the United States legally.  It has not been approved by the DEA for sale with a prescription. In Europe and South America, it is a prescription drug used as a preanesthetic agent and as a potent sedative. Rohypnol is still available in the United States illicitly. It is imported from countries where it is still available with a prescription.

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Pharm Parties

Pharm Parties

You may be surprised to know that prescription drugs have been used by teens for a long time before pharm parties were even a known term.  In fact, the first studies showed an increased use of tranquilizers way back in the middle of the 1980’s, and dramatic increases in sedative use from 1995 to the year 2000 followed.

Lately the prescription drug abuse has gotten more press because the first time users of prescription drugs are now occurring at the same rate as first-time marijuana users, and teens are now more likely than adults to abuse prescription drugs.

When asked about prescription drug use, about one-third of teens say they feel pressured to at least try them. Others admit they want to get high; it may be a means of escape, a way of relieving boredom, or simple curiosity. Still others say abuse of prescription drugs helps them deal with stress, anxiety, depression, or the pressures of school.

These are the same reasons many teens had for using illicit drugs of any kind such as heroin, cocaine, or marijuana. They have turned to prescription drugs because they have the assumption that because the drugs are prescribed by a doctor they must be safer than illicit drugs.

Just like teens may hang out and drink or smoke marijuana. Go to keg parties and smoke the occasional blunt, they may also hang out and use prescription drugs together. These parties instead of keg parties have been labeled pharm parties by the media, though few teenagers would call them that. The media coined the term pharm parties not the kids doing it.

Many parents have never heard the term “pharm” party.  Short for pharmaceutical party, these gatherings bring together teens who have raided the medicine cabinets of family and friends.  The prescription drugs at these supposed pharm parties, that are misused by teenagers typically come from their own homes. If the teens themselves don’t have medications, the parents do. And few parents track their prescriptions well enough to know if a few pills are missing. Teens only have to go as far as their medicine cabinets to find the stuff to make a pharm party happen.

The host provides a large bowl.  All the pills are tossed into the bowl and each teen grabs a handful of pills to swallow.  To add to the danger, the pills are often taken using some alcoholic beverage to wash them down. Alcohol and one drug can be a lethal combination.  Alcohol and an unstable mix of various drugs is a more potent killer.

There’s actually little evidence to even prove the existence of “pharm parties” as described by the media, yet prescription drug abuse among teenagers is still a growing issue. Teens may not get together for pharm parties with the single intention of just getting a candy bowl filled with pills, but when there’s a party, prescription drugs are most often involved, especially since they’re easier to get than either alcohol or marijuana for those that are underage.

Pharm parties may be a media term when it comes to what is actually going on but one thing is clear; the youth of America is becoming more and more of a pill generation than any other generation before and who knows maybe the media will be accurate about their pharm parties in the near future.


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Four Loko

Four Loko

Four Loko

Four Loko

Four Loko is an alcoholic beverage that is part energy drink. The “Four” in the name “Four Loko” refers to the four main ingredients in Four Loko, namely alcohol, caffeine, taurine, and guarana. In 2010, the company that manufactures Four Loko, announced that the drink would be reformulated, removing the caffeine, taurine, and guarana, in response to the drink being banned in several states and an FDA directive.

What is the danger of Four Loko?

The Food and Drug Administration launched a year-long investigation into caffeine-containing alcoholic beverages like Four Loko. At its completion, the FDA determined that Four Loko, and seven other drinks were “unsafe.” They gave the manufacturers fifteen days to change the formula or pull their products from the market.

The investigation into Four Loko began after being involved in a rash of incidents in months in which people were hospitalized or died. Doctors say that caffeine-containing drinks like Four Loco mask the effects of alcohol, leading people to drink more than they normally would.

What is blacking out?

Drinkers of Four Loko have nicknamed the drink “blackout in can,” because of the frequency of overindulgence with caffeinated alcoholic drinks. Four Loco produces a “wide-awake drunk,” so drinkers continue to drink when they would have normally passed out. Then the effects of the caffeine and other stimulants wear off before the effects of the alcohol, producing a blackout.

Binge drinking alcohol can cause memory loss similar to amnesia. These periods of alcohol-related amnesia are generally referred to as blackouts. Blackouts are periods of time when the drinker is completely conscious, having conversations and performing sometimes amazing feats, but later they have absolutely no memory of the events that transpired.

Though repeated episodes of blacking out will lead to permanent changes in the brain, blackouts are more psychosocially damaging than physically damaging. Many people report engaging in high-risk behavior during a blackout. They drive while intoxicated, get into fights, or engage in unprotected sex. During a blackout, normal restraint of emotions, impulses, and desires is impaired and that may result in enormous harm to self and others. Blackouts inhibit your ability to control your impulses. This can be very dangerous.

How much alcohol does a can of Four Loko contain?

Four Loko (before it was reformulated) contained 12 percent alcohol and have something in the range of 200mg of caffeine. This is equivalent to five or six beers and four or five colas in one can. An averaged sized woman who drinks one can of Four Loko will have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) twice the legal limit. Four Loko’s have kept the alcohol content, but removed all the stimulants.

Some criticize the brightly colored packaging and sweet flavor of Four Loko because they claim that its marketing is geared towards underage consumers. The drink is also relatively cheap, and available at most convenience stores. The manufacturers of Four Loko deny that they are trying to market to underage drinkers, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that the drink is most popular among kids in their teens and early twenties.

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Public Intoxication Laws: What you need to know

Public Intoxication Laws: What you need to know

Public intoxication law is the name of a group of laws that regulates public displays of drunkenness. No federal law exists to regulate public intoxication; each state determines its own laws. Thus, public intoxication laws vary widely from state to state. Basically, public intoxication laws make it illegal for someone to be intoxicated by drugs or alcohol to the point where they are a danger to themselves or others or if they behave in a way that is boisterous or offensive.

The offense is usually a misdemeanor for which a person may be jailed for a short period of time or issued a citation and fine. A person arrested for public intoxication may need to post bail, given as security for their later court appearance, before being released from jail. Usually, breaking public intoxication laws is a minor offense, but if a person is arrested several times for this offense, they may be ordered to attend drug and alcohol treatment.

In some states, if you violate public intoxication laws but commit no other crime, the law allows you to be taken into civil protective custody if a “sobering facility” is available. Basically, you agree to remain at the location until the facility’s staff consents to your departure. Usually these facilities are jail cells, and are known in common terms as a “drunk tank.” Even though you are put in a jail cell, you are not formally arrested, and no charges are filed as long as you stay until you sober up. If you are combative or belligerent, they will arrest you and charge you with a crime.

In Iowa, it is even illegal to simulate intoxication in a public place. You can be arrested even if you are not intoxicated; you are just pretending to be. You can get up to 30 days jail time for a first offense. The third time you are arrested for either being intoxicated or pretending to be intoxicated in a public place, you could be jailed for up to two years!

Unlike driving under the influence, public intoxication is usually not determined by blood alcohol content (BAC) but on harmful or disruptive behavior while intoxicated. Most public intoxication laws do not require evidence beyond an officer’s belief that the suspect is dangerous. For this reason, public intoxication laws are somewhat controversial. Critics complain that the law is too vague and allows police too much discretion over whether a suspect is intoxicated. Also, because of the wide scope of the laws, police may charge someone who is under the influence, regardless of whether or not they are endangering anyone or being boisterous.

Even though the charge is usually minor, repeated violation of public intoxication laws may indicate that you have a problem with drugs and alcohol. Continuing to drink or use drugs despite negative consequences (like being arrested for public intoxication) is a sign of drug and alcohol addiction. If you are planning on a night of hard drinking, make sure you are aware of the public intoxication laws in your state!

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Get Him to the Greek

Hangover Movie: Get Him to the Greek

This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Russell Brand plays Aldous Snow (his character from Forgetting Sarah Marshall) a British rock star that has struggled with addiction. In the opening scenes, Aldous Snow goes from the recovered drug addict we knew in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, relapses on drugs and alcohol, and his fame takes a nose dive.

Jonah Hill plays Aaron Green, a talent scout working at an LA record company who is a big fan of Aldous Snow and his band, Infant Sorrow. He pitches the idea of an anniversary concert, the record company agrees, and he’s off to bring Aldous Snow from London to the Greek Theatre in LA. Sounds simple, right? Not when you’re dealing with a drug addict who only cares about the next high. Hilarity ensues as Aldous and Aaron get themselves into a number of ridiculous situations-Aldous looking for the next party, and Aaron trying to keep them on schedule.

I expected this movie to be funny, and it was, but it also had a legitimate emotional side that I didn’t expect. Russell Brand, a recovering drug addict himself, gives one of the most accurate portrayals of the debauchery and heartache of addiction I have ever seen.  A definite must see.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Legal Ways to Get High pt. 2

Legal Ways to Get High Pt. 2

We shared with you in a previous post some legal ways to get high. Well that didn’t cover all the legal ways to get high. There are more things in your house, grocery store, tobacco shop and hardware store than you thought that are legal ways to get high.


You sprinkle a little of it in your eggnog, you pinch a bit on top of your apple pie or peach cobbler and you’ve probably have it in your spice cabinet. Out of all the legal ways to get high this is probably one of the most surprising.

 So how is nutmeg a legal way to get high?

 Well, nutmeg contains myristicin, a natural compound that has mind-altering effects if it is ingested in large doses. The buzz from nutmeg can last one to two days and can cause hallucinations similar to those produced by LSD. While you may be thinking about putting a larger amount of nutmeg into your apple pie now to achieve this legal high, think again. It takes a large amount of nutmeg to feel any effects and well it has some pretty nasty side effects.

This is the downside to most legal ways to get high-they have awful side effects. Hey, but don’t most illegal drugs? Yeah, pretty much. That may be why their legal because they aren’t meant to be used to get high and they aren’t pleasant. After 30 minutes of taking a large “dose” of nutmeg you can expect to experience severe gastrointestinal reactions including extreme nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. That’s just after 30 minutes. In a few hours you can also suffer from heart and nerve problems due to this legal way to get high.


If you know anything about inhalants you probably have heard of this legal way to get high and wondered what happened to the good old days of sniffing glue and sharpie markers? Well not so much anymore, you’re behind with the new generation. Kids these days are huffing Freon as one of our legal ways to get high. Scary, huh?

You can find this legal way to get high in your AC unit. Freon is used to cool the warm air pulled in by the AC unit. Kids now are draining the Freon gas from inside the unit and then inhaling it. The gas from Freon produces euphoria, light-headedness and can cause one to pass out. Unfortunately Freon also produces sever negative side effects. Huffing Freon as one of the legal ways to get high can lead to death, memory problems, liver damage, kidney damage, and lung damage.

This may be number two on our legal ways to get high pt. 2. But you might want to refrain from huffing your AC’s Freon gas and prevent severe consequences and/or death.


Last but definitely not least on our list of legal ways to get high pt. 2 is catnip. I know what you’re thinking because I thought it to. You can get high legally off of Snowball’s treats? No, not exactly. That’s not the right kind of catnip. This catnip, also known as Nepeta, is a plant of the mint family. It has spotted white flowers. Its’ name comes from the fact that its pungent smell is attractive to, well, cats. Oh and did we mention it is also a legal way to get high. You can smoke catnip or make it into a tea. Catnip has been used throughout history to help with cramps and indigestion. Supposedly catnip is a good alternative to marijuana and is a legal way to get high. There are no real signs that there are super bad negative effects although the legal high is so mild most say it isn’t worth it.

Alrighty, there are your legal ways to get high pt. 2 remember just because its legal doesn’t mean it’s. The end.

Disclaimer: These were gathered from the websites various websites on the Internet and we do not condone or support any means of getting high; whether legal or illegal. Use at your own risk. This article is for informational purposes only.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.