Non-Alcoholic Holiday Party Drinks

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Peppermint Hot Cocoa

Non-Alcoholic Holiday Party Drinks

When the holidays roll around it is a time of festivity and fun. There are smells in the air like cinnamon and apples. The air is chilly and people are in all around a better mood it seems. There are also tons of parties during the holidays and for those who don’t drink alcohol these non-alcoholic holiday party drinks are great to make for yourself or for your special event. Some of these non-alcoholic holiday party drinks may be even more delicious and beautiful than their “real thing” counterparts. Check out some of our non-alcoholic holiday party drinks below.

Cranberry Sparkler


1 1/2 ounces Blackberry Puree

2 ounces white cranberry juice

2 to 3 ounces sparkling water

1 sprig mint, for garnish


Place blackberry puree and cranberry juice in a champagne flute. Add sparkling water to fill. Garnish with mint.


Cherry Bombs aka Shirley Temple


1 cup grenadine

1 liter clear citrus soda or seltzer

18 maraschino cherries


Place 2 cups water in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add grenadine; stir to combine. Pour mixture into two ice-cube trays. Freeze until solid, 2 hours or overnight.

Fill six glasses with grenadine ice cubes. Top with soda. Garnish with cherries, and serve.


Apple Pie Spiced cider


1 1/4 quarts apple cider

3 tablespoons firmly packed light-brown sugar

7 whole cinnamon sticks, (6 sticks for garnish)

1 teaspoon ground allspice

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

Ground cloves

Freshly grated nutmeg


1/2 cup Calvados, or other brandy (optional)


In a medium saucepan, whisk together cider, sugar, spices, and salt. Bring to a simmer over medium-low heat. Remove from heat; pour in brandy, if desired. Strain into a pitcher; discard solids. Serve in mugs, garnished with cinnamon sticks.


Peppermint Hot Chocolate


1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1 quart milk

1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips (3 ounces)

7 peppermint sticks; 3 crushed (1/4 cup), 4 left whole

pinch of salt



Place cocoa in a medium saucepan. Gradually whisk in milk until cocoa has dissolved. Add chocolate chips and crushed peppermint; simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until chocolate and peppermint have melted, 8 to 10 minutes.

Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add salt. Ladle into mugs; serve each with a peppermint stick.

Pink Grapefruit “Margaritas”


2 tablespoons colored sanding sugar

1 lime

6 teaspoons pomegranate syrup or grenadine

1 1/2 cups pink grapefruit juice


Place sanding sugar in a shallow dish or plate. Slice six thin rounds from the middle of lime; set aside. Rub lime wedge around rims of six glasses; dip each rim in sugar to coat. Pour 1 teaspoon pomegranate syrup into bottom of each glass.

Place grapefruit juice and 2 cups ice cubes in a blender. Process on high speed until ice is crushed. Pour frozen mixture into glasses, and stir to combine with syrup. Garnish with reserved lime rounds, and serve immediately.

Whether you need non-alcoholic holiday party drinks for the kids who might attend or for your friends who are sober or even for yourself, you are sure to party is sure to be a hit with all of them.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Work Holiday Party: To drink or not to drink

Drinking at work holiday party

Drinking at work holiday party

Work Holiday Party: To drink or not to drink.

It’s that time of year again-cold weather, busy shopping malls, and holiday decorations everywhere. It’s also the time of year for the work holiday party, where at least one co-worker gets too drunk and makes a complete ass of him or herself. It’s amazing how work holiday parties often devolve into complete disasters once people start having too much to drink. And unfortunately, if you are one of those people, you are likely to embarrass yourself in front of people who could make or break your success at the company.

Obviously, staying sober is one way to avoid the post-party, Monday morning, florescent light embarrassment, but a lot of people aren’t prepared to spend a whole evening with co-workers without some sort of social lubricant. That said, it’s important to toe the line between having a few “loosen up” drinks and getting shit show drunk.

Work Holiday Party: Tips

Tip One: Adjust your attitude. If you go to the party believing you’ll have an awful time, not only will you probably have an awful time, but you’ll also probably drink too much trying to get rid of your awful attitude or forget you are there. Yeah, it may be kind of a drag to socialize with co-workers at a work holiday party on a Saturday night, but its free food and drink and you probably don’t have anything better to do anyway. You don’t have to stay forever. Talk to a few coworkers, eat some food, and then make an exit. It won’t be that bad.

Tip Two:  Engage your coworkers. People are usually a lot different when you get them out of a work environment. They’re more relaxed and easier to talk to. You may actually even like one or two of them once you get to know them. Socialize. Ask people about themselves. Pay attention to the answer. If you’re talking and having fun, you’re also a lot less likely to drink yourself into a stupor and do something embarrassing.

Tip Three: Eat. The food at your work holiday party is free right? So why not take advantage? Also, having something in your stomach besides booze will (hopefully) keep you from getting too wasted and hitting on your CEO’s wife by accident.

Tip Four: Avoid talking about politics, religion, and money. This last rule used to go without saying, but it seems people have forgotten the basic rules of social etiquette. These three topics should be considered taboo at a work holiday party. Keep things non-controversial and light. After all, it is a party!

Tip Five: Be Positive! If you are going to complain about the company, your boss, or your coworkers, at least have the sense not to do it at the work holiday party. It may be tempting to relate to others at the party with your shared dislike of your job or the way things are run, you never know who may overhear you. Also, we all tend to talk louder when drinking, whether we realize it or not, so it’s better to just avoid negative topics, especially about the company.

Tip Six: Don’t drink and drive. If you are going to drink at a work holiday party, play it safe and get a cab or a designated driver. You don’t want to be that schmuck who got a DUI on the way home from the work holiday party. Trust me.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Movie: Clean and Sober

Clean and Sober

Clean and Sober

Hangover Movie: Clean and Sober

Made in 1988 with a cast starring Michael Keaton, Kathy Baker and Morgan Freeman; Clean and Sober is your classic hangover movie with a bit of a twist. Unlike today’s hangover movies, Clean and Sober is about doing the harder stuff such as cocaine.

Michael Keaton plays a drunken cocaine addict, Daryl Poynter who just happens to be a successful real estate agent too. In this hangover movie Michael Keaton or Daryl Poynter wakes up from one of the more serious hangovers we have ever seen on film. When Daryl Poynter wakes up from his night of cocaine use and drinking he finds a woman dead in his bed from a coke overdose and that’s not all. Daryl Poynter also gets a call from his employers at the real estate agency who are telling him that huge sum of money is missing from one of his accounts. The details of the story are the woman was a young girl whose father is now looking for, putting up missing signs all over the city and accusing Michael Keaton’s character of being a murderer and the amount of money missing is an embezzled 100,000 dollars that Daryl Poynter used in the stock market and lost.

Needless to say, this hangover turns into a nightmare for Michael Keaton’s character. In order to avoid the law Daryl Poynter checks himself into a drug rehab to hide. He doesn’t really want to be there nor does he really want to be sober he just needs a place to escape the horrible consequences he woke up to.

And of course, enter, Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman plays the tough drug counselor at the drug rehab that Michael Keaton’s character has now checked himself into. Morgan Freeman’s character happens to be a recovering addict himself and knows all the tricks in the addict book that Michael Keaton’s character tries to pull throughout the movie. After working with Craig aka Morgan Freeman, Daryl Poynter starts to realize he may have accidentally ended up in the right place for someone like him and begins to find himself changing into someone who wants to be sober. Not only that but Daryl Poynter finds himself in a romance with an abused fellow addict, played by Kathy Baker which is classic of any kind of real drug and alcohol rehab. Not only has that but, Michael Keaton’s character found himself with a sponsor in AA who is more than understanding of his plight in actor M. Emmet Walsh.

The hangover movie: Clean and Sober is an intense, gritty drama about substance abuse that portrays realistically the horror, shame, fear and even hope and recovery that comes with having and recovering from an addiction. It also shows the irony of trying to run from your problems and then running into your solution. Clean and Sober does a good job of showing how an addict hits their bottom and finds help in treatment and then begins the journey into sobriety. This movie was acclaimed as one of the best cinematic treatments of substance abuse meaning they did a great job of portraying it in a realistic light.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

The Spiritual Malady of Alcoholism

The Spiritual Malady of Alcoholism

The Spiritual Malady of Alcoholism

The Spiritual Malady of Alcoholism

The spiritual malady of alcoholism comes in different forms depending on the person. The spiritual malady of alcoholism is not unique to just alcoholics it is actually something that most people suffer from. The reason the spiritual malady of alcoholism is different than the spiritual malady for someone who isn’t an alcoholic, is that the alcoholic uses the drink or drug to deal with their spiritual malady in some way.

The definition of a spiritual malady is:

Malady means disconnect or separation. So therefore a spiritual malady is a separation or disconnect from spiritual things. This can mean a separation or disconnect from other human beings, spiritual principles, a spiritual higher power etc. Spiritual things are not merely religion but are defined by each individual uniquely as the guiding force in their lives-something that is greater than them or principles they live by.

So as you can clearly see not just alcoholics can have a spiritual disconnect or separation from things spiritual. All people can. It is merely how each person deals with that disconnect that determines whether they are alcoholic or not. For instance, the spiritual malady of alcoholism will drive a person to drink to the point of no return. It will drive an individual to drink regardless if they want to drink or not. This is the physical allergy of alcoholism and it is what causes alcoholics to drink regardless of consequences and regardless of whether they want to stop. Whether or not they were aware of it they most likely started drinking because of their spiritual malady. Kind of self-medication if you will for the pain they felt inside.

Personal experiences from alcoholics will tell you that the spiritual malady of alcoholism is the driving force in their lives. It creates bedevilments such as, fear, emotional insecurity and instability, trouble in personal relationships, an inability to manage life, misery and pain. It’s the gut feeling in someone that the world is no good and may even be out to get them. It’s the sick feeling in the pit of someone’s stomach when they think about their life. Its fear of what people think. Its feeling like no matter what they are not like everyone else and don’t fit in. Its residing in a family and not feeling a part of that family. These are all common descriptions of the spiritual malady of alcoholism. These are all common descriptions of the spiritual malady for anyone actually. The thing is though that when an alcoholic drinks they don’t feel those things anymore. They literally take liquor or “Spirits” if you will, into their body and all the fear, disconnect, pain, and misery goes away. The effects caused by alcohol are beyond pleasant to them. Actually the effects of alcohol are spiritual experience that allows them to be connected to the world. This creates a want and need to drink.

The spiritual malady of alcoholism is what resides even an alcoholic gets sober too. Just because an alcoholic stops drinking doesn’t mean their spiritual malady goes away. Because as we have already described alcohol was the solution to the spiritual malady not the cause of it, so when you take alcohol away from an alcoholic they are still left with all the bedevilments. That’s why many alcoholics will relapse because they don’t want to feel their spiritual malady and that’s why most alcoholics need a spiritual solution not just meetings or treatment centers.. They don’t need something to help them stop drinking they need something that is going to spiritually fulfill them and then there won’t be a need or want to drink anymore. Something that can spiritually fulfill an alcoholic is getting a relationship with a higher power or living by spiritual principles.

Once the spiritual malady of alcoholism has a solution other than alcohol such as spiritual principles etc., there will be no need to drink anymore.

Make sense? Good.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Myths

Hangover Myths

Hangover Myths

Hangover Myths

There are tons of hangover cures on the market today. Whether those hangover cures actually work though has yet to be determined. For every actual remedy for a hangover, there are two hangover myths. So here are the top hangover myths that you most likely have heard of to take care of your morning after blues.

1.       Aspirin or ibuprofen while you drink can help with the headache.


The truth is that aspirin while you drink or after a hangover should be an absolute no-no. Aspirin increases acid in your hurting stomach and does absolutely nothing to get rid of the alcohol in your body. In fact this statement is so mythological because the contrary is true. Aspirin actually increases the blood alcohol levels by about 25% if you take it before drinking. Ibuprofen is also not recommended as a hangover cure because it can cause damage to your liver when it’s mixed with copious amounts of alcoholic beverages.

2.       Wine doesn’t give you a hangover, vodka does.


The truth behind the hangover myth is that red wine can in fact leave you with more of a hangover than vodka. It has something to do with congeners that are in alcohol. Congeners are toxic and when you drink these get strewn all though out your body. Dark colored drinks such as brandy, whiskey, and.  . .you guessed it! Red wine has more congeners than clear alcohol such as vodka and white wine.

3.       Beer before liquor makes you sicker


You have followed this hangover myth for ages were guessing. The truth behind this hangover myth though is that nothing about the chemistry of drinks interacting with each other makes you sick the next day. How this came about is probably a story about someone whose reluctance to drink the harder stuff disappeared after drinking a few beers.

4.       Drink lots of water the morning after


You are probably surprised by this one. Drinking water the morning after definitely will help with your hangover the next day but it is actually much more important and helpful if you’re drinking water with your alcoholic beverages. If you don’t drink water while drinking alcohol your body will use the water where it’s needed due to the alcohol dehydrating you and you won’t ever really get hydrated to the point of feeling better.

5.       Hair of the dog


This hangover myth has long since its conception become folklore. The claim is that if you drink more alcohol in the morning it will cure your hangover. All drinking more alcohol will do is delay the hangover; it won’t get rid of it all together. More alcoholic drinks just boost the body’s existing toxicity levels.

6.       Drinking helps you distress and sleep


If you think you are drinking to get rid of stress or fall asleep easily you have thought wrong. If the amount of alcohol in your blood is high the brain won’t ever go into REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which is the actual relaxed state. Ultimately, you sleep all night and often all day to beat your headache without giving your mind and body the actual rest you really needed and wanted.

There are tons more hangover myths out there and many people use them on a weekly basis. The truth is if you just get some rest, drink some Gatorade, eat some healthy food, and relax you are going to be fine. Don’t listen to the hype of the hangover myths, usually they are just quick, very unhealthy, thoughtless ways to put off a hangover or make it worse.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs

Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs

Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs

Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs

Methamphetamine, also known as Chalk, Crank, Croak, Crypto, Crystal, Fire, Glass, Meth, Tweek, or White Cross, is a central nervous system stimulant. It increases energy, awareness, and alertness. In high doses, it causes a feeling of euphoria. Methamphetamine can be prescribed by a doctor, but this is rare, as its medical uses are limited. Most “street meth” is chemically concocted in small, illegal laboratories.

Meth is a crystalline, white, odorless powder. It dissolves easily in water. Meth can be taken orally, snorted, smoked or injected.

Meth acts on dopamine receptors in the brain. It stimulates the receptor to release a rush of dopamine which stimulates brain cells, increasing mood and energy. Dopamine is closely related to the reward centers in the brain, which is why meth use has such a high incidence of dependence and addiction.  Methamphetamine has also been shown to have a neurotoxic effect on dopamine neurons over time, inducing Parkinson’s-like symptoms in long term users.

Meth Mouth and Crank Bugs: What are they?

Long term users often notice a quick degeneration of their teeth. This condition is known as “meth mouth.” Experts believe that this condition is caused by a combination of “dry mouth” caused by the drug, poor oral hygiene, and grinding of teeth often observed in meth addicts. The dry mouth reduces the amount of protective saliva around the teeth. Most meth users don’t brush or floss regularly, and meth, a stimulant, causes users to grind and clench the teeth. Meth mouth is further exacerbated when meth users drink a lot of sugary soda, which the drug sometimes causes them to crave. The teeth of a meth user eventually get so rotted, they can fall out.

“Crank Bugs” are when a meth user hallucinates that they have insects crawling on them. It is common for a meth user to scratch and pick the skin trying to get rid of these imaginary crank bugs. As a result, the skin becomes pocked or scarred.

Meth causes a rush of blood to the skin and a rise in body temp which results in sweating. The sweat causes even more blood to rush to the skin, which then causes the sweat to evaporate, taking the skin’s natural protective oil with it. The combination of these create a sensation on the nerve endings on the skin, which can feel like something is crawling on the skin (crank bugs). The scientific term for crank bugs is “Delusional Parasitosis.”

Meth mouth and crank bugs are part of what causes the swift deterioration in appearance in meth users. Often, you can see the results in just a few weeks or months of using the drug. Meth mouth and crank bugs cause the teeth to look rotted and black and the skin to be scarred. Often, the scratching and itching of the skin causes infection, which produce even bigger scars. Also, meth users often experience a decrease in sleep and appetite, which can contribute to the devastating effects of meth on personal appearance.

Find out more about Meth at The Meth Project.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails

Liquid Nitrogen Drink

Liquid Nitrogen Drink

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails

Liquid nitrogen is just what it sounds like-nitrogen in a liquid state. Nitrogen is liquid at an extremely low temperature, usually a wickedly cold 321 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It freezes body tissue on contact, so it’s sometimes used by doctors to freeze off warts. It’s also used in labs to store cells or in cryogenics or as a coolant for high temperature processes or experiments. It’s also sometimes used to brand cattle.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: Culinary Use of Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is used by restaurants in a couple different ways. Sometimes they use it to prepare frozen desserts (e.g. ice cream) because they can be created in seconds at the table, and it looks pretty cool. Liquid nitrogen cocktails are another way that restaurants use liquid nitrogen because it can quickly chill glasses or freeze ingredients. It’s also used to create a smoky effect.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: The danger

The problem with liquid nitrogen cocktails is that you are not supposed to actually ingest the liquid nitrogen. Bartenders are supposed to swirl it around in a glass until it vaporizes completely, and then pour in the alcohol. If they don’t do it right, you can end up swallowing it. The substance itself is not toxic, but the extremely cold temperature freezes body tissues on contact.

The Daily Mail recently reported such an incident involving liquid nitrogen cocktails. Gaby Scanlon, 18, was out with friends when she ordered a drink made with liquid nitrogen. After drinking the liquid nitrogen cocktail, she began to complain of shortness of breath and severe stomach pains. She was rushed to the hospital, where she underwent an emergency gastrostomy following a diagnosis of a perforated stomach. Medical experts claim that this would have been fatal had the surgery not been performed when it was. Scanlon will likely be able to resume a mostly normal life, but she will have to closely monitor her diet and nutrition from now on.

Though the hospital is not commenting on Scanlon’s case, doctors surmise that the liquid nitrogen froze the stomach tissues, and quickly formed into a gas, causing tremendous pressure on the stomach walls. This combination- the force of the gas and stomach tissues unable to expand to accommodate it, would quickly cause perforation.

Liquid nitrogen cocktails have also been known to freeze the throat, upper airways, and lips when used improperly. This can compromise breathing and cause fatalities.

Liquid Nitrogen Cocktails: Why even use it?

Many bars and restaurants use liquid nitrogen cocktails to entice customers and set themselves apart from the competition. However, many bartenders using the substance are not specially trained in using such a dangerous substance or they get busy and careless while making the cocktails. Though injuries as severe as Gaby Scanlon’s are rare, rushed or undertrained bartenders often suffer minor skin burns from making liquid nitrogen cocktails.

Some chefs insist that liquid nitrogen is safe when used properly, and argue that its use should not be banned in the food service industry.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

How to treat an Abscess

What is an abscess?

An abscess is painful and warm to the touch and can show up anywhere on your body. It is a tender mass surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. Usually abscesses are easy to see and feel by touching. The middle of an abscess is filled with pus and debris. An abscess kind of looks like a giant pimple except it is much harder to treat.

What can cause abscesses?

Abscesses are usually caused when sweat glands or oil glands are blocked or there is an inflammation of the hair follicles. Sometimes minor breaks and punctures of the skin can cause abscesses, abscesses caused by puncture wounds are usually seen in intravenous drug users. What happens to cause an abscess is germs get under the skin or into glands and cause an inflammatory response from your body’s immune system which is trying to kill the germs. The middle of the abscess begins to liquefy and contains dead cells, bacteria and other debris. This area begins to expand and creates tension under the skin which then causes more inflammation of the surrounding area. This can end up causing you a lot of pain.

What are some the symptoms of an abscess?

  • Abscesses are pretty hard to miss because they will slowly become so large they can’t go unnoticed. The spot of the abscess will be red or pink, hot to the touch and tender. An abscess may also be painful.
  • Some abscesses progress or grow larger and they may come to a head to where you can see the material inside and they could rupture
  • Most abscesses will get worse if not treated and this kind of infection can spread to the tissues under the skin and even into the bloodstream
  • If the infection spreads into deeper tissue you may begin to feel feverish and sickly.

So how do you treat an abscess?

Unlike other infections of the skin or in general, antibiotics will usually not cure an abscess. Most of the time an abscess must be cut open and drained in order for it to improve or go away. Sometimes the drainage of pus and debris happens on its own but most of the time it must be opened by a doctor during a procedure called incision and drainage.

If you want to treat an abscess at home be very careful. The only way you should treat an abscess yourself is if:

  • The abscess is small. A small abscess is an abscess that is less than a half inch across.
  • Really all you can and should do at home is apply warm compresses and hope it goes down on its own.
  • Don’t try to drain the abscess by pressing on it. This can push the infected material, pus and bacteria deeper into tissues.
  • Do not stick a needle or any other sharp object into the abscess center because you could end up injuring a blood vessel or causing the infection to spread.

If you have an abscess your best bet is to seek medical care. You should most definitely seek medical care to treat an abscess if:

  • It is more than a half-inch across
  • The abscess continues getting bigger
  • You have a red streak going away from the abscess
  • You have a fever
  • Have a facial abscess

Usually the only method to treat an abscess is to go to a doctor and have it cut open and drained. This process is not usually severely painful but it is fairly gross. Imagine popping a giant pimple. Either way it is better than dealing with more severe problems due to an abscess.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

How to get high safely

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

How to get high safely

There is no way to be 100% safe when getting high but you want to be as safe as possible. If you are truly wondering how to get high safely then there’s some basic information you can use to ensure that your drug use is just a bit safer based on your knowledge and awareness.

In order to get high safely you first have to know your drug facts. This means getting smart about your drug use.

  • Do you know what is in your drugs?
  • How long the drug lasts in your system?
  • What the side effects are?
  • What the adverse or negative side effects are?
  • The signs of overdose?

You should know the answers to all of these questions in regards to the drug you’re taking. If you want to get high safely this is the first step in how to do so.  You can find all of this information on the Internet, just make sure you check multiple sites to back up everything you find.

Sometimes people put stuff on the Internet that just isn’t true.

Once you know the facts and have the knowledge it’s time to apply it. If you want to know how to get high safely then it is all going to come back to the first step – what you know. Now that you have your knowledge you have to be aware of it. Taking every precaution is necessary. Getting high safely is all about knowing your limits and taking action after you get the facts. For example, if you wanted to get high off a drug you would want to know exactly how much you can take without having an overdose. The problem with that is that your body will develop a tolerance after a while and you never know when you just might increase to an amount that you thought was okay but will end up killing you. Learning how to get high “safely” makes no guarantees that it’s actually safe. Drug abuse is never safe but attempting to keep your use down to a minimum might prevent an overdose.

Knowing the facts on how to get high safely is more applicable when you are going to be shooting up or using heavy drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth, etc. Don’t ever listen to someone you have talked to about how to get high safely. Check out the information for yourself. Get smart on your own. What works for someone else might not work for you. Find the facts on your drug of choice, not what some friend or dealer tells you. Sounds like a lot of work? Well the drug you’re abusing is illegal for a reason so don’t expect to hear any “good” news in regards to the side effects, health concerns and how it affects your body.

If you want to know how to get high safely then follow this rule:

Be the smartest drug user you know. That is your goal. To check and recheck your sources, to look up everything you know about getting high and then double check that. Don’t listen to anyone or anything that is biased for getting high or not getting high-you will not find the facts or truth there. Find informational based books or prevention clinics where addiction professionals work to help addicts stay safe in their drug use.

If you’re looking for information on a drug, these are some good places to find them:

Getting high safely really has nothing to do with the way you administer the drugs but really matters on how much work you are willing to put in to knowing about your drugs and routes of administration. Even an IV user can get high safely if they have researched, read up, and know their facts about doing so.Just remember all your knowledge is useless if you don’t apply it. Once again getting high is never truly safe but you can be as safe as possible if you become a smart drug user.

Learn more about preventitive measures by watching Play Safe. [ Viewer Discretion is Advised]

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If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Halloween Inspired Drinks

Halloween Drinks

Halloween Drinks

Who says Halloween is just for kids? With these Halloween inspired drinks, you can brew up some scary fun for all your adult guests.

1. Dry Ice: Buying some food grade dry ice is the perfect way to create spooky, Halloween inspired drinks. Food grade dry ice is available at most grocery stores and can liven up any party. Some words of caution regarding dry ice: Don’t touch it with your bare skin. It’s very cold and can cause frostbite, so always use tongs. Also, remember that dry ice is used only for its visual and cooling effects, and the tablets themselves are not meant to be consumed. If you are making punch, drop a chunk of dry ice at the bottom of the bowl and serve the punch with a ladle, so you don’t serve any of the dry ice. When the effect wears off, simply add more. If you are serving individual drinks with dry ice, drop two or three chips right after you’ve poured the drink, before you serve it to your guests. The dry ice will sink to the bottom of the glass and stay there; preventing the drinker from ingesting it before it dissipates and the steam effect subsides.

2. Candy Vodka – Candy infused vodka is all the rage this year when it comes to Halloween inspired drinks. It’s, easy, fun, and it tastes great. All you need is vodka, mason jars, coffee filters, and some candy. Start by adding one color of candy to each mason jar. To each jar, pour in 8 ounces of vodka. (Candy ideas: candy corn, skittles, pop rocks, candy canes). Place a lid onto each jar, close tightly and shake vigorously for 20 seconds. Let stand for about 3 hours. Now, filter each candy-infused vodka with a coffee filter. Then get a clean coffee filter and repeat.  Store in the refrigerator until ready to use.

3. Glowing Drinks: Another cool Halloween inspired drinks idea is to serve glowing drinks. This idea works well for Halloween, and any other time of year. Sterilize glow sticks and use them as stirrers or get glowing ice cubes (available at most party stores.) Alternatively, tonic water glows under a black light. Use tonic water to mix your cocktails to create this Halloween inspired drink.

4. Pumpkin Martini: Nothing says fall like pumpkin flavored food and drinks, so we just had to include a pumpkin martini on our list of Halloween inspired drinks. The recipe is as follows:


  1. One graham cracker, crushed into fine crumbs
  2. Ice cubes
  3. 1 1/2 ounces rum (3 tablespoons)
  4. 3 tablespoons pumpkin pie filling
  5. 1/2 ounce Sortilege maple liqueur (1 tablespoon)
  6. 1/2 ounce half-and-half (1 tablespoon)


 Place the graham cracker crumbs on a small plate. Wet the rim of a chilled martini glass and dip into the crumbs to coat. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine the rum, pumpkin pie filling, maple liqueur and half-and-half. Shake, then strain into the martini glass.


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